The useless angel said weakly: "It's very simple, just turn on the air conditioner, eat cold drinks, and then play games..."

"Such a wish is not pursued!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "It is agreed that everyone in the world will be happy!"

Gabriel pretended not to hear, and continued: "As long as these three wishes of mine can be fulfilled, even if a world war is happening outside the door, I will not go out for half a step!"

Wei Nai put on a pretty face: "Are you really not going to take the physical fitness test?"

"No, if you don't go, you won't... Mow!"

A low moan sounded like a cat meowing, and the crippled angel lying on the table trembled all over: "You, what are you doing? Don't mess|touch!"

Wei Nai said solemnly: "This is just an unconventional method, not random | touching."

This useless angel is actually very ticklish.

In fact, the vast majority of girls are ticklish, but some are obvious and some are not. Although Gabriel can wear those prank slippers, her waist cannot be touched, and she will get an electric shock if touched. no.

Standing behind Gabriel, Wei Nai said with a straight face, "Should I go? If I don't go, I'll touch you until I go..."

"Damn it!" Gabriel clenched her silver teeth, "You will lose me like this!"

"Wrong answer, punishment continues."

Wei Nai continued to punish her.

At this time, the other students had already left, leaving only Wei Nai and Gabriel in the class, otherwise Wei Nai would not have made such a move.


The crippled angel hugged the table tightly, refusing to get up, but involuntarily let out a low moan mixed with distress mixed with a hint of joy.


"I...I won't give in...well..."

"You say that with your mouth, but your body is very honest..."

"Don't, don't touch there..."

"Why, is this Xiaojia's sensitive part?"


It was in such a scene that Hua Ye, who was about to change into his sportswear, returned to the classroom. As the door opened, the air was suddenly silent.

Wei Nai blushed pretty, and hurriedly stood up from behind Gabriel, looking out of the window involuntarily: "You, why are you back?"

If you don't come back, how do you know that the two of you secretly did this kind of thing behind my back!

The voice and movement just now can only be described by the words "orange in orange", right?

Last time in the bedroom, the crippled angel was attacking, and you were receiving. Now that the place has been changed to the classroom, have the offense and defense of the two of you also switched!

"Look at what?"

Gabriel sat up straight. Although this crippled angel blushed because of the humiliation she uttered earlier, her skin was much thicker than that of Wei Nai. At this moment, she glared at her fiercely, and said, "You don't want to go!" There is a physical fitness test in the playground, what are you doing in the classroom?"

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, and he said, "Come back and change into your sports clothes."

"Then you change quickly, and leave quickly after changing."


Hua Ye responded, and stretched out his hand to undo his belt expressionlessly.

"You, what are you doing?" Wei Nai subconsciously raised her hand in front of her.

Hua Ye calmly replied, "Change clothes."

"hentai." Gabriel looked disgusted, "Don't you know how to change clothes in the bathroom?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "Trouble."

"Isn't it troublesome to change clothes in the classroom?" Gabriel half-closed her eyes with disdain, "There are still two girls here!"

Hua Ye said as a matter of course: "It's not like you two haven't seen it..."



As soon as these words came out, both Gabriel and Wei Nai blushed.

When they took swimming lessons for the first time, the two stood at the front, so they could see clearly, but they couldn't tell the dark history anyway.

"Could it be that you will change clothes in class when other girls are around?" Gabriel asked with contemptuous eyes.

"No." Hua Ye replied seriously, "You are not someone else."


The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

The unanimous condemnation to the outside world disappeared, but strange emotions grew and spread in the classroom.

Hua Ye looked at Gabriel and Wei Nai who suddenly fell silent, and felt that he should say something at this time, so he coughed lightly and said, "The three of us..."

"Don't, stop talking." Wei Nai hurriedly interrupted, looking down at Gabriel, "It's getting late...Xiao Jia, shall we go to the playground?"

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