Four Seasons looked at Olaers, the demon god who should have descended into the modern world. The reason why he was so easy to talk to was that he had no malice from the beginning.

"Could it be that you are still planning to forcefully stop the war between the two sides on your own?"

"No way, I can't watch this kind of meaningless war happen, not to mention, I don't think things are that simple..."

Chapter 100 Me Under The World

"I don't think this war is that simple."

In the base camp on the science side, the demigod Olaers was admiring the dynamic and pleasant singing and dancing, while expressing his views to Four Seasons in an affirmative tone.

In the frontal collision between the magic side and the technology side, there is no doubt that the third world war is coming.

The reason why this kind of calm happened at present is that other than the calm time when the storm is approaching, there are some people who stop it.Some people are looking forward to the arrival of the war, so that the original forces can be reshuffled, and they have the possibility of ascending, while some people are worried about preventing this catastrophe.

And the "good guy" Olaers in front of him is obviously the second type.

"Are you worried that this war was deliberately provoked?"

Four Seasons has never doubted that in the upcoming battle, even if he doesn't make a move, with Aleister's preparations for so many years, he will still win in the end. Lyles needs to be treated with caution, so the result will be hard to say.

Olaers showed a look of approval, nodded and said: "Indeed, I know that there must be many people or organizations who want to fish in troubled waters, but this time is different. According to my observation, the existence hidden in the dark may exceed It's beyond imagination!"

The voice of the four seasons was a little more excited or anticipating, and asked: "You mean... the demon god?"

The so-called demon gods do not refer to the gods of the demon world, but refer to magicians whose magic technology has reached the peak and reached the realm of gods. They have completely mastered magic and are the ultimate form of magicians.According to legend, a complete demon god can control all laws and easily destroy and create the world.

Such various performances and operations are so familiar to Four Seasons. If it weren't for the plural number of Demon Gods, Four Seasons would suspect that the so-called Demon Gods are the existences that have mastered the authority of the world.

Olaers shook his head, and said cautiously: "I can't be sure, I can only say that there is such a possibility."

'If it's something out of the ordinary, you, a half-demon god, will come to Academy City for sightseeing? '

It is rare to come across an interesting topic, but the four seasons did not stop, but instead led the topic to such an aspect with great interest: "According to the information I have learned, you are the one who originally ascended the position of Demon God in this era, but in the end The opportunity was taken away by someone. The pure demon god who took away your demon throne in the past came from the Nordic magic association, and the leader is the main god of Norse mythology "Othinus (Odin)".Am I right? "

Hearing Othinus' name, Olaers unexpectedly didn't have much reaction, which made Siji, who originally wanted to watch Guan Gong fight Qiong Yao, a little disappointed, "You don't hate her?"

Olaers said calmly: "There is no need to be surprised, because I am no longer interested in things like 'devil gods'. In fact, in the past, I spent some time with her. It can be said that I am not interested in her." You know a lot about the evil deeds shrouded in mystery in the past, maybe you can be called an "understander"?"

Four Seasons shrugged and said with emotion: "Well, things are always unexpected, but you are really a good person, you have a really good personality."

Hearing the word "good guy" from Siji's mouth again, O'Reals's face seemed to twitch.

At this time, thunderous applause rang out, and many audience members stood up tacitly, waving the cheering sticks in their hands frantically, and shouting "Encore!!"

The concert is over.

Olaers stood up, patted his clothes, "Okay, it's about the same time, I should leave too."

At this moment, what Olaers thought about was where to take refuge next.There was another reason why Olaers came out this time, and that was to escape from the punishment of the housemaid Silvia.

To be honest, it is really easy for a demigod to do this to this extent—of course, according to Jibril, it is "interesting", because the four seasons often play like this.

"Wait, it's rare to meet, why don't we have a fight!"

The words of the four seasons made Olaers stop, "I didn't expect that you are still a fighting mad?"

"Not to mention, usually I'm too lazy to do things here. This time it's just to see Lie Xinxi."

After answering a simple sentence, Shiji projected a parallel space without any nonsense. From the architectural point of view, it was exactly the same as the Academy City in the real world, but the students who were originally youthful and energetic disappeared.

For today's Four Seasons, space is like a piece of plasticine, you can pinch it however you want.

Olaers, who originally wanted to leave, was silent instead, just quietly watching the action of the four seasons, without any intention of stopping it, not to mention, when the four seasons made a move, his attention was caught by the actions of the four seasons absorb--

"The brand-new and unfamiliar spell, and the system that is very different from the current magic, is really an interesting discovery. Since you are looking forward to it so much, let's compare it a little bit."

Siji smiled without saying a word, and raised his hand to signal that Olaers could start.

Olaers stared at the four seasons on the opposite side where the fighting spirit began to emerge, and raised his arm without much persuasion. In fact, his attack did not need to take any action that could be explained or understood. The reason why he raised his hand was It was just to show that he had started to attack, as the two said at the beginning, "just a competition".

The so-called demon god is a magician whose magic technology has reached the peak and reached the realm of gods. So how strong is Olaers who should have become the demon god?Soon, Olaers showed that he was not called "half-demon god" for nothing - because he could wield the power of a demon god with only ordinary magic power.

Aware of some kind of power flowing in Kill Olaers, a flash of clarity flashed in Shiji's eyes, and then he thought about it. The scene in front of him was the same as the definition of Lv6 absolute ability user in Academy City, "with non-existence" The body of God, reaching the realm of God" is too suitable, and the meaning in it is really hard not to make people think-maybe, the shady Aleister is playing a big game.

"You be careful!"

O'Rairs' attack arrives.Under certain circumstances where the mechanism is unknown, rather than launching a powerful attack, it would be better to say that a certain phenomenon simply occurred in the void under his control.

This is Olaers' best and most powerful move. It is called "Nordic Throne". The opponent who is attacked will receive equal damage from the surface to the center of the body.The legendary "Nordic Throne" originally had no attack function, but Orrells used it forcibly, and evolved into an unexplainable power.

Four Seasons didn't support him, his eyes had turned into golden vertical pupils at some point, and the original "unexplainable power" was clearly revealed under these noble golden pupils.Looking at the terrifying power coming from the void like Mount Tai, Siji raised his right hand, turned his palm into a knife, and slashed down without any fumes: "Space interference, the realm of separation and union!"

Space is manipulated, and the world is silently rewritten.

Two very different forces collided, and countless explosions occurred.With the appearance of incandescent light like a supernova explosion, the dull sound of heart arrest resounded, and the space was filled with an indescribable and indescribable terrifying pressure. Peel off, and the darkness that lurks behind emerges.

O'Reilers uttered a tone particle in a little surprise: "Oh?"

Even amidst such an explosion, his voice easily reached Shiji and Jibril's ears.

It's just that Orells didn't move, because the Nordic Throne is not just a one-time turbulent wave, but a raging flood. As the four seasons break the oncoming flood peak, there are continuous "floods" surging.

Seeing this scene, Siji didn't care, "Liangyi, the realm of existence and non-existence!"

Following Yan Ling, the big explosion and space cracks that were enough to shatter this space in front of the four seasons all disappeared without warning. Compared with the dull horror before, it is simply a huge gap.

There was a sparkle in O'Reilers' eyes, "Interesting..."

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