There is no meaning of belittling. The demon gods have become the apex of religion through magic. They are immortal and their years of existence can no longer be studied. One of their thoughts can reshape all phenomena in the world, destroy and reset them, and destroy everything in the world. Change the world settings as you like and create hundreds of billions of different worlds. It can be said that there is almost nothing difficult to get them.

So, when one's wishes have been fully fulfilled, what awaits them?

It is natural to obey one's own will and continue to survive as one pleases.

Looking at the two people who didn't see each other, Siji raised his eyebrows and asked: "Aren't you only able to move around in the hidden world, have you found a way to escape safely?"

Because the power of the demon gods exceeds the limit allowed by the world, the world is too fragile in front of their power, and they will shatter the world like glass if they step out of the hidden world casually, so they can only live in a world called "Hidden World". activities in a special plane.

It is said that Aleister's most stalwart achievement was going to the hidden world, and after being beaten up by the demon god, he returned to reality with a sigh of relief.

The former cheongsam lady explained: "Of course I found a way! According to the technique of the living corpse, divide your power infinitely into existences that the world can barely accommodate, and overlap them infinitely. In this way, you can come from the hidden world to the real world."

Four Seasons said with deep empathy: "You have also worked hard."

In fact, if it weren't for the uniqueness of ouroboros, he would also encounter the same embarrassment when he enters some worlds today - what's more, the four seasons are not alone, and there is the world of Shiyin, It can be said that once the restrictions are released, the world he lives in will explode like a football.

"Ah, let's get acquainted." The beauty with chocolate-colored skin and long silver hair pointed to herself and said, "My name is Nephthys. According to the point of view of this world, I should be a mummy from Egyptian mythology."

The cheongsam lady gestured at her clothes and said, "Dangdangdang, you can tell by looking at my decorations that I am from China's Shijiexian. As for the name, you can call me Niangniang."

"My name is Siji." Siji shrugged, looked at his fellow countryman and said, "Frankly speaking, your cheongsam is worth complaining about."

Obviously it is an old antique from who knows which era, but wearing a short cheongsam that is extremely sexy, plus a weird hat, Siji just wants to complain about the taste of the demon god's clothes - as for Nephthys, it doesn't matter whether he wears clothes or not. It is worth discussing.

The empress's short cheongsam exposed her flat chest and smooth thighs to a dangerous position. Seeing that Siji's eyes fell on her, she stretched out indifferently, or even deliberately showing off her slender figure. A long lazy waist.

Siji looked away, because there was nothing to see, "Okay, let's get down to business, why did you find me?"

"Originally, I just picked the person who best meets our needs." The empress looked at the four seasons seriously, and laughed, "Now it seems that this is fate! Rather than saying that the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and even the entire vast universe In the middle, I happened to meet you, or rather, it was because of the causal connection between the two of us that we met together. I think, do you understand?"

In other words, what the empress wanted in her heart was to find interesting things and people, so under the cause and effect, the two met.

"There are some speculations about this." Siji nodded slightly, and said, "What are your plans for the future?"

The empress replied naturally: "It's hard to get out of the hidden world, so it's natural to have a good time."

Nephthys added: "Hey, Four Seasons, where are you planning to go? What's so interesting, let me tell you about it?"

Hearing this title, the corners of Si Ji's mouth twitched obviously, "Can you change your name? I hear it hurts."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It hurts me to hear this name."

Facing Four Seasons' dissatisfaction, Nephthys nodded obediently and said, "Okay, Four Seasons, it's okay, Four Seasons."

This look of going her own way made Siji confirm that the strangely dressed woman in front of her was a demon god.

Shiji, who was too lazy to talk nonsense, started the car again, but the other two passengers in the car were obviously out of shape, and Kanzaki's body was obviously a little stiff, and it was rare to show a trace of restraint for the Lord Demon God who was so close at hand. As for Index, on the contrary Quickly accepting this fact, a pair of clear emerald eyes are now full of sparkling curiosity.

As a nearly omnipotent demon god, Nephthys or Niangniang is fully capable of blocking Kanzaki and Index's perception of him, but the two seem to have no intention of doing so.

"It's reasonable, you two don't go to Aleister, the guy who wants to kill the demon god, Kamijo Touma who hides a big secret at a glance, or your fellow clan 'Miss Odin', come here What are you doing here?"

"Eh?" Nephthys seemed to have heard something incredible, stretched his body, passed his face through the gap between the front and rear seats, leaned into the ear of the four seasons, and exhaled loudly: "Siji son, you are hiding something hidden in your body. There are no less secrets than them, what made you exclude yourself?"

This posture made Nephthys reveal her curves like a tempting bait, but she herself didn't care. A pair of strange colors flashed in her pupils, just like a lazy Persian cat.

'Are you targeting me? '

Hearing this answer, Siji felt very calm in his heart. He didn't panic about being targeted by the world's top combat power. He only took it for granted that "it really is". After all, with his interference in this world, there is a high probability that he will attract the attention of demon gods. event.

Index looked at Nephthys' beautiful figure that was undoubtedly revealed by the bandages, and pouted like a child, "Oh, shameless woman!"

Even if it is a demon god, if he wants to seduce the four seasons, he will have to scold him.

As the demon god, Nephthys was not angry, but instead stood out his chest like a demonstration, and smiled and taught in a senior tone: "Hee hee, little sister, as a woman, it is very important to have a good figure. If not, it can also be made up for by clothes, even a poor washboard can make up for its shortcomings through cute clothes. Do you understand, the little sister who is full of nun clothes all year round?"

Despite his off-line personality and off-line clothes, this Lord Demon God who has survived for an unknown amount of time seems to have a good understanding of the current society, and his words and sentences are completely up to date with the times. No, it might be better to say that he is at the forefront of fashion.

The lady in the back seat half covered her face with her wide sleeves, and while laughing loudly, she broke the stage without hesitation: "Ah~haha!! Neferti——s! I heard this from you naked bandage man Words are really not convincing!"

Nephthys fought back without hesitation: "You guys who don't wear fat clothes are not convincing."


The exaggerated fact caused the other three people in the car to fall into silence, only Nephthys and the empress were fighting.

It can be seen to some extent that the relationship between these two demon gods should be very good, or is it because of their compatibility?

Shiki looked at Kanzaki who had been quiet from before through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help laughing.At this time, the saint had a rare sluggish look on his face, which seemed a bit unacceptable, and he couldn't break away from the off-line appearance of these two Lord Demon Gods for the time being.

After the two demon gods had an indistinct fight, the empress waved her sleeves and asked, "Where are we going to play next?"

"London Bridge." After Siji said the destination, he asked casually: "Look at the two of you, are you free now?"

"Of course, after finally escaping from the hidden world, it is natural to deal with interesting people." The empress gave an answer similar to that of Nephthys, and then gave the rules on her own: "Okay, one person A question, now it's your turn to answer, what is your purpose for running here?"

Regarding this question, Shiji did not intend to avoid suspicion. In front of Kanzaki, he simply expressed his doubts: "It's nothing, I just feel that there is something strange about the Supreme Bishop of the Church of Necessary Evil in England."

Kanzaki subconsciously clenched his fists when he heard something he was very concerned about.

Not surprisingly, Nephthys asked in a coquettish voice, "Lola from the Church of Necessary Evil? Are you referring to Great Demon Coronzon?"

Kanzaki also ignored the Demon God, and asked, "What do you mean? Great Demon Coronzon?"

"Literally, um, as far as I know, the Supreme Bishop of the Church of Necessary Evil has long been possessed by a demon named Coronzon. By the way, this great demon is another Aleister from the abyss." The ones he summoned are just like the angels he summoned." Niang Niang replied with a smile, not hiding her malice, "We are going to see Aleister's good show."

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