"It's not a bad girl at all, it can only be called a salted fish and a useless cat, right?"

Hua Ye complained in his heart, and looked up at Taplis who was talking.

She has short golden hair and a cute, immature face that is easy to deceive at first glance. A petal-shaped hairpin is pinned to her head. Her eyes are quite big, but at the moment, her eyes are full of a blank expression of doubting life.

That is the gap between reality and expectations is too great, so that the eyes after disillusionment.

However, Hua Ye keenly discovered that although the immature angel in front of him has the attributes of a school girl + a lolita, her height and bust are clearly an enhanced version of Gabriel!

And it's not the kind that exceeds a little bit, it's directly higher than a floor!

Taplis looked at Gabriel, and asked in disbelief:

"Senior sister must be lying to me, right? It's because I knew in advance that I'm coming to see you, so you gave me a...surprise, surprise, right?"

What you just wanted to say was actually frightening!This kind of behavior that disappoints your expectations and sends you to hell by the way, has nothing to do with a dime of surprise!

"No." Gabriel said weakly, propping her face with one hand, "Actually, I used to pretend."


"Smiles, gentleness, helpfulness, etc., are all pretended." This useless angel mercilessly shattered the last piece of fantasy in Taplis's heart, "I didn't know until I got in touch with the game What does your real self look like?"

"I don't believe it, Gabriel-senpai must have been spoiled by someone!" Taplis burst into tears.

Rafael sat beside him and said with a smile:

"Tap sauce guessed it right."

"Eh? Who is it?!"

Rafael stretched out a slender jade finger and pointed at his chin, smiling happily: "Actually, it's a demon sent from hell..."

"It's, it's a demon?"

Rafael was serious: "That's right, a powerful demon who enjoys spreading evil. I didn't get bullied because I called him Your Highness Satania. Xiaojia is so upright and kind, and she refuses to bow to the demon. It will become what it is now."

Today it is the turn of Satania and Wei Nai to be on duty, otherwise they will be exposed on the spot.

"So, that's how it is!" Taplis didn't realize that he was being fooled at all, clenched his fists, and said seriously, "I will definitely defeat the devil and make Gabriel-senpai return to her original appearance!"

"That's impossible." Gabriel said without raising her head while playing with the handheld, "I am invincible now."

Hua Ye glanced at Rafael, and asked with his eyes: "Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you fooled the school girl like this?"

The black-bellied girl blinked quietly at Hua Ye: "My conscience is indestructible. (*^▽^*)"

"Student Hua Ye, don't you think that when Tap sauce meets Satania, it will definitely become very interesting?" The black-bellied girl's big eyes are slightly bent, and there is a pleasant smile in her eyes, "Let's go together Shall I take a peek?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I refuse."

An immature school girl who can be easily limped by you, and another idiot who has the most delicious pineapple buns in the world, do you think that when the two meet, it will be a thunderbolt?

Even if it is fire, it is only a fire of small flames!


Not staying to watch the kindergarten-level showdown between Taplis VS Satania, Hua Ye put away his phone and got up to go home.

Today is already Friday, and before I know it, the first week of school has passed quietly.

When Hua Ye walked to the pedestrian street, there happened to be a nearby restaurant that was opening for dinner, and a Kumamon doll was handing out leaflets on the street.

After seeing Hua Ye, the Kumamon seemed to hesitate for a moment before handing over a flyer with an opening discount.

Hua Ye didn't refuse and took it casually.

In such a hot weather, wearing a Kumamon puppet to distribute flyers is also very powerful.

The person in the puppet didn't speak, but when Hua Ye took the flyer, he bowed slightly to thank him.

This was a normal thing, but it soon became abnormal... because after a stagger, the Kumamon lost its balance and threw itself at Hua Ye!

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows lightly. With his reaction speed, if he wanted to avoid this clumsy Kumamon who could fall over even with a bow, the other party wouldn't even be able to touch the hem of his clothes.

But Hua Ye didn't get out of the way, because there happened to be a car passing by behind him. If he got out of the way, then this clumsy Kumamon might be hit by the car and fly away.

So after thinking for a tenth of a second, Hua Ye stretched out his hand... and grabbed the Kumamon's head.

When the car behind him roared by, Hua Ye withdrew his hand and was about to leave.

As a result, at this time, I suddenly heard a soft and weak voice from Kumamon, like a deer: "Thank you, thank you Huaye..."

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and immediately recognized the other party's voice, "Haruka Kitano?"

Although it is a bit impolite to call the other party's name directly, Kitano Haruka didn't look angry at all, but just apologized and said, "It's me, I didn't say hello to classmate Hua Ye just now, I'm sorry..."

There's no need for an apology for this sort of thing, is there?

For introverts, communicating with others is a very difficult thing in itself. Those who say "it's fine to just chat casually" don't know the pain of introversion at all!There was even a news report some time ago that some people pretended to be blind for decades in order not to say hello to their neighbors!


Naturally, Hua Ye would not be angry, he nodded casually, ready to leave.But just as he turned around, a pleading voice came from the puppet again: "I, I'm a little dizzy... Can I ask Hua Ye to help me sit on the bench over there?"

Wearing such a puppet costume on a hot day, and handing out leaflets on the street, it's no wonder it's not hot!

It's fine if the other party doesn't speak. Now that he has made a request, it's hard for Hua Ye to turn around and leave.

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