The man in the robe with a different color from the others gave an order, and all the robed men in the big hole echoed it.

They raised their weapons high and rushed towards Ya Sifei and the others.

"Hey, they seem to be murderous!"

Seeing the enemy's murderous intent, Luluni yelled.

The mysterious group stared at the [Hermes Familia] in front of the entrance of the large hole, regarded them as enemies, and rushed over with great fighting spirit.

"Let's fight, we also have to ask what they are doing here..."

Asfi felt the strange atmosphere of the enemy, and her eyes scanned the surrounding area.

In addition to the passage that Ya Sifei and others invaded, there are several passages in the big void.

And near these entrances and exits, several large black cages were placed, inside which were coiled piranha monsters.

Not only that, monsters are still being born intermittently in the fleshy wall of the big hollow.

The buds hanging on the wall are ready to bloom with colorful flowers at any time, and then slide down directly, and the piranha just a few seconds after birth is lying on the ground like this.

It seems that this food depot swallowed by giant flowers has the same function as the dungeon, which has the function of giving birth to specific monsters.

Could this maze of green walls formed by giant flowers be made by human hands?

And whether the new monster, piranha, was born in this situation?

Observation brought speculation, which made Asfi feel almost trembling, and at the same time had a bad premonition.

Asfi looked around at the unrecognizable grain depot and thought to herself.

'What is this great void?And where are they going to transport the black cages containing those piranhas? '

These have to be asked clearly.

"Kill them!!"

"Everyone, come on!"

The two camps issued their own orders, and the [Hermes Familia] and the Robe Group officially went to war.

In an instant, the swords collided, and there was a sound of metal and iron clashing, and a fierce struggle between the human races broke out.

The number of enemy legions that hide their true colors with long robes and hoods that cover their heads and mouths is more than double that of the 【Hermes Familia】.

Chapter 93 Disaster (2/4)

In the face of the enemy's vanguard who roared furiously and attacked overwhelmingly, the demi-human central defender led by Luluni stood at the forefront and engaged in a fierce confrontation with the enemy.

The knives he swung were all knocked down by the tiger man with his large shield, and then the elves jumped out from behind him and slashed at the men in robes.

As soon as the enemy's defenders shot an arrow, their own side immediately used the magic of short text chant to fight back.

[Hermes Families] make up for each other's deficiencies through joint actions, and more importantly, they have excellent potential abilities to overwhelm a large number of opponents to death.

Although the enemy has the skills of a high-level adventurer, they still cannot bully the few with more.

Ya Sifei and the others deflected and deflected every deadly attack, as if they didn't take it seriously, but pushed the enemy's army back.

"Ah ah!!"


Luni slashed her opponent's limbs with a dagger, and added another knee to the abdomen.

The robed man who looked like a human groaned and couldn't get up again.

"Okay, which [familia] are you from?"

Luni grabbed the skirt of the robe with one hand and pressed the other party.

The man's bleeding hands were limp and drooping, and his eyes under the forehead were crooked.

The others were still fighting, and the man kept his mouth tightly shut by the cloth.

"Hey, it's useless if you don't speak anymore."

Seeing that the other party refused to say anything, Lu Luni made a vicious expression and took out a small bottle from her bosom.

There are crystals floating in the bright red liquid with a sense of transparency -- it is the "unlocking potion".

This drug can forcibly undo the favor of the gods engraved on the back, and expose the party's affiliation and real name.

The man's eyes trembled when he saw the vial held between his index finger and middle finger before his eyes.

Soon, the man's gaze seemed to be awakened, and suddenly drifted into the distance.

"God, I obey the covenant and dedicate to you..."

A muffled sound came out from the mouth covered by the scarf.

Then, it's too late to say it.

As if he had made up his mind, the man's eyes were open, and he stretched out his hand to his waist - the reaction force exposed the contents of the robe.

Wrapping around his upper body is a bright ruby ​​that looks like it has been sealed in flames.

The scene that crashed into her vision made Luluni stop breathing.

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