The corners of Aleister's mouth curled up, and he looked mockingly at the crazy lady, and with a twist of his hand, a curved silver staff was held in his hand.Afterwards, a name "Beast666" was read from his mouth - this is a name that dominated and influenced modern magic magicians decades ago.

Maybe it was coming out of a tank full of liquid, or maybe it was facing the enemy that he regarded as an obstacle, Aleister, who was usually moody and angry, had an unexpectedly rich expression and emotion today.

The "treasure" that Niangniang came out of her sleeve was like a strange-looking but ordinary handicraft, and it hit Aleister head-on.Aleister also confronted with the silver staff in his hand without flinching.

The silver staff collided with the immortal's weapon.There was no sound, only a blazing light that couldn't even be compared to the sun's rays.

Almost at the moment when the four seasons replaced the earth, the power enough to shatter everything in the world swept everything in the world.There was a creaking sound in the world, and the planet under his feet was instantly annihilated, and terrible energy swept away in all directions at a speed exceeding light.

"Hey, that's too much."

Standing in the empty space, Siji, who was alone, couldn't help sighing, and at some point in his left hand, there was a sword like a work of art.Aleister and Niangniang separated spontaneously as if they were afraid of the power of the four seasons after the aftermath of the collision of their powers.

To be honest, although there are not a few beings that are enough to destroy planets and even "worlds" in the four seasons, there are really few who will deliberately destroy the earth or the world inhabited by humans. After all, destruction is always easier than construction. If there is no Ordinary human beings playing mud alone in an empty world by themselves?

Because of the aftermath of the collision, all the people present were separated, even Nephthys disappeared.

Shiji looked in a certain direction thoughtfully, "Really, did you think I would help Aleister..."


Siji sensed a familiar aura flying towards him rapidly, stretched out his hand and hooked it, like a ripple in the void, a one-armed man in red-based clothing was "vomited" out.

Looking at the obvious scorched marks and vain aura on the red-haired man's body, Siji joked, "You are really in a mess."

Although the fire on the right used to be in charge of red, right and "fire" among the four attributes, and had the nature of "god-like" Michael, but now he lost his right hand and his strength was greatly reduced, not to mention , There is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with the angels, great demons, demigods, demon gods and other world's top super-standard existences present, the fire on the right has the most strength among all of them. When everyone tacitly restrained their destructive power It's not obvious yet, but under the angry blow of the empress, the gap was created.

To the surprise of the four seasons, the fire on the right, who has always been my only personality, was not angry. He coughed twice while covering his chest, showing a self-deprecating smile: "Ahem, I didn't expect that my uncle would not be able to bear the aftermath even once. .”

The eyes of the four seasons fell on the empty sleeve of Zhihuo on the right, "It's just that you misjudged Aleister's strength. By the way, what is your purpose? You won't be fooled by Laura, right?"

According to the thinking of the four seasons, there should be no need for this master to participate in this matter.At any rate, he is the de facto leader of the Roman Orthodox Church, probably not so easily fooled by the British Puritans... right?

"What kind of gaze do you have? Is this uncle so stupid?" Youfang Zhihuo gave Siji an annoyed look, and replied: "My uncle's purpose is naturally to defeat the demon god with his own strength. With these monsters here, I will How does the uncle make the world peaceful and want everyone to be happy?"

Four Seasons is not surprised by the awareness of Right Fire. Many so-called "villains" have such a dream. Unfortunately, they are too egotistical, and the way and stand to achieve their goals are unacceptable.

"Kill the 'Devil God'...with human hands?" Siji looked at him in surprise, and his expression became serious, "Are you serious?"

"I won't say anything that can't be done. That's why I came here. Don't you understand the current situation well. There are ways to fight against the demon gods. Didn't that fellow Aleister just kill one?" ?”

A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Zhihuo's mouth on the right: "In the hands of my uncle, there is a "fairy" spell developed by Olaers that caused Othinus to malfunction. Further strengthen this spell If the speed at which the flesh of the "Demon God" is peeled off can be overwhelmingly accelerated, then it can be completed as a technique specially designed to destroy them."

By contacting Olaers, an existence outside the specification, Right Flame practiced a lot of magic after losing his "wrist", and "fairy" is one of the gains.Originally, this was supposed to be just a technique prepared to bury Othinus, the "devil god", but now with the joint efforts of Laura and others, it is enough to have an impact on the demon god——Aleister has already proved that the current form of Demons are not invincible.

To eliminate the demon god, Siji felt that he could not do it now, or in other words, after he forcibly killed this form of demon god, the world would basically be over.He didn't have much thought about this, he specialized in surgery, not to mention——

"Can you teach me the "Fairy Transformation" spell?"

Unexpectedly, Youfangzhihuo readily agreed: "Okay!"

Seeming to be stunned by misreading the four seasons, Youfangzhihuo sneered and said: "This is the technique of Olaers, not to mention, are you and the devil all the way? No one wants to have a group of generals on top of their heads." A monster to hold and play with in the palm of your hand."

"...well, good, strong reason."

Shiji's complexion subtly received the "mutated fairy" spell from the fire of the right.

In the distant space, a bright brilliance emerged, like a supernova explosion.

Siji's eyes ignored the distance and saw what was happening: "Aiwass? She was blown up."

The original earth was moved by him to the alien plane, and Academy City naturally also entered it. It depends on how much power Aiwass can exert, relying on the Misaka network and the proliferation of many students' AIM positions. She and Aleister had many backups.

"So, I'm also partially responsible?" Siji said to himself, ignoring the fire on the right side, "That's not right, she's not in this plane at all, and she can't die at all."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that the movement over there disappeared, Siji pondered for a while, then turned to ask the fire on the right beside him: "I'm going to go over and see what happened, what are your plans?"

After all, he has a short mouth for cannibalism and short hands for grabbing people. He just got the "Fairy Transformation" spell that is very useful for him from Youfangzhihuo.

Youfang Zhihuo obviously saw the meaning of the four seasons, and rejected the proposal of the four seasons to send him back to a different space or follow the four seasons, his chin slightly lifted, and he simply replied: "Me? I am going to find O Lyles..."

Siji looked at him twice, nodded and said: "This is your freedom, don't hang up."

"Hey, my uncle hasn't fulfilled his wish yet, how could he just die like this!"

Leaving those words behind, the fire on the right found a direction and flew over.

Siji looked at the back of Zhihuo on the right, shrugged his shoulders, and did not remind him of the wrong direction.With the current strength of Right Flame, rashly intervening in the battle between Olaers and Othinus, if you are not careful, you will be annihilated into ashes by the aftermath of the two battles.

——The so-called power of the demon god is so unreasonable.

"Forget it, when the matter is over and the earth is replaced, this guy from the right side will know that he is coming back."

Fortunately, the eyes of the four seasons will soon protect the earth, otherwise the fire of the right side can only be alone in this vast universe for a lifetime.

After Siji withdrew his thoughts, he took a step, and the figure came to a space.Judging from the disintegrating planetary debris in the distance, this place should have been near Saturn's orbit.

"I'm afraid the entire solar system is doomed."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Siji understood why Aleister was obsessed with getting rid of demon gods like Nephthys and Niangniang. Even the demon gods wondered whether they would play the world Bad is worried and wants to find a "benchmark".

"Sure enough, you arrived the fastest, but it's a pity that you didn't go to Aleister."

The one who spoke was the angel Aiwass exuding a platinum-gold glow in front of the four seasons, but it was obvious that she had a strangely shaped weapon that could barely be called a sword sticking upright on her chest, and on the opposite side of her was a loose weapon. Laura with long hair, but the archbishop who used to be approachable and cute in the past has a strange blush on his face, and the beautiful long hair like flowing gold is flying like life in the gravity-free space. People exude a coquettish beauty.

For the appearance of the four seasons, Laura did not have much reaction. According to her information, the four seasons and Aleister are not in the same group, so her thoughts are all on Ahuasz, the holy guardian angel. For a long time, she She had been looking forward to this kind of pleasure, karma, retribution, etc. were all irrelevant, and what she thought was to gracefully inflict cruelty on Aleister and Aiwass.

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