Driven by envy, jealousy and hatred, in order to beat Hua Ye, these melon-eating people all increased their running speed, so Hua Ye improved the physical fitness test scores of these people in disguise, which is really gratifying!

Chapter 646 Sports Warehouse

After the boys finished the [-]-meter long-distance race, it was the physical fitness test for the girls group.

"Xiaojia, are you really not going to participate?" Wei Nai asked again, still unwilling to give up.

"If you don't participate, you won't participate even if you die!" Gabriel hugged a railing, shaking her head, "I'm sure you'll die if you run 1000 meters!"

Wei Nai was speechless: "One thousand meters is not very long, it can be easily run..."

"It's not long for you, but it's the distance from the earth to the moon for me!" Gabriel was like a sloth, holding on to the railing tightly, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die !"

This is the truth, players like Gabriel, who say "good night" to the city at three or four o'clock in the morning every day, have not exercised for a long time, and now they suddenly run a thousand meters, maybe they will really die .

"OK then……"

Wei Nai sighed and didn't force it any more.

It is already very good for Gabriel to participate in the previous physical fitness tests, and she cannot ask for more, otherwise Xiao Jia would not be Xiao Jia.

"Then I went to take the test?"

"Go ahead." Gabriel nodded hastily, "By the way, let Lafite get serious, he can't lose to Satania, or that idiot will definitely be very proud."

"It's okay for Satania to win once in a while, right?"

"There is a problem." Gabriel looked up at the sky, "That idiot looks too proud to be beaten, I can't help but beat her up."


After Wei Nai left, the useless angel let go of the railing and stood up.

Turning his gaze, he saw that Hua Ye, who had finished his run, was nearby. The useless angel dragged his feet, walked to Hua Ye's side weakly, and said, "I'm thirsty."

Go drink water when you are thirsty, tell me what to do, do you want to drink water!Although there are indeed famous dishes such as saliva chicken and saliva duck, they are not made with saliva!Another example is fried cold noodles, which are neither fried nor cold, let alone noodles!

Gabriel said to herself, "I want a cold drink."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Buy it yourself."

"You go buy it for me." The useless angel was confident.

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Why should I buy it for you?"

The useless angel said convincingly: "It's all because you suddenly returned to the classroom, otherwise I wouldn't take part in today's physical fitness test, so shouldn't you buy me an ice cream as a reward?"

"It makes sense." Hua Ye nodded, "I choose to refuse."


After a few words of argument, Hua Ye himself was a little thirsty, so he went to a nearby vending machine to buy a bottle of drink and a stick of ice cream.

The useless angel took the ice cream, lay on the railing of the stand, stretched out its pink tongue, and licked it lightly.


The wonderful taste of the cream melting on the tip of the tongue made the eyes of this useless angel slightly narrowed.

"Look at what?"

Realizing that Hua Ye was looking at him, the useless angel raised his head and raised the ice cream in his hand: "Do you want to eat?"

Your sister, if you really sincerely invite me to eat, don't ask me if you want to eat after licking it twice!You will be beaten like this, I tell you!

Hua Ye snorted and said:


"I don't want to give it anymore." The useless angel took the ice cream back, continued to lick it, and said vaguely, "Your mouth is so big, you will definitely finish it in one bite... the ancients could look at plums to quench their thirst, now Youyun raises a cat, and Yun raises a dog, watching me eat is no different from eating by yourself, right?"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he couldn't help complaining: "A big mouth not only eats a lot, but also can kiss you until you can't breathe, why don't you try it!"


The crippled angel blushed, but he was really afraid that Hua Ye would force a kiss in front of the whole school, so he obediently behaved.


Because the school was formerly a girls' school, the proportion of girls is quite large, so the time required for the girls' test will naturally be longer. This useless angel has already finished eating the ice cream, while watching the unfinished Fitness test while licking a bit of cream off your fingers like a cat.

She suddenly turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and asked solemnly: "You will change this shirt later, right?"

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes, "What are you going to do?"

Gabriel did not answer, but continued to ask: "If you want to wash, can I wash it for you at night?"

"What? You actually want to do my laundry?"

Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

The sun is coming out from the west. The useless angel who usually doesn't bother to wash his own clothes, actually offered to help with the laundry today?

Could it be that his conscience discovered it because he ate ice cream?

It's a pity that Hua Ye was too happy.

The corner of the useless angel's mouth turned up slightly, coughed lightly, and said, "Since the clothes need to be washed at night, then use them for me now..."

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