This silly meow has already changed into a red bathrobe, tied around his waist with a white belt, holding a blue round fan in his hand, his hair naturally falls on his shoulders, and the never-leave fan is pinned on his head. The bat hairpin on his body looks much more mature and dignified, unlike in the past, when he appeared, he was accompanied by a foolish look.

Seeing Hua Ye come out, Satania raised the round fan in her hand, tapped it lightly on her chin, then chuckled, the little canine teeth on the corner of her mouth were shining brightly in the setting sun: "My follower, offer your Praise and cheer! I will allow you to kiss my toes... Pain, pain, no, don't pull your ears, they are going to fall off!"



Sure enough, maturity is an illusion.

A guy with a defective IQ will not mature at all.

Just before the sun was about to set, everyone finally changed their clothes, walked out of the apartment, and began to participate in the annual summer festival celebration.

The setting sun blurred the sunset glow, and the figures of the girls gradually elongated under the setting sun.

Women in bathrobes can be seen everywhere on the street, laughing and laughing, but even in this bustling scene, Gabriel still looks weak and lazy. It can only be said that she has cultivated immortality for a long time, and her energy and spirit have been compared with those of salted fish and waste. Meow converges.

Wei Nai couldn't help but said:

"Xiaojia, it's hard to come out to play today, cheer up! Didn't you go to bed early yesterday, why don't you have any energy now?"

The crippled angel replied slowly, "Have you ever seen a city at four or five o'clock in the morning?"

"Eh?" Wei Nai was a little puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"I've seen it." Gabriel looked at the setting sun falling from the sky, and sighed softly, "Because the jet lag hasn't reversed, I'm even more sleepy now."


Although the summer festival lasts for two days, the real grand ceremony is actually tonight, because the most grand firework festival is only held tonight.

It's just that the fireworks show will start around [-] or [-] o'clock in the evening, and thousands of fireworks will be set off on the riverside at the same time.

That's right, the so-called summer festival does not require visiting relatives and friends like Spring Festival, nor does it need to hold a fat self and stuff dog food into your mouth silently like Valentine's Day. OK.

"Target North Street!"

North Street is a famous shopping street nearby. It is next to the food street. Every night in summer and autumn, the two streets will become quite lively. It is a good place for shopping and entertainment, not to mention that today is a summer festival. The excitement is extraordinary.

When I came to the street, I saw that there were lanterns and colorful lights hanging in front of every shop. The lights were flickering, reflecting the bright moon and stars in the sky, making it difficult to distinguish between heaven and earth.

In addition, there are various food stalls, toy shops, mask shops, cake shops, and game stalls scattered on both sides of the street, and the noise keeps coming and going, making people really feel a sense of prosperity. .

The streets are crowded with people, and beautiful girls in bathrobes can be seen everywhere, in groups of threes and twos, stepping on wooden clogs. It is rare to let go of worries about weight and enjoy snacks on the side of the road.Or a family of three holding big hands and taking a leisurely walk along the street. Of course, there are also couples walking hand in hand on the street exuding the smell of dog food.

Girls seem to like going to the night market.

Needless to say, Wei Nai, even Gabriel, who was originally lacking in interest, seemed to be infected by the lively atmosphere, and there was a rare look of interest on his face.

"Gabriel, let's have a duel!" Satania pinched her waist with one hand, and pointed to a nearby stall, "How about fishing for goldfish to win?"

Hua Ye looked in the direction of her finger, and saw two rectangular white plastic basins on the opposite side of the street. Inside the basins were a large group of very small goldfish, which were floating in the water due to the intrusion of human voices. The formation was constantly changing, and there were many children standing and watching with shining eyes. Occasionally, when someone caught a goldfish, they would give out a cry of admiration, as if they had caught it by themselves, and they were very happy.

This is one of the most classic games in the summer festival, no matter where the summer festival is, it is an essential game item.

Then Hua Ye found that, together with Wei Nai and Rafael, all the girls' eyes lit up.

After all, those colorful goldfish look very cute, and several girls present have never played this game.However, it is worth mentioning that fishing for goldfish is not a traditional culture of the island country, but originated from the Tang Dynasty in China and was later introduced to Japan.

It was rare for Gabriel to show her fighting spirit, and she pouted and said, "Since you want to play, then let's play with you."

Rafael looked at Alice who looked expectantly beside him, and invited with a smile: "Alice, let's go and play too? It looks very interesting."

Alice blushed and nodded quickly:

"Well, since Lord Baiyu has said so, then I'll go play..."

Walking to this goldfish fishing stall, each person paid [-] yen, and then the middle-aged uncle who was the owner of the stall cheerfully gave each person a small bowl and two paper nets.

"Because these guests are coming to play for the first time, so I will give you an extra paper net. If you want to continue later, you can only buy a paper net for [-] yen."

Satania blinked, and suddenly asked curiously:

"Then what if I take all the goldfish out of it?"


The middle-aged fat uncle obviously sweated, and replied with some toothache:

"If you can take it all away, then I will return all the money I just paid!"



The way of a swordsman lies in one heart.

Satania looked solemn, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

The next second, Satania opened her eyes suddenly, and there seemed to be two lightning flashes in the air. Her right hand shot out like a dragon, and she scooped up a small red goldfish passing by, and then...


The paper net in Silly Meow's hand shattered.

It looked thinner than window paper. The goldfish broke through the net without even being fished out of the water.


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