Beside Rafael, is short bean Alice. Because she is not tall enough, she is sitting on a chair, and she can only touch the ground with her toes. Surprisingly honest.

As for Wei Nai, today she was actually wearing black silk stockings and safety pants under her skirt, so naturally she couldn't see the scenery.However, between the skirt and the stockings, a small amount of absolute territory was faintly revealed, which was dazzlingly white against the black stockings.

Sitting next to Wei Nai is the monitor Machiko.Machiko is also wearing black tube socks, not as serious and rigid as imagined, but gently shaking under the table, the absolute area that is occasionally exposed is also dazzlingly white...

Then there is Ai Igarashi.

This legal loli who was left to eat was very rude, with a certainty and a teapot lid, it was clearly incomparable to a ten-year-old filthy loli, but the style of underwear was surprisingly bold.

This legal loli generally won't allow people to come within three meters of her, and she is picked up by a special car when traveling, and there is no possibility of being secretly photographed upskirt by others, so of course there is no safety pants.

Although due to the angle of sight, Hua Ye couldn't see the entire scenery under the skirt, but he could clearly see the gorgeous black lace edge and a subtle indentation under the skirt... It was obviously a primary school student's figure, But wearing such a tempting fat time, it doesn't match at all, okay?And what is that subtle sunken mark!It makes people want to find out!

The crippled angel sitting next to Hua Ye, and the jade feet wrapped in white stockings are also irresistible.

As for Satania and Liuhua... no comment for now.


Hua Ye suddenly understood why so many people had leg control.

Humans are unquestionably visual creatures.

Seeing such curvaceous, slender and well-fitting legs, one will naturally feel happy, and subconsciously generate beautiful and protective emotions.

As for why there is a desire to lick... probably because it looks good, and it must taste good when licked?

(Please count the big guys who have licked here.)

Hua Ye has also seen the beautiful legs of girls before, but the situation is obviously different from now - the narrow space formed around the table when sitting down isolates the influence of other factors, and then infinitely magnifies the sense of existence of the beautiful legs, which makes people look Hang around, hard to move away.

"If there is a late stage of leg control here... you're already so excited that your nose bleeds?"

When he came back to his senses, Hua Ye had already subconsciously remembered these beautiful legs in his heart, and then suddenly felt... now he can recognize legs and recognize people?

Unintentionally got a useless new skill!

(PS: I have already written [-] million words! I have reached a new achievement again, so shouldn't you guys encourage me by casting blades? (*^▽^*))

Chapter 622 God loves wrestling too

Hua Ye picked up the shrimp ball that fell on the ground, wrapped it in a napkin, sat up, and was about to throw it into the trash can.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw Ai Igarashi sitting diagonally across from him, his face was flushed, and his eyes were looking at him with shame and anger.

Although he didn't speak, the clenched thin lips, angry little face, and murderous eyes clearly expressed the same meaning: "Flower Q! Flower Q! Flower Q!?"

Girls are the most sensitive in this regard. It would be fine if Hua Ye just took a look at it, but because this black lace that is legitimately lolita is unique among girls, Hua Ye inevitably took a second look, and then he was discovered. .

Although Igarashi covered the hem of the skirt with his hands as soon as he found out, he still felt that he had been greatly wronged.

(Ahhh, Hundan! This guy actually peeked at his fat times!)

(And I have been watching it for so long, do you want to take it away as a souvenir?)

(If it's not that you can't beat him, tie an iron chain around his neck now and let him lick his feet!)

(Wait! One day you will regret it!)

( come it looks like a flag?)


after lunch.

Wei Nai and Machiko packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen to start cleaning. Everyone knew that Hua Ye didn't like the habit of washing dishes. I wish, but I will still wash the dishes obediently.

Naturally, there is no dessert after dinner, but there is green tea.

Rafael and Alice were making tea, and Satania was sitting on the sofa, rubbing her belly and playing with her mobile phone, when she suddenly exclaimed: "My king is dead?!"

"Eh? What king?"

Alice was making tea, and asked curiously, "Is it Queen Elizabeth?"

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is a world celebrity with great fame. Her life is simply a dreamlike experience. The prince and princess love with Prince Philip has made countless girls envy and yearn for it.

But what makes friends all over the world talk about it is, how long can Her Majesty the Queen be the Queen?What is it like to be the queen's son?

We must know that there were so many emperors in ancient China, but the longest reign was Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (Kangxi’s grandson, Qianlong, in order not to exceed his grandfather, when he reigned for sixty years, he gave up the throne to his son, but he did not Yuxi was not handed over, so although his actual ruling time is longer, he can only be ranked second in name.)

Queen Elizabeth is different. So far, she has been in power for sixty-six years, which is longer than the longest reigning monarch in China.

Igarashi, who was painstakingly writing his summer homework there, moved his ears slightly, stopped the pen in his hand, and turned his head to look over.

"My king is dead?"

"Although Satania has confirmed that she is an idiot, the intensity of the light of life cannot be faked. Even if she is an idiot, she is still a formidable idiot... In other stories, she may still be the protagonist, although I always feel that as long as you The main character who can reach the full level of affection by eating pineapple buns is really not challenging at all."

"Although I don't know what their real identities are, they are definitely not ordinary people, and now they are kings..." Igarashi quietly looked at Hua Ye who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, "Is that guy also a similar existence? "

"It's not Queen Elizabeth." As a result, Satania shook her head, looked at the phone and said solemnly, "It seems to be King Billy..."


Ai Igarashi, who was making various guesses, almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Give me enough time!" Ai Igarashi almost broke her pen, "Don't say this kind of news in such a shocking tone!"

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