If you walk in directly from the main entrance, there will probably be traps that have already been set up inside. Although Tosaka Tokiomi is very confident in his magic, but when he meets Emiya Kiritsugu who uses modern weapons, he still chooses to be more cautious.

Though confident, he was not reckless.

A thick night fog hung over the icy air.

Accompanied by a red gemstone shot out quickly, a red light streaked across like a line and hit the wall of the castle.

Boom————! ! !

Looking at the big hole that was blasted like tofu under his own magic, Tohsaka Tokiomi raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and then walked in.

The magnificent decoration and the orange lights dispelled the darkness in an instant, Tokiomi who was walking in the darkness before was dazzled by the light for an instant.

He glanced around in the hall on this floor, and finally frowned.

"Where are people...?"

It caused such a big commotion, but no one showed up.

This involuntarily made Tohsaka Tokiomi a little suspicious.

"Could it be that... Emiya Kiritsugu ran away?"

No, it's impossible, Emiya Kiritsugu, who is a magician killer, can't escape, once he escapes, he will be directly exposed to Assassin's surveillance.

With this thought in mind, Tokiomi started to step up the stairs and walked towards the upper floor.


A black commercial vehicle was speeding on the road, overtaking other vehicles, drifting through curves, and running through red lights...

However, it was not Xia Qing who was driving this car, but Platinum Star.

At this moment, he was sitting in the passenger seat, concentrating on reading the books related to magic in his hand, and glancing at the road ahead from time to time.

With the magic circuit and magic power that Xia Qing now possesses, it is not difficult at all to use magic.

However, there is a very important question...

Xia Qing didn't know what his attributes were.

It was only because of the gift from the system that he suddenly possessed a magic circuit and the magic power of a first-class magician. Now his magic power can be said to be the best among the existing Masters participating in the Holy Grail War.

Because the last best one has been beaten by the Platinum Star and stopped thinking.

"System, do you know what my magic attribute is?"

In desperation, Xia Qing had no choice but to ask the system.

[Because initially considering that the host does not have the most basic combat ability, what you get is full-attribute magic power. ]

Xia Qing's breathing became a little short.

"In other words, like Rin Tosaka, I am now a "five elemental envoy" (**erage One) who is adaptable to all five elements?"

[Yes. ]

"Ah ~ cool!"

After Xia Qing heard the good news, he immediately started practicing magic.

Xia Qing let out a low snort as he began to generate fire attributes along the magic circuit.

"fire!" (fire)

A red flame immediately burst out from the palm, obviously dancing on the palm, but Xia Qing only felt the slightly hot temperature, neither scalding nor burning him.


Looking at the fluttering flames in his palm, Xia Qing couldn't help admiring.

"But... the way I use magic seems to be different from that of a magician..."

He didn't even chant, but after calling out the word "fire", he felt a trace of magic power being mobilized, and then it was generated from the palm of his hand according to his imagination.

"Is it because of the system bonus...?"

The system did not answer Xia Qing's question, appearing very cold.

"Does that mean... I can also use magic of other attributes directly in this way..."

As soon as this idea came up, Xia Qing couldn't wait to try it.

"water!" (water)

After Xia Qing let out a low drink, the air fell into silence, and only the sound of Platinum Star shifting gears and stepping on the gas pedal more and more proficiently could be heard.

Xia Qing couldn't help but frown as he didn't feel the magic power being guided out.

"Why can't I use...?"

He picked up a book with water attribute magic records, opened it and read it carefully, and through the construction in his brain, he quickly remembered one of the magic tricks in his mind.

"Water...is a liquid made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen."

Whispering like this, Xia Qing imagined the composition of the magic power of the water attribute, and then said in a low voice.

"water!" (water)

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