"Thank you!"

Xia Qing replied with a smile.

"you are welcome."

After that, Xia Qing took Raphtalia who was eating while walking, and found a hotel by the way.

"Are you going to spend the night here today?"


On the one hand, I don't want to stay up late to deal with Raphtalia's night cry, and on the other hand, it takes a lot of time to fight wits and courage with monsters in the wild.

Xia Qing walked into the hotel. When the boss saw the shield on his arm, his face showed obvious disgust for an instant, and then immediately switched to a business smile to entertain the two.

"My traveling companion may cry in the middle of the night, can we stay overnight?"

Xia Qing flicked a silver coin, and stretched out his hand calmly to crush the iron sculpture on the counter in front of the boss.

"No problem? I'll try to keep her as quiet as possible."

"Uh... well..."

After paying the money, Xia Qing, who rented a room, unloaded all the luggage.

Raphtalia, who was standing in front of the window, saw two human children downstairs playing with a ball, her eyes lit up with envy.

"You want to play that?"

The girl nodded quickly, and looked at Xia Qing with expectant eyes.


Got a brutal answer.


Raphtalia's expression changed from anticipation to bewilderment, and finally only disappointment remained.

"What's so interesting about that kind of thing, let's play with this."

Xia Qing took out a piece of paper, folded it into a windmill shape, and connected it with a wooden stick.

"this is……"

Raphtalia, who had never seen such a thing before, showed a puzzled expression, but after Xia Qing blew on the windmill, her eyes widened.


The windmill that was blown by the wind turned clockwise. Although it was just a small gadget, it was very novel to Raphtalia.


Xia Qing, who was arranging the herbs, suddenly felt his clothes being pulled by the girl.

"what happened?"

Xia Qing turned his head.

But seeing the raccoon girl who raised her head and smiled, she spoke in a sweet voice.

"Thank you."

Xia Qinghao melted.

He stretched out his hand to gently stroke Raphtalia's hair, and the latter immediately lowered her head blushing.


The sun went down and it was nightfall.

Since Raphtalia's stomach started to growl again, Xia Qing took her to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

The two sweet potato ball skewers bought for her not long ago are no different from the pre-dinner snacks.

Raphtalia, who came to this unfamiliar restaurant for the first time, didn't seem to know what to order.

I will probably spend a longer period of camping in the future, and it doesn't matter if I eat better now.

"Two delia sets and a seafood platter."

Take your order from the waiter - it doesn't take long for it to arrive on the table.

"Go on."


Raphtalia still grabbed the food with both hands and devoured it.

"Use a spoon, it's too unhygienic to grab it with your hands, there will be bacteria... Uh, it's dirty anyway."

Xia Qing exhorted.

Around the age of ten is probably the period of growth.

Seeing that she looked as if even Xia Qing wanted to eat this, he added some more dishes.

"I'm going to start camping tomorrow, so try to eat as much as possible, otherwise it will take a long time to eat again."

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