

The backyard of the shrine.

Four loli sit in a row, you and I share the biscuits.

After distributing the biscuits, Hinata dragged Hua Ye to the room.

"Brother Xiaoye, this is the latest chapter of the manga, let's see how it goes." Xiao Hinata handed the printed manuscript to Huaye.

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "Have you finished drawing again?"

"Yes, yes." Lolita Nou nodded, "If my sister didn't have to check the bed every night, I could draw more."

If old thief Fujian was as hardworking as you, probably everyone wouldn't be beating him up.

Hua Ye reached out to take the manga, and looked through it. After the baptism of the previous few episodes, he thought he had reached the state of peace of mind, but after reading it, he realized that he was completely wrong!

I won’t go into details, because it can be summed up in one sentence.

"It's great to have a capable sister-in-law!"

She is omnipotent in housework, mischievous, cute, considerate, and also a hidden fighting master, who always saves the protagonist in critical situations... Such a sister-in-law does not exist in reality, okay?If so, please give me a dozen!

Human beings have always had the passive ability to beautify themselves. For example, when looking in the mirror, the eyes will automatically beautify themselves. The self in the mirror is about [-]% more beautiful than you in reality.

But your place has been beautified by [-]%, it is simply a new set of people, okay!

When Hua Ye was flipping through the comics, Lolita also leaned forward, and a sweet milky smell came to his nostrils.Unlike the short-haired girl Xiaoqian, this loli must have drank milk, which is why she has such a scent. After all, the newly developed little purse is too small to meet the standard of exuding breath.

"Brother Xiaoye, how are you doing?"

As Hua Ye put down the manga in his hand, Dirty Loli asked expectantly.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and commented: "You just want to be happy."



Time passed quietly, and it was noon in the blink of an eye.

Miss Miko was working in the front yard and had no time to make lunch. Hua Ye planned to make some cooking, but the earth spirit girl Qianqiu who was in stealth and offline mode suddenly went online and took over the task of making lunch.

Thinking about it... At that time, Qianqiu was very indifferent, with only divinity in his body, but no humanity. The reason why he stayed was mainly due to Miss Miko's words "learn to cook with me". It can only be said that he was not born in the world of food. I'm really sorry for you.

In the huge kitchen, two little maids were dedicated and dedicated to helping out, but because they were too short, they had to put special stools under their feet, which looked unexpectedly cute.

In order to prove that she is indeed a "competent" sister-in-law, Dirty Loli also volunteered to enter the kitchen and made a Japanese-style fried tofu.

Although there was a lot of panic, in the end I succeeded in making a finished product.

After finishing, Dirty Loli leaned against the door, with a ball of flour still on her face, as if I had tried my best, she beckoned and said, "Brother Xiaoye, come and eat my tofu..."

Make it clear to me!It's your fried tofu, not your tofu!

For a young girl like you, how can there be tofu all over your body!

Hua Ye picked up a piece of tofu and put it in his mouth.

To be honest, the fried tofu is not good, but the little girl's face already showed a look of "dare to give a bad review" and cried for you, so Hua Ye silently gave a thumbs up: "I give nine points .”

A smile suddenly bloomed on the dirty loli's face: "Brother Xiao Ye likes it, as long as he likes it, I will let you eat my tofu next time..."

Hua Ye remained expressionless, and answered silently in his heart:

"Out of [-] points."


After lunch, Hua Ye went to the front yard to have a look, and found that there was really nothing to help.Instructing tourists how to visit the shrine and the corresponding precautions have already been written on the notice board, and only need to leave someone to take care of possible accidents.

Blink of an eye to the afternoon.

Seeing the sun gradually setting to the west, Hua Ye got up and prepared to leave.

Dirty loli pouted, whispering:

"Obviously there are my elder sister and I...Eating what's in the bowl, looking at what's in the pot, brother Xiaoye is a big pervert!"

However, in terms of intimacy, Wei Nai and the others are in the bowl, and you are actually in the pot!

Miss Miko did not ask to stay, after all, she had already agreed before, she helped Hua Ye tidy up his collar, then pursed her lips and said, "Be careful on Huajun's road."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Her eyes flickered slightly, and Miss Miko said again: "Although the shrine is busy with other things, we can't watch the firework festival together, but we can use mobile phone video, and then we can also watch the fireworks together."


After leaving Chiba Shrine, Hua Ye got on the tram for the return trip.

After getting off the car, it was already sunset, and the sunset was dim.

Girls in bathrobes flowed endlessly on the street, walking leisurely in the golden sunset in groups of twos and threes, like a beautiful landscape.

When Hua Ye walked to the door of his apartment, the door next door suddenly opened with a "click", and a pretty face poked out.

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