Recommend a super super super super super super super good-looking book "From Time Traveling"! ! !

Introduction: So embarrassing.Clutching his aching chest, Toshinori Yagi, who was hiding behind the crowd, lowered his head slightly.

Right in front of him, the originally bustling commercial street was engulfed in flames, and most of the commercial street was also covered in green slime, and a student was kidnapped.And the culprit who caused all this is an 'enemy'.The enemy who was originally arrested by him caused such a loss under his negligence.

From a certain point of view, this is also half his responsibility - no!The blame rests entirely on him.


"Are you confessing?"

Chapter 63 The Pot Comes From Heaven (Second Update)

"You...don't say that!"

Saber anxiously replied that she still had something to tell him before he disappeared.

Not "almost like", but "exactly".

She wanted to say, you are a loyal knight, but at this moment, she couldn't say it out.

"Lancelot, actually you...!"

You are not a sinner.

But even if he said this, what would it mean to him?

Even if someone denies his guilt, the person who is most entangled in this guilt is not others, but himself.

Why hadn't he been aware of his lonely thoughts at the time, why hadn't he been able to liberate the knight's noble soul from the almost crazy self-blame.

"The king doesn't understand people's hearts." This is what I heard when I left the round table, who said it.

With the last rays of light turning into particles, the knight disappeared.

Saber looked at the empty arms, buried her face in her arms, and sobbed silently.

She, who is in grief, does not know that the danger lurking in the darkness is constantly approaching.

The strong emotional loss has disturbed her judgment, and the glowing holy sword was inserted into the soil, and was infected with light.

A dark figure with concealed breath is gradually approaching her. It is Assassin, one of the female bodies. She is holding a sharp dagger that reflects the moonlight in the night. The blue single ponytail is swaying in the wind. Scattered between them, the cold light streaked across the trajectory along with the stabs!


A shining red gemstone flashed for a moment, coming out of the darkness of the forest!

The turbulent magic power began to explode on Assassin's body as the gem shattered, and fiery red flames blazed around the body of the assassin, and Saber, whose shoulders were trembling in front of him, could feel the scorching heat.

She raised her cheeks wet with tears and looked at the burning Assassin, with a dazed expression, she couldn't understand the current situation.

The platinum star transformed into spirit gradually returned under Xia Qing's idea after the gem throwing was over.

Xia Qing said as he walked slowly towards the girl kneeling on the ground.

"Yeah, ah, ahem..."

Xia Qing, whose language was a bit JO, coughed quickly, sorted out his language and continued.

"Why is the majestic king of knights not even aware of an Assassin's sneak attack...?"

Saber, whose shoulders were trembling slightly, hastily raised her hands to cover her eyes and face, and she let out a suppressed voice through her sobbing throat.

"You... did you see...?"

"Ah? What did you say?"

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows.

"I, the way I saw it...!"

The flushed eye sockets turned towards Xia Qing at this moment, and Qiong's nose was also slightly flushed. Saber, who was frowning tightly, put down her right hand covering her eyes, and went to hold the holy sword with dim light.

After she held the hilt, the golden light on the sword bloomed again.

Xia Qing took a deep breath.

She's not going to put curry sticks on me, is she...?

As soon as this prediction popped up in his mind, and seeing how Saber raised the holy sword at the moment, Xia Qing immediately spoke.

"You should have more important things to do, right? Isn't it good to waste time on dealing with me now?"


Saber, whose emotions were suddenly stopped by these words, immediately recalled that Irisviel might still be in crisis.

Looking at Xia Qing with her hands in her pockets, she said calmly.

"Master of Lancer, thank you for helping me resist Assassin's sneak attack just now, even if I am in that situation, I may die... I will pretend that I have not met you this time, next time I meet, I will not Show mercy no more."

After saying these words, Saber's figure rushed towards the direction of the castle.

Looking at the petite figure covered in blue and white armor that was gradually leaving, Xia Qing pulled out his hands from his pockets, and in his sweaty hands were two gemstones, one blue and one red.

"On this kind of thing, even Saber's armor can't leave traces."

However, if it is only used to block her gaze for a moment, it is not difficult.

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