She used to be a junior high school girl, and even Jing Keai cosplayed the magical girl Melulu at the comic exhibition, but the old lady is a bit too old, will there be a version of the magical girl who is dressed in women's clothing in the future?

"Then get another one..." Raphael reached out and nodded his chin, and pulled out another book, "How about this book 'I became a brave man in another world with a deviation of only 10'?"


Hey, you don't even need to read the introduction of this book, the name alone can make you vomit blood!

In Japan, students whose deviation value is below 25 are basically not counted. It can be said that the deviation value is only 10, which can be said to be the pinnacle of mental retardation in the Japanese student world.

The deviation value of the protagonist is actually lower than that of Satania, this is already a real mentally handicapped level!How on earth is this kind of novel published as a physical book, and it is actually placed on the counter of the hot recommendation, the industry is eating jujube pills!


Before Hua Ye could speak, the black-bellied girl stuck out her pink tongue: "It seems that Hua Ye doesn't like this either."

Nonsense, if you want to understand the protagonist's behavior pattern, you probably have to adjust your IQ to the same level as the other party!


After a while, Rafael found a book, went to the bookstore with Hua Ye and sat down on the sofa specially designed for people to rest, and then read the book together.

After watching for a few minutes, the black-bellied girl suddenly took out her mobile phone, stuffed one earphone into her ear, and handed the other earphone to Hua Ye.

"Recently, I found a very nice song. Let Hua Ye listen to it together?"

"Do not listen."

"No need." Rafael said pitifully, "Happiness needs to be shared. Listening to music with Hua Ye can reap double happiness...I'll help you put on the earphones."

Hua Ye thought about it, but in the end he didn't move, and asked the black-bellied girl to help put on the earphones.

"Hmm, classmate Hua Ye's first time, I took it away again!"

Hua Ye snorted softly, ignored her, and continued to read with his head down.

Soft and soothing music is introduced into the ears.

The black-bellied girl hummed softly to the beat, her voice was sweet and beautiful, not much better than the music in the earphones.

The bright sunlight that came in from the window quietly fell on her body, forming a very peaceful and beautiful picture... No wonder!

This tax-dodging girl actually has the habit of shaking her legs when she listens to the song. It's nothing more than shaking her legs, and she keeps leaning on her body. It's like a plaster, and she can't push it away.

"Why did I flip the book?" Hua Ye said speechlessly.

The black-bellied girl blinked, hugged Hua Ye's arm, and giggled: "Because Hua Ye is the best student, I just need to be in charge of worshiping."


Hua Ye clearly heard the heartbreaking sound of "Kacha Kacha" coming from nearby.

"Hey, wait!" Rafael stretched out a finger, and clicked on the book, "Here is a sentence 'in life, everyone needs to be praised, and also need to praise others'...Hua Ye has a compliment Anyone else?"

"Hmm..." Hua Ye thought for a while, but it seemed that he really didn't.

This black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger: "It's very impolite to not praise others~~"

After finishing speaking, he patted his chest and sat upright: "So as an experiment, Hua Ye should praise me?"

Seeing Hua Ye squinting, Rafael blinked, and the corners of her thin lips slightly raised, urging: "Hurry up."

Praises must at least be well-founded, otherwise they will be flattering and slapped on the horse's legs. What do you, a tax evader, deserve to be praised for?

"Looks good?"

However, the appearance is only the appearance, and the interesting soul is the real heart. You, a guy who is cut in black, have already seen your true colors.

"Slender and slender legs?"

It's not that you're the only one with long legs.

"Does it smell good?"

It's not like you are alone.

"Big breasts?"

The big breasts will cause the resentment of the stars with poor breasts, right?

Every time that Igarashi sees you, I can't wait to pinch you and hurry up!

"Are you always on call in the way of the spirit behind your back?"

It would be scary just thinking about it!

"Hmm..." Hua Ye finally came to a conclusion: "The advantage are more skinny than others?"

"Student Hua Ye is bullying!" La Feier puffed up her cheeks, but there was a gentle and bright smile in her eyes, "This is not a compliment at all, praise me again..."

Hmph, the tuning|teaching was successful!

"Boyfriend Tuning|Teaching Handbook" is really useful!

If it was the moment when we first met, faced with the request of "boasting me", this wooden man would definitely be expressionless and silent, right?

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes: "What are you thinking about?"

"No!" La Feier stuck out the tip of her tender tongue, "Student Hua Ye is not allowed to change the subject..."

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