"Let's try it first..."

The tap water I just put in is ice cold, and the feeling of soaking in the palm of my hand is very comfortable. After the shrimps touch my palm, they will slip away quickly, and they don't look very scary...

However, flags have never been something that can be erected randomly.

Just when Taplis thought these shrimps were very interesting, the next moment his finger was directly caught by a shrimp, and then...


A terrified cry sounded suddenly.

Taplis quickly withdrew his hand, with a "crash", the water splashed, and by the way, he threw a shrimp into the air, and then fell into the pool under Hua Ye's feet with a 'clack' sound.

Hua Ye was dealing with the bamboo shark, but his eyes were on Taplis. He was shocked when he saw this scene.

Those shrimps are very common sweet shrimps. They are not big. Compared with crayfish, the pincers are much smaller, and it is actually painless to pinch... So what is wrong with your scared face of being bitten by a poisonous snake? !

Not to mention broken fingers, there is not even a red mark!

Seeing Hua Ye looking over speechlessly, the idiot junior girl blushed, and hurriedly said, "Yes, I'm sorry! I'll just pick up that shrimp..."

As he said that, he squatted down in a hurry, and lowered his head to pick up the sweet shrimp. Just at this moment, a drop of water fell from the edge of the pool and landed on Taplis' neck.

The cold thing suddenly invaded her neck, and Taplis, who was shy and nervous at the same time, yelled again, subconsciously retreated in a panic, and behind her was the iron pot that Hua Ye had just fired... …

Hua Ye said he couldn't stand it anymore.

This new school girl is as expected as an idiot on the same level as Satania!

"be careful."

Naturally, Hua Ye would not let Taplis knock over the pot. He directly stretched out his left arm and wrapped it around the opponent's waist, successfully avoiding the fate of the pot being knocked over.However, due to inertia, Taplis crashed into Hua Ye's arms, and let out a pitiful cry of grievance.

I have to say that the waist of this idiot school girl is very soft and elastic, and there is also a nice fragrance on her body, and it feels quite good to hold her in her arms.

However, the next moment, two unbelievable gazes shot in from outside the door.

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw that crippled angel appeared outside the door at some point, and was hugged by Hua Ye's waist and embraced in his arms, with tears glistening in the corners of his eyes, looking ashamed and aggrieved Gabriel's eyes suddenly ignited a black flame that would destroy the world.

"you this……"

Hua Ye resolutely let go, and played three consecutive explanations:

"I'm not! I didn't! She did it first!"

Chapter 631 Coke and Poison

Just because honest people generally don't get angry, when they get angry, it looks terrible.

Although this useless angel is usually a harmless useless meow and salted fish, Hua Ye felt a little bit of pressure with his lip biting and expressionless expression.

Hua Ye let go of Taplis's left arm, took a deep breath, and explained decisively: "Just now she was going to help wash the shrimp, and the shrimp was not washed well, and she surprised herself, bent over to pick the shrimp When I was cooking, the water dripped on my neck again, and almost knocked over the pot, that's why the scene just now happened!"

Gabriel still had a small face frosted: "Then why do you hold Tap-chan in your arms?"

"Because my hands are full of fishy smell." Hua Ye spread his hands and showed the crippled angel, "I'm dealing with that bamboo shark. If I catch her with my hands, it will stain my clothes."

Although this is true, the posture of Hua Ye and the idiot junior just now was really bad. Gabriel looked at Taplis suspiciously and asked, "Taplis, is he telling the truth?"

Otherwise, what do you think it will be!

The doors of the living room and the kitchen were not closed at all. How could I do that kind of thing in front of your face, hugging your junior girl, and doing that kind of thing!

Tram Wolf's sloppy pose would never happen here!

Because your junior is only 152 centimeters tall, even if you turn your back to yourself, you can only reach the other person's waist, okay?There is no way to unlock that pose!

"Xue, what the senior said is true..."

Taplis finally regained his breath, but his little face was blushing for some reason, like a ripe apple, making people want to take a bite.

"It's all my fault. I didn't have experience in cleaning shrimps before, but I tried to be brave..." Taplis burst into tears, "I made Senior Gabriel worry, I shouldn't have come..."

"It's not as serious as you said."

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the murderous aura on this useless angel finally began to dissipate. She scratched her hair and comforted the tearful idiot junior: "It's all because this guy didn't explain clearly to you..."

For some unknown reason, the useless angel didn't go back to play the game, but said, "Tap sauce, let me teach you how to wash it?"

"Huh?" Tapless blinked, then nodded quickly, "Okay, okay."


The useless angel took his school girl Taplis and washed the sweet shrimp together. Hua Ye asked the two to wash the onion and ginger and other ingredients, and then said: "Okay, you can go out."

For the rest, no matter whether it is chopping vegetables or cooking, Hua Ye can do it alone.

Taplis was still a little hesitant, but Gabriel had already turned and walked out, saying, "Tap-chan, let's go out."

"Good, good!"

Taplis nodded quickly, and followed Gabriel out of the kitchen.

Coming to the living room, Gabriel walked to the refrigerator: "Tap sauce, what do you want to drink?"

"Eh?" Taplis blinked and tapped his fingers lightly, "I don't know, there are no such things in heaven..."

"Then drink Coke?" Gabriel helped make a decision, "It is said that the Coke cups consumed every year can circle the earth twice...Here, here you are."

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