
This is an old bookstore with mottled floors and bookshelves. The morning sun slanted in, and the harmony of light and shadow made the bookstore look like a dim old photo.Walking into it, a sense of precipitation of the years rushes over, making people unconsciously slow down and calm their minds.

Hua Ye soon discovered the whereabouts of the black-bellied girl.

She should have read the book alone, and she was standing in front of the bookshelf, holding a book in her hand, and was flipping through it lightly.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that the name on the cover of the book in her hand

"Boyfriend Tuning|Teaching Manual"!

Hua Ye's face darkened suddenly.

What's wrong with such a bad name, it sounds like you want to hit someone!

Rafael slowly flipped through the books in his hands, and when he noticed that someone was looking at him undisguisedly, he frowned slightly, and when the other person walked straight towards him, he even pursed his thin lips.

Seeing this scene, a brother with glasses couldn't help showing a gloating expression on his face.

You agreed to be single, but you actually want to leave first?

Such a reckless strike-up, there is no possibility of success at all!

A beautiful girl is a pleasing sight in itself, but it is a pity that it is too beautiful, which makes people feel ashamed. The glasses brother is like this, knowing that it is impossible, so he didn't even think about asking for an email address.

Based on the mentality of saying that grapes are sour because they can't eat grapes, they naturally expected Hua Ye to be coldly rejected.

However, the next moment, the glasses boy was petrified in place.

Because that super-beautiful silver-haired girl actually showed a bright smile like a crabapple in full bloom in the spring breeze to the 'accused' person, and the surprise in her eyes couldn't be faked.

"Liars, they are all liars..." The glasses boy felt that his heart was broken into seventeen petals, "The single dog that was promised, turns out that the true identity is a loving dog!"

"Hehehe, whatever you charge now, let's explode, let's explode!"


Seeing that it was Hua Ye who came to strike up a conversation, Lafayette was stunned, and immediately showed a pleasant smile on his face: "Student Hua Ye, good morning! (*^▽^*)"

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "What are you doing?"

"Today is a rest day." The black-bellied girl tilted her head, wanting to continue for a second, and said with a smile, "After getting up in the morning and having breakfast, I feel so bored, and classmate Hua Ye doesn't want to accompany me Shopping, so I can only come to the bookstore to read books."

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "So you only read books like training|teaching manuals?"

"Eh?" Rafael rolled his eyes, took out the book from behind, and said with an innocent face, "I just saw it by accident, and thought the title of the book was very interesting, so I just read it casually."

Where are you looking at it casually? You are obviously flipping through it very seriously. You are not as serious as you are now when you are reading books in class, and you have been in the bookstore for less than two minutes. You can find this book in such a short time. No matter how you think about it, it is not right. Bar!

Hua Ye didn't need evidence to do things, so he said directly: "Stand up obediently."

"No, don't!" The black-bellied girl took a step back subconsciously, her eyes rolled wildly, and suddenly she stretched out a slender finger, pointed to the cover of the book and said: "It is clearly written on the boyfriend training | training manual, classmate Hua Ye It's not my boyfriend, so there's no reason to be angry, right?"


Seeing that Hua Ye didn't speak, the black-bellied girl felt that she had successfully evaded taxes. Her thin cherry lips, which were as delicate as cherry blossoms, slightly raised her eyes. Why are you angry because you substituting yourself into your boyfriend's identity?"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Go ahead."

"Not really." The dark-bellied girl smiled triumphantly, her eyes were bent into beautiful crescent moons, and she stuck out the tip of her pink tongue, "I just play it occasionally."

"Pip, slap once."


"Student Hua Ye is too much." Lafayer puffed up her cheeks, "Don't bully me without a valid reason."

"You said the reason?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows. "The day before school started, you deliberately kicked me under the table eight times in total. That's the reason."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh's classmate Hua Yeh, I can't remember anything that happened so long ago."

It was just a week ago, let alone a year ago!

"Hmph." Hua Ye raised his right hand.

Rafael hurriedly put his head on his back and crouched in defense: "I'm already a weak ostrich, classmate Hua Ye is not allowed to bully me."

Shut up, ostriches are not weak, and in reality, ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand!In this world, ostriches are the fastest runners among two-legged animals. When they want to get out of trouble, they can run at a speed of forty miles in a short period of time. In terms of endurance, they are even faster 'Cheetahs are several blocks away.

Hua Ye took a step forward, and stretched out his arms to wrap around the slender waist of the dark-bellied girl. A pleasant fragrance, like orchids and musk deer, rushed into his nose immediately.

A delicate blush suddenly appeared on the pretty face of this dark-bellied girl, with her two hands resting on Hua Ye's chest, misty rays of light in her clear eyes, and her voice aggrieved: "Don't~~"

Although it was an expression of rejection, after listening to it, it made people want to bully even more.

Hua Ye didn't do anything for the time being. This is a bookstore after all, and many eyes full of resentment have already looked over. If I kiss this black-bellied girl, I don't know how many people will explode in place.

"I'll give you two choices." Hua Ye snorted softly and said, "First, stand up obediently after you go out."

"Stand up obediently" was the secret that the two of them kept in the fitting room when they went to the city center to buy bathrobes that day. It was basically similar to Wei Nai's "ordinary friends". After standing up, they would naturally be punished by spanking.

Rafael's eyes were aggrieved, obviously he was very magnanimous to other people, so he knew that bullying me was really too much.

"What about the second option?"

Hua Ye looked down: "Kiss."

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