Even though Platinum Star could block it, Xia Qing could still feel his heart beating faster, and his blood began to flow faster at this moment. Platinum Star's hand started to move, moving towards the bullet.

Suddenly, the brightness of the world in front of Xia Qing's eyes became more than three times higher than usual, and he felt the pleasure of speeding up along with himself in an instant.

It was a pleasure that made the blood in the whole body start to boil, and the brain was clear at this moment. At the same time, although the speed of the Platinum Star did not increase, the rotational speed of the bullet did change at a speed visible to the naked eye. slow.

"Platinum Star! Grab it!"

During the deceleration time, Platinum Star's arm made a sound like a mechanical operation, and then directly grabbed the "origin bomb" that could bring damage to Xia Qing.

The "Origin Bullet", which had never failed before, was actually resisted when he superimposed the "Inherent Time Control". Seeing this scene, Emiya Kiritsugu was really stunned this time.

"No, it's impossible, it can actually affect the flow of time, and there is no fluctuation of magic power... You are not a magician at all!"

Emiya Kiritsugu shouted in shock.

"You guy... who is it!?"

In this regard.

Xia Qing's mouth curled into an interested smile, and he replied calmly.

"It's just a passing card to play, ah no, it's just a stand-in messenger."


Meanwhile on the other side.

Tohsaka Tokiomi descended autonomously with the help of gravity operation and airflow control, and landed from the top floor of the castle to the platform on the next floor.

That is not difficult for a skilled magician, or rather, the level of proficiency is divided by the beauty of gestures.

Maintaining a completely vertical straight track, it landed as light as a feather.

Neither the clothes nor the hairstyle were messed up in the slightest. If an ordinary magician saw Tokiomi's exemplary pretense, he would definitely be amazed from the bottom of his heart.

However, Matou Kariya has turned into a different kind, and he has no reverence and longing for magic at all in his heart.

Awe turns into hatred, envy turns into anger.

To the extremely ugly Kariya whose body was distorted, Tokiomi's elegance and magnificence should be cursed.

"You guys are like this all the time."

His speech, his manner, that noble temperament.

Since the day he appeared in front of Aoi Kariya, this man has been "perfect", that kind of elegance and calmness has always made Kariya feel a sense of "gap".

However, this is only for tonight.

The elegance that this man values ​​most is nothing on the battlefield of fighting each other. The family motto that makes the Tohsaka family proud must be trampled and smashed here!

Kariya mercilessly poured all his magic power into Berserker, who had already started to fight. The severe pain caused by the engraving worm in his body was like being scraped by a knife blade, piercing into the bone marrow, and he almost fainted.

However, he couldn't feel the pain at all, only the joy from the heart produced by the extreme pain.

This is the path chosen by himself, even if it is wrong, Kariya will not regret it.

The sharp look in Tosaka Tokiomi's narrowed eyes showed the calmness before the battle, and he provoked Kariya.

"Giving up the magic way, but still infatuated with the Holy Grail, and coming back like this... Your ugliness alone is enough to bring shame to the entire Matou family."

Kariya replied with a mocking tone, and the sound coming from his mouth sounded like an insect chirping even if he himself.

"The Matou family? That kind of thing has long since vanished into thin air! Tokiomi Tohsaka, I just want to ask you... why did you entrust Sakura to Zouken?"


Hearing the unexpected question, Tokiomi frowned.

"Is this something you should be concerned about now?"

"Answer me, Tokiomi!"

Tokiomi sighed, Clock maintained an elegant posture and said calmly to Kariya.

"It should be clear without asking. I just hope that my beloved daughter can have a happy future."

"What... what!? Say it again?!"

Chapter 56 Don't Lose the Chain Tokiomi Tosaka ([-]rd update)

After receiving an incomprehensible answer, a temporary blank appeared in Kariya's mind.

When Kariya was stunned, Tokiomi said in a flat tone.

"Magicians who get twins will have troubles, that is, the secret technique can only be passed on to one person. At this time, no matter what, one child will always be reduced to a mediocre dilemma."


This word kept echoing in Kariya's blank mind.

The scene of Rin and Sakura playing together, and the scene of Aoi crying silently, came to mind one by one at this moment.

The look of the mother and daughter from a long time ago, did this man give up with just one mediocrity?

"My wife, in particular, is excellent as a mother. Both Rin and Sakura were born with the same rare talents. The two daughters must have the protection of a famous demon family."

"So, for the future of one of them, the potential of the other is taken away. As a father, no one would want such a tragedy to happen."

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