"Then it's done, everyone will watch the fireworks together next year!"

Santania, who got the answer she wanted, immediately turned back into a silly meow, her two big eyes were bent into crescent moons, she held up the pineapple bun, and ate it like a hamster eating melon seeds, surprisingly cute .

After a while, Hua Ye and Satania finally returned to the viewpoint.

"Classmate Hua Ye, Satania, come here quickly, you two are the only ones left!"

"It will be the last fireworks soon. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year."

"Come, come!" Satania ran to the girls, with one hand on her hip and the other finger pointing to the sky, Zhong Er shouted, "My fireworks, let's bloom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

As the voice fell, the last round of grand fireworks in the sky just exploded, and the gorgeous fireworks covered the entire sky, making people intoxicated.

Hua Ye turned his head and looked at the different but equally bright faces of the girls, feeling calm and peaceful in his heart.


After the summer festival, this dull and long summer finally passed quietly, and it will soon enter the autumn with the fragrance of orchids and osmanthus.

During this period, Nitro, accompanied by her younger sister Yuxian, specifically asked Wei Nai to thank her.

Wei Nai was also very surprised at the recovery of Nitro's hearing. Although she knew that the aura in the biscuit was of great benefit to ordinary people, such an immediate effect was a bit unimaginable.

Wei Nai went to Hua Ye specifically, and told about the situation of Nitrate's hearing recovery, and then said: "Grade Zi's mother said that she wanted to invite us to dinner at home..."

There is no cure for congenital deafness, it can only be controlled by drugs and hearing aids. However, on the second day of the summer festival, accompanied by his mother and sister, Nitzi went to the hospital for a full set of examinations and found that his hearing was indeed improved. completely recovered.

In such a situation, even a doctor can only describe it as a "miracle", but Niozi knows very well that the recovery of her hearing is not a miracle, but because of that piece of biscuit.

Although I don't know why a biscuit has such a wonderful effect, but such kindness is absolutely unforgettable.

After Hua Ye calmly listened, he said casually, "You go, I won't go."

Wei Nai frowned lightly: "But that's obviously your biscuit..."

"You gave the biscuit, not me." Hua Ye shook his head.

Wei Nai didn't continue to insist, but just bit her lower lip lightly, and said, "Thank you..."

Hua Ye said solemnly: "I think gratitude without substance is meaningless."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"So I asked to exchange my gratitude for a substantial reward." Hua Ye suggested, "For example, let me kiss you, or let me..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the blushing Wei Nai:

"Recently... you have become more and more obscene!"


Although spiritual biscuits are effective for the human body, it is difficult to achieve an immediate effect. They can only slowly improve the physical fitness. If you eat more, your hearing will indeed be restored slowly, but it will take a long time...

Hua Ye found it very troublesome.

There are enough pets that need to be fed now, such as kitten girl and dirty loli, and the useless angel next door. If Niozi finds out that biscuits can help restore hearing, then no matter how thin-skinned the girl is, she will definitely visit her. Please, so when Hua Ye knew that Wei Nai was going to give the biscuit to Nitro, he casually added some special condiments to the biscuit, which could cure deafness in one fell swoop... For Hua Ye, curing Nitro It's not that I want the other party's gratitude, it's just that I don't want to feed another girl, that's all.

The matter of Nitro is over.


Time passed quietly.

In the blink of an eye, the start of school is just around the corner.

On that day, Gabriel finally recalled the fear that was once dominated by homework...

Chapter 614 Rushing Homework Is a Student's Romance

"What? The summer vacation is over?!"

"What? School will start soon?!"

"What? There are still so many summer homework to do?"

After being shocked for three consecutive times, the great master Jia Baili, who had already cultivated to the golden core stage, finally found that a cataclysmic catastrophe lay silently in front of him.

"I told you in the group three days ago, okay!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "What's wrong with your shocked expression!"

"Oh, I forgot~~"

Gabriel blinked her eyes, clenched her fist and tapped lightly on the head, and then stuck out her pink tongue... Typical malicious and cute.

"Vina sauce, I think..."

Before Gabriel could finish speaking, Wei Nai stretched out her right hand, and also typed three consecutive rejections: "No, don't borrow it, write it yourself."

"If the homework is not written by myself, it is meaningless at all!"

Gabriel's face suddenly showed a desperate expression as if the sky was falling, and said pitifully: "But, but school will start tomorrow, how can I finish writing!"

"Actually, it's possible." Wei Nai said solemnly, "It's nine o'clock in the morning, and there are at least ten hours left, even if you only write [-] words an hour, it's enough to finish your homework. "

"It seems to make sense..." Gabriel nodded slightly, but after seeing the untouched summer homework on the coffee table, she immediately dismissed the unrealistic thoughts.

what the hell!

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