
"No, no." Raphael shook his head quickly, and said aggrievedly, "I just like to bully me... Maybe my lips are swollen."

Hua Ye lowered his head and took a look. The moist and beautiful lips of this dark-bellied girl were indeed a little swollen... It seems that the number of times is still too little, just practice a few more times.

Raphael broke free from Hua Ye's arms, covered his chest with one hand, pressed the other to his lips, and quickly puffed up his cheeks: "It's really swollen...Student Hua Ye really turned into a pervert right?"

The black-bellied girl snapped her fingers: "The wall-dong maniac, the paralyzed gentleman, the satyr-lord, likes to bully people..."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "There are more bullying poses in those comics, do you want to try?"

The black-bellied girl hurriedly raised her hand to cover her lips, rolled her eyes, and asked in a nonchalant tone: "If Wei Naijiang finds out that my lips are swollen, and then asks me why...how should I say it?"

Hua Ye squinted at her: "I kiss you."

Just kiss, Hua Ye doesn't bother to lie, and he won't lie.

The corners of her thin lips were slightly raised, and the black-bellied girl said again: "But Wei Nai-chan will be angry, right? It will be very troublesome, right?"

"Then say no kiss."

"Ju, you changed your mind so quickly!" Rafael puffed up her pink cheeks, her eyes were filled with aggrieved eyes, "Sure enough, boys won't admit it after eating it all?"


You have a lot of talk about kissing you, and you have a lot of talk about not kissing you. It seems that the best way is to gag your mouth!

With black lines all over Hua Ye's face, he beckoned and said:

"Come here, I'll give you a buff, and then you can ask for leave and go home without being asked by Wei Nai."

"Eh? What buff?"

"Bleeding buff."


After a brief silence.

The black-bellied girl hurriedly folded her hands on her chest, and shouted like a small animal with a pointed mouth: "Student Hua Ye is too much, too cruel, and too ruthless!"

Who is going too far, just give you a nosebleed buff, where did you think!

Chapter 649 The Green Machiko

"Master Bai Yu, I'm back!"

As the door of the sports warehouse was pushed open with a "squeak", Alice, who was going to buy underwear, ran in like a gust of wind.

Seeing that Hua Ye was also in the warehouse, the little bean immediately stood in front of Raphael with vigilant eyes: "Why are you here?"

Hua Ye said casually, "I'm helping Machiko put things away."

"But Lord Baiyu's face is so red..." Alice half-closed her eyes, "Wow, you really are secretly bullying Lord Baiyu again while I'm not around!"

Whoever bullied you secretly, it's obviously bullying openly, okay?

Are you a young destroyer escorting an aircraft carrier?

It's a pity that while you were away, your aircraft carrier had already ate several torpedoes. I'm really sorry for not letting you catch the rape!


This short bean puckered up its small nose, bared its teeth and claws, and tried to make a threat: "If anything comes at me in the future, you are not allowed to bully Master Bai Yu!"

"You?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, shook his head and said, "You can't do it, you fainted immediately."

Your body is so fragile, if you accept the punishment instead of tax evading Lafite, you will pass out due to suffocation and lack of oxygen in less than a minute.

Alice obviously thought of something else, she hurriedly took a step back, with a shy and scared expression on her face, and blushed, she shouted: "Pervert! How dare you want to do such an indecent thing in such a dirty place ... a pervert!"

After the promised sixteenth birthday, you will be an adult, just a kiss, how obscene it is!Kindergarten kids can do it!If you were born in France, wouldn't you be able to go out and meet people!

"Okay, don't worry, classmate Hua Ye didn't do anything to me." Rafael still covered his chest with one hand, while the other hand landed on the top of Alice's head, and then gently stroked it.


Alice quickly let out a cat-like moan of comfort.

Hua Ye discovered that although this short Douding looked like a large cat, it was more of a canine attribute, unlike a cat that would not be touched, on the contrary, it was like a dog that would kill Rafael by touching its head. I have a special liking, it seems that I was influenced by Rafael's aura of "smiling and touching the dog's head".

After comforting Alice, Rafael looked at Hua Ye, blinked quietly, and said, "Student Hua Ye, I'm going to change clothes, you go out first... shall we go to the cafeteria for lunch later?"



In the stands not far from the sports warehouse.

Kitano Haruka was sitting on a step, eating pineapple buns silently.

She got up too early in the morning and didn't have time to make a bento. There were so many people at noon that she queued for a long time to get to the counter. Unfortunately, the chow mein bread was sold out, so she had to buy a pineapple bun, and then ate lunch alone.

While eating silently, she suddenly saw a figure walking out of the sports warehouse.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" Haruka Kitano pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and muttered to himself, "Hasn't he gone to lunch yet? Why did he come out of the sports warehouse?"

Although curious in his heart, Kitano Haruka didn't mean to go up to say hello, but when he was eating pineapple buns, he looked at Hua Ye silently, and then found that Hua Ye didn't intend to leave directly, but stood at the door and waited .

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