"There is no strength at all. If she can knock me down with one punch, maybe it will make my heart move."

"It's really not interesting... Burt, you will die alone forever like this."

"In that case, it's not bad to be a lone wolf."

"That's not a lone wolf, do you think it's handsome? No, you can't resist the attraction of the opposite sex! You're a male, Bert."


Facing this living treasure lord, the werewolf's prickly attitude was useless.

"Bastard... Hey, stop talking about this, how long do you want to hang out in the same place, don't you have something to check?"

Bert questioned Loki with sharp teeth threateningly.

He was entrusted by Loki at the headquarters, and had no choice but to accompany the Lord God in the investigation. However, since she came to East Avenue, she has only been walking around here and there.

Loki just looked at the back alleys and sparsely populated places, and occasionally asked the shopkeepers or the residents of the avenue, which made Burt very impatient, and vigorously flicked his gray fur tail.


Loki, who was carrying a cloth bag in his hand, responded slowly and glanced around.

"Actually, I've been looking around myself since yesterday... Now I'm doing a final check to see if there's anything I missed."

Including today, two days after the end of the monster festival, Loki investigated East Avenue alone.

After a secret conversation with [Beauty God Freya], Loki deduced that there was a third party besides her, and maybe released the piranha monster for some purpose.

Aisi and the others were affected, and Refia was seriously injured. Even if it was to settle accounts with the other party, these reasons alone were enough for Loki to take action.

She limited the scope of the investigation to East Street, but so far she hasn't gotten any strong clues.

On the street where the piranha monster broke through the ground, the big hole has been filled and the surface has returned to calm.

"In other words, do you want to investigate the monster that Tione and the others dealt with? It's troublesome enough...doesn't the guild or Ganesha have any information?"

"I wanted to inquire, but they were busy cleaning up the mess for the celebration and dealing with residents' complaints and protests, so they didn't have a chance for me to ask questions."

While talking to Bert, Loki looked up at the huge amphitheater claiming its existence in the corner of his field of vision.

The area of ​​East Avenue is located in the east area of ​​the city. Including the amphitheatre, the facilities managed by the guild are concentrated in this area.

Almost all festivals hosted by the city are held in this place.

Subsequently, many hotels were opened to provide accommodation for tourists who came to visit the festival from outside the city.

Deviated from the main street, the two walked into complex alleys that were different from other areas where high-rise buildings and hotels with more than three floors stood out.

As he walked forward, the luxury hotel with red brick buildings gradually turned into a cheap wooden hotel, and soon after, Loki stopped in his tracks.

In front of the narrow alley is a small space surrounded by buildings.

Dirty equipment is piled up in a mess in the corner of the space, and there is a stone-built detached hut built there.

"We've surveyed almost everything on the street... and this is the only thing left."

After speaking, Loki stretched out his hand to pull the heavy wooden door.

She thought it must be locked, but she didn't expect that there would be no resistance when she pulled it. She just pulled the rusty iron door knocker, and the door was slowly opened with a low friction sound.

The hut was empty except for a spiral staircase leading down to the floor.

She stepped on it without hesitation, made a "click" sound, and stepped down the stairs.

After walking a few times along the spiral, Loki and Bert came to the dark underground sewer.

Seeing that things were getting more and more troublesome, Burt muttered wearily.

"Should have given Raul or someone else this kind of errand..."

"Although Raul has done many things, he is not a tool man. Don't leave everything to him, Bert."

"Oh, you asked him to clean the restaurant yesterday."

The small magic stone lamp whose lifespan is nearing the end, the sound of water flowing in the ear, and the sewer where the endless darkness spreads.

"Okay, okay, I will reward you later, no matter which girl I will introduce to you."

"No need, just give me a drink."

"Did you guess it in advance... It's really good, Burt."


Unexpectedly, Burt, who guessed it right, curled his lips.

Loki took out a portable magic stone lamp from the cloth bag he was carrying and lit it.Lighting fixtures somewhat resembling kerosene lanterns immediately illuminate the surrounding dark space.

"Diona and Dione helped me investigate on the day of the celebration, but it's still best to be careful. They were just chasing the traces of those monsters, and there might be something they missed."

"Let those two brainless Amazons look it up, there are definitely too many things missing."

After advancing through the narrow passage for a while, the two came to the wide main waterway with gurgling water.

This is a tubular tunnel made of stone with a diameter of about six meters.

There is water running through the center, and there are footsteps and passages on both sides of the tunnel for people to move forward.

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