Rider seemed a little surprised by this sudden speech, and Archer also glanced at each other with great interest, with a rare sense of leisure and grace.

"Master of Lancer, do you have any insight when you say this?"

Xia Qing shook his head.

"I don't have any high opinions. I just feel very sad. Saber who has lost everything, if she just gives up her only hope, wouldn't she die with despair and self-blame branded deep in her soul?"

He never put his eyes on Saber, but continued to explain his words.

"King of Conquerors, do you want to take away the faith that Saber has carried in her battle so far?"

Rider raised his eyebrows and said.

"My kingly way cannot tolerate the existence of this kind of kingly way, this is the answer."

Saber also said coldly at this moment.

"In that case, we can only fight, Rider!"

She smashed the golden wine glass to the ground without hesitation, causing Archer to frown.


Just halfway through the words, their faces changed in the next second.

After a while, Irisviel and Weber also noticed the same in the surrounding air. Although they couldn't see it, they could feel a very strong killing intent on their skin.

In the atrium illuminated by the moonlight, strange white objects emerged, one after another, pale features appeared in the atrium like flowers blooming, that paleness was the color of cold and dry bones.

With a skull mask and a black robe, the deserted atrium was gradually surrounded by this weird group.


Xia Qing's mouth curled into a smile.

Although there was a deviation, Tohsaka Tokiomi still acted like this.

Rider and Weber were not the only ones who knew that they were still alive, Saber and Irisviel also learned this from their conversation with Kiritsugu on Warehouse Street.

"Sure enough, Assassin is not just the few people who were killed in the Tohsaka mansion and the Einzbern forest..."

Saber frowned and whispered.

After killing those Assassins in the woods last time, she became aware of it. In fact, there were many Assassins participating in this Holy Grail War, but this number was really abnormal.

They were all wearing masks and black robes, and they were of different builds, ranging from giant men to skinny ones, short children like children, and women.

"...Is that what you did? Archer."

Archer shrugged innocently.

"Who knows, I don't have to figure out what those bastards think."

Since so many Assassins were mobilized, it must not be the order of Kotomine Kirei alone, presumably it was the intention of his teacher Tosaka Tokiomi.

Because Tokiomi did his best as a courtier to the King of Heroes, Archer recognized him as a Master, but Tokiomi's behavior made Archer even more dissatisfied with him.

Although this banquet was initiated by Rider, it was Archer who provided the wine. What exactly Tokiomi intends to do by sending a killer in such a banquet? This is tantamount to discrediting the King of Heroes, does he know?

"Well...it's a mess."

Seeing the enemy gradually approaching, Weber let out a scream that was almost incomprehensible. This completely exceeded the rules and restrictions of the Holy Grail War.

"What's going on? Why are Assassins one after another... Isn't there only one Servant for each job agency?!"

Seeing the distressed look of their prey, the Assassins couldn't help laughing wickedly.

"You're right, we are Servants who take the whole as an individual, and the individual is just a shadow of the whole."

Chapter 70 I Split (Part [-])

Neither Webber nor Irisviel could understand that the Assassin summoned by Kotomine Kirei was actually such a peculiar existence.

"Old Man of the Mountain"——Among the successive successors of the terrible title of Hassan Sabah, only one has the ability to change bodies.

Unlike other Hassans, he did not undergo any transformation of his body, or it can be said that it was not necessary, because although his body was mediocre, his spirit could make the body transform freely.

He can possess excellent stratagems, speak foreign languages, recognize poisons, or set traps.

In short, he is an all-purpose assassin who can automatically switch abilities according to the needs of the mission.

It is said that sometimes he can use strange powers and agility that his physical body could never have, and use long-forgotten illusions of martial arts.

He can disguise himself as male, female, old or young, stand next to others very naturally, and sometimes even change his personality according to the occasion. Yes, no one can expose his true identity.

But no one knows the truth. Although Hassan has a single body, he has different souls.

According to the knowledge at that time, there was no such thing as multiple personality disorder, but in modern medicine it was defined as the object of mental illness.

For the assassin Hassan Sabah, it is a mysterious "ability". He can use various knowledge and techniques through the cohabitants living in his body to confuse the enemy through different means.

And the Assassin summoned by Kotomine Kirei this time is the assassin called "Various Changes".

He is a Servant who possesses one body but has countless souls at the same time. Fundamentally speaking, "they" are different souls, because without the restraint of the body, "they" can completely materialize into different forms after they appear in the world.

Of course, the total amount of their spiritual power is only "one person" after splitting, and their ability value is definitely not comparable to the rest of the heroic spirits.

But because of the Assassin's unique skills, it is very strong in scouting intelligence.

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