It was as if there was a dark cloud covering the top.

Because the stuff inside that claw machine... is amazingly packed in a beautiful box!

Through the packing box, you can vaguely see the triangular soft fabric, so Hua Ye recalled the fear of being dominated by Fatty once again...

It was a dark and windy night... no, it was a sunny morning.

The class bell is about to ring, and the enemy teacher has [-] seconds to arrive on the battlefield.

Hua Ye was lying on the seat and dozed off, when he suddenly felt a warm holy light falling on his back, he grabbed it with his backhand, and a foreign object was caught in his hand.

The touch is very soft, and it also has a touch of warmth, which is very similar to human body temperature...

Hua Ye, who was puzzled in his heart, spread out his palms, and suddenly ten thousand beasts rushed past in his heart.

Because this he is actually a fat cat!

A pair of fat times with cartoon characters printed in pale white!And it's obviously the kind that just took off!Because there is a hair on it!

Needless to say, Hua Ye knew that this must be the criminal evidence of some idiot who failed to use God's walking!

A mere angel dared to use the technique of "fatty descending from the sky" to tease the devil king, it was the opposite of heaven!

If Hua Ye hadn't endured and endured, this world would have been destroyed long ago!

You hateful hardworking Gabriel the Immortal Cultivator!

Sensing Hua Ye's vicious gaze, Gabriel turned her head to look, blinked her eyes, and was a little puzzled: "What are you looking at?"

"Look what's wrong with you!"


Wei Nai also came back to her senses, her face flushed, she pulled Kang Na closer, and whispered, "For this kind of thing, sister will take you to buy it next time?"

"No." Hua Ye also resolutely refused.

There are many kinds of claw machines in this country, and even in ordinary supermarkets, there are claw machines for catching fish, crabs, etc. Naturally, she would never agree to the shame of this.

So Kang Na puffed up her mouth, raised her face, and looked over with a pair of sky blue eyes without blinking.


I don't speak, just stare at you.

Hua Ye had no choice but to change the subject, "Do you want potato tarts?"

"Yes!" Kang Na hesitated for two seconds, and then decisively chose food.

Potato chips, Coke, etc. can be grabbed directly from the claw machine, but potato tarts are not good, they are all eaten and made fresh, and there is a small stall selling potato tarts not far away.

This is a whole potato that is washed, cut into a spiral shape with a machine, and then put on a bamboo stick, stretched into the shape of a pagoda, and fried in a frying pan.

The shape looks very beautiful, and you can choose your favorite flavors and seasonings, including green tea, coconut milk, cheese, tomato, spicy, cream, chocolate and so on.

Hua Ye had seen it online before, and the reviews were good, but he hadn't tried it.

See you this time, of course you won't miss it.

"Boss, come three times." Hua Ye said.

As soon as the words fell, there was a faint voice next to him: "Master Xiaoye is biased!"

Turning around, I saw the maid Longtor appearing next to the three of them at some point.

Part of your sister's heart ah!

Hold your husky with a sarcastic face and walk away, you are not qualified to be fed if you are passive and sabotage!

"I want to eat too!"

I don't see you when I'm doing things, but I'm active when I'm eating.

Let me tell you, you will be... ahem.

"Let me treat you to eat." Wei Nai said softly, "And Xiaojia and the others, it's already noon, it can be lunch..."

Soon, Wei Nai found Gabriel and the others.

The girls naturally had no objection. Of course, they came to the amusement park mainly for fun, so they only had to eat something simple to fill their stomachs.

So everyone ordered a potato tart, and then sat down on an unoccupied bench, and started to eat it "click, click, click". At first glance, it sounded like the sound of a little rabbit gnawing a carrot.

"Hmph, Gabriel, I didn't play well just now, so I won't lose! We'll have a showdown later!" Satania put her hands on her hips, "Kacha Kacha~"

"Tch." Gabriel's eyes remained unmoved, "Kacha Kacha~"

"Stop arguing, let's finally come out to play once." Wei Nai covered her forehead and sighed, "Kacha Kacha~"

Hua Ye finished the food in his hand, and suddenly found that Kang Na had disappeared.

Turning his head to look, he found that the blue-eyed young dragon ran under a cherry blossom tree not far away at some point.

In the gentle breeze, the snow-like cherry blossoms are falling, and the falling flowers are colorful. The little girl stands under the tree, both dumb and cute, and there is something pleasing to the eye.

However, Hua Ye's admiration had only just risen before it disappeared with a "click".

Because the blue-eyed young dragon jumped up, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" swallowed a butterfly flying by!

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