Just one blow put Hisu Maiya into a state where she couldn't fight.


Irisviel, who saw this scene, anxiously released her concealment and rushed out. Irisviel, who had no fighting means other than magic, floated out of the bushes, and confronted Kotomine Kirei face to face. ,

"Ma'am, no!!"

Maiya's previously gritted teeth expression was unexpectedly frightened and embarrassed at this moment.

Seeing all this, Kirei didn't show much expression, he just clenched his fists in order to quickly deal a fatal blow to Maiya who fell to the ground, and at this moment, he saw a scene that almost made him doubt his own eyes.

A blue shadow came dodging at a speed that he couldn't react to at all, Kirei subconsciously wanted to cross his hands to resist, but even so, after being kicked by Lancer, the force produced was completely beyond what humans could resist .



The violent impact caused all of Kirei's parries to disperse in an instant, and then he flew upside down!

After the weak body flew upside down, it hit the ground heavily, and the clean monk's robe was stained with dirty mud. After hitting the ground and bouncing off, it rolled several meters backward one after another.

At this moment, Kotomine Kirei had several ribs broken under the blow of Cu Chulainn who was a heroic spirit, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding uncontrollably.

"Cough...cough...Lancer? How did you come here..."

Hadn't Assassin noticed him?

Cu Chulainn held the scarlet spear in both hands at this moment, and smiled confidently.

"My lord has long known that you would be here, so he asked me to rush here, how about it? Kotomine Kirei, do you still want to continue?"

Cu Chulainn's question made Kotomine Kirei frowned, and the severe pain from his body made him grin a little at this moment.

But Kirei was someone who had fought to the death with countless magicians in the past, he just "hummed" softly, and stood up forcefully.

Cu Chulainn, who saw this scene, gave him a somewhat appreciative glance.

"You can still stand up after enduring a knight kick from me, you are very good!"

At this time, Irisviel also used her own secret technique to make the silver thread seem to come alive.

"shapeistLeben!" (O wreck, give life to you)

Through the chant of two bars, weaving magic in one breath, and the manipulation of metal forms is Irisviel's true skill.

The silver threads are interlaced and drawn, forming complex outlines, interlaced and combined with each other. The complex three-dimensional objects that appear like rattan handicrafts have ferocious wings, beaks, and sharp claws. They are based on giant eagles. Exquisite silver filigree crafts.

jo———! ! !

The silver eagle that neighed so loudly flew up from Irisviel's hands.

Chapter 61 Saber's Frustration (Fourth Change)

The "weapon" endowed with life by Irisviel flew like a bullet, directly bound Kirei's hands in a parrying posture, and then surrounded him along with his waist, and moved towards the big one closest to him. The tree dragged past.

The silver thread tightly wrapped around the tree trunk, dragging Kirei continuously, and finally tied his wrists tightly to the tree trunk.

It was a mature tree over thirty centimeters in thickness, and even if Kirei wanted to break free, he would have to break it or uproot it.

"Miss Maiya!"

Irisviel cast a grateful look at Cu Chulainn, who nodded quickly.

Afterwards, Irisviel hurried forward to help Hisu Maiya who had fallen on the ground, and now Maiya was already having trouble walking normally.

The bones of one arm and two legs have been broken, and only the left arm is still able to move normally.

"I'll treat you right away."

As Irisviel said that, she prepared to use healing magic.

"No, ma'am, stop!"

Maiya hastily used her remaining left hand to stop Irisviel from using magic.

"You have to get out of here quickly!"

"But... if I leave, you will..."

Irisviel didn't listen to her at all, and started chanting healing magic.

But at this moment, the voice from the tree trunk distracted them.

Boom————! !

It was obvious that Yanmine Kirei's hands were completely bound to the tree trunk, but at this moment there was a loud noise from the position of the tree trunk where his hands were pressing.

Although Irisviel didn't know it, the strength of a boxer's fist wasn't just generated by swinging his wrist.

By multiplying the power of the feet on the ground, the rotation of the waist, and the twisting of the shoulders, the sum of the instantaneous explosive power of the whole body is definitely concentrated on the fist.

For those who are proficient in this principle, the effects finally exerted by the movement of the arms are only a drop in the bucket compared with the power emitted by the whole body.

If necessary, it is not impossible to put the fist close to the target, and only rely on the "jin" of the parts other than the arm to exert sufficient striking force.

This is the stunt commonly known as "inch strength".

"Isn't this too ridiculous...?"

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