Kirei's angry voice was basically made unconsciously.

"As a servant of God, I want to pursue "pleasure"? How could I do such depraved things!?"


Looking at Kotomine Kirei with a serious expression in front of him, Archer felt more and more interesting, and then he smiled maliciously.

"This is a jumping thinking, Kirei, why do you associate pleasure with sin?"

"This is because……"

Kirei didn't know how to answer, and Kirei didn't know why he fell into such an embarrassing situation that he had never before.

Looking at Kirei who remained silent, Archer said with the most standard happy expression.

"It is indeed wrong to obtain pleasure through crime, but human beings can also obtain pleasure through good deeds. You say that pleasure itself is a sin. What is the reason for this?"

"... Pleasure or something doesn't exist in my heart, so I don't want to pursue it."

Kirei was finally able to speak, but his answering voice was not like his usual speech, but rather weak.

Archer's red eyes stared at him as if savoring Kirei carefully, and then the corners of his mouth curved up.

"Kotomine Kirei... I suddenly became interested in you."


Kotomine Kirei arrived in shock.

"What do you mean……?"

"literal meaning."

Archer poured red wine into the glass again, leaned back on the sofa again, and said loudly.

"Pleasure is fundamentally a part of the soul. There is no difference between "has" or "hasn't", only the difference between "aware" or "unaware". Kirei, you just haven't discovered it yet. It's just something deep in your soul, and realize that "pleasure" is what it is first and foremost."

"Is the Servant meddling? Educate me?"

"This is not an ordinary education, but the experience of a "King" who has enjoyed the luxury and happiness of the whole world. Listen to me honestly."

Although Kirei said no, but actually he was carefully chewing every word Archer said in his heart.

The haughty words spoken by the Servant at this hour touched Kirei's nerves for some reason.

"In short, Kirei, you should first have an understanding of entertainment."


"That's right, your vision is too narrow, you need to broaden your horizons... By the way, let me let you experience my entertainment first, how about it?"

"...For me now, there is no time for fun at all."

I am different from you!

Kirei thought so in his heart.

"Hey~ Don't say that~ As long as you finish the mission of the time, you will have a lot of time, Kirei, your mission is to send spies to monitor the other five Masters, right?"

"...It's true."

"Then you should not only understand their intentions and strategies, but also investigate their purpose of obtaining the Holy Grail? Then tell me about it. It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Indeed, this is really not a difficult task.

"But why do you want to know these things, Archer."

"Did I say that? I am very interested in human actions, and among the five people competing for the Holy Grail, there must be one or two interesting guys? For example, when the confrontation on Warehouse Street, that Master of Lancer..."

At this point, Gilgamesh's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Kirei tried his best to calmly think about it carefully, for him he didn't pay attention to other Masters except Emiya Kiritsugu, and he didn't have any obligation to agree to Archer's request.

However, for the Servant who can't completely control this time, if he can have some influence on him, it may bring some positive influence to the time camp in the future.

"...Well then, Archer, I promise you, but it will take some time."

"No problem, I will wait patiently for your good news."

After drinking the wine in the glass again, Archer stood up from the sofa, the man's movement not only made the air shake, even the lights in the room began to change with him.

This heroic spirit who controls everything in the world seems to emit an invisible radiance all over his body.

"Ah~ By the way, I will come to taste your wine in the future. Your collection is even comparable to the wine in the sky. It's just a pity to put them in the warehouse to accumulate dust."

Kirei remained expressionless, neither agreeing nor objecting, but Archer, seeing his attitude, took it as his acquiescence, and walked out with a satisfied smile.

The moment Archer went out, the luxurious atmosphere in Kirei's room instantly disappeared, replaced by that ordinary atmosphere.

It was as if the control of this room had returned to him all of a sudden.

It was the first time today that I had such a positive conversation with Archer.

Thinking about it carefully, the masters or heroic spirits who participated in the Holy Grail War this time all did their best to achieve their wishes by winning the Holy Grail.

But the bohemian hero king doesn't seem to have the slightest interest in it, which is really strange.

But in a sense, Kirei himself is probably the only Master who doesn't know the reason for participating in the Holy Grail War.

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