And Aoi Tohsaka turned her gloomy eyes to the side as if she was trying to avoid something.

A bad premonition emerged in his heart, and Kariya tried his best to think in a good direction.

"What the hell is going on...?"

"Sakura, she is no longer my daughter, nor Rin's younger sister..."

With a gloomy expression on her face, Aoi Tohsaka's voice became a little hoarse.

"That kid, went to Matou's house."

Hearing the two familiar words "Matou", Kariya Matou felt a chill coming from behind his back, as if his heart was being grabbed by an invisible hand, and even his breathing became short of breath.

"How is it possible...what the hell is going on, Aoi!"

"Is there even a need to ask? Especially for Kariya-kun."

Rin's mother, Aoi Tohsaka, with knowing eyes and a cold voice suppressing her emotions, just spoke calmly, keeping her eyes on the scenery on one side, never looking at Kariya's face from the beginning to the end.

"Matou is eager to have a child who inherits the blood of a magician. You should be the most clear about the reason for it?"

"Why, would you... promise?"

"Accept the long-standing request of the ally Matou family group. That is a matter decided by the head of the Tohsaka family. I have no room to express my opinions..."

Chapter 13 Fate Trajectory ([-]rd update!)

For that reason, mother and child, sister and sister were forced to separate.

Of course it is unacceptable emotionally, but Aoi Tohsaka and the young Rin also understand that this is a fact that has to be accepted.

Born as a magician, this is the whole reason, Kariya clearly guides the cruelty of this fate.

"...Even so, it doesn't matter?"

To Kariya's never-before-seen question, Tohsaka Aoi just replied with a powerless wry smile.

"Since the day I decided to marry the Tohsaka family, since the day I decided to marry a magician, I have figured it out. As a family who inherited the blood of the magician, it is wrong to pursue the happiness of an ordinary family."


Then facing Kariya who seemed to have something to say, the magician's wife showed a gentle but firm expression of rejection.

"This is a matter between Tohsaka and Matou, and has nothing to do with you who have left the magic world."

Kariya remained motionless, feeling like he had turned into a potted plant in the park.

One is that the heart becomes cold and the feeling of powerlessness and isolation spreads all over the body.

Ever since she was a girl, she has been a wife and mother of two children. Aoi Tohsaka's attitude towards Kariya has never changed.

The childhood sweetheart who was three years older, treated Kariya gently like a real sister, put herself in his shoes, and treated him kindly without any worries.

This is the first time that they have clearly drawn a line with him from the very beginning.

"If you meet Sakura, please treat her well."

Where Tohsaka Aoi looked, Rinzai was very cheerful and full of energy, chasing and fighting with the other children wholeheartedly, as if he wanted to use this to drive away the sadness.

As if saying that Rin who was playing was the answer, and as if Kariya was speechless beside the speechless refusal, Tohsaka Aoi kept her mother's kind expression on the rest day, and only turned her side to Kariya.

Even so, it did not escape Kariya's eyes——

That strong, calm, Aoi Tohsaka who is sure of fate.

Even so, she couldn't completely hide the tears that continued in the corners of her eyes...

"...Even so, it doesn't matter?"

Looking at Aoi Tohsaka who lowered his head, Kariya questioned without hesitation, this was the first time he had uttered such harsh words in several years.

Inconspicuous, not in the way of anyone... I have been living with this policy of life.

Both anger and hatred were left by Matou Kariya in this quiet town deep in the mountains.

For Kariya who abandoned his hometown, there is nothing worth caring about or sticking to, no matter how despicable or ugly, it is simply incomparable with everything he hates in this land.

Eight years ago, the same questioning as today happened.

At that time Kariya was also questioning the same woman with the same voice and the same momentum, the night before this older childhood sweetheart was about to marry into Tohsaka's house.

At that time, he chose to escape and failed to do anything.

However, Kariya absolutely can't forgive the self who committed the same mistake twice, in order to punish such a self, so he returned to this farewell place.

There must be a way to make up for it, so that this time, he can make the right choice and save everything he can.


Under the afterglow of the setting sun, he stopped in front of the towering Western-style mansion.

Looking at the scenery of his hometown that he thought would never come into view again, Kariya Matou quickened his pace.

After ten years, Matou Kariya came to the door of the house again.

Countless times, I want to go back to Dongmu Town, but I have never crossed the river and stepped into this small town in the deep mountains.

Thinking about it is the reason why we have been away for ten years.

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