After being beaten, Satania quickly jumped up and down again.

This idiot originally searched for topics on his mobile phone, but after searching, he jumped to the news.

"Hey, this news said that Chiyoda District held a school beauty pageant, and during the rematch, it suddenly emerged that one of the most popular candidates for the championship was a boy!"

American news programs generally focus on bad news and not good rest. For example, there is another school shooting in a certain place, another bank robbery in a certain place, etc. The news in China is generally about the great unity and harmony of the people of the whole country, and the foreign countries are in dire straits. , and the news programs in Japan are much more lively. They often broadcast some grand scenes of cherry blossom viewing conventions, garbage picking contests by the river, street prank shows, and even scandals and gossips of certain congressmen.

The news that Satania mentioned is a popular recommendation level. Nowadays, women's clothing bigwigs are very popular attributes. This kind of news is perfectly in line with the psychology of people who eat melons.

At present, the premise is that you must be cute when you wear women's clothing, otherwise it will be malicious and scary.

Hua Ye had already seen this news when he was using his mobile phone before, but he was not even interested in clicking on it to read the details.

Ever since he was frightened by the "contrast cuteness" between the rough bass and the enchanting figure of the women's clothing boss, he has hated the women's clothing boss.

But the girls were quite interested.

"This news shows one thing." Rafael sat on the sofa reading a book, and said with a smile, "Even boys, as long as they put in effort to make up, they will be cute."

The black-bellied girl turned her eyes, glanced at Hua Ye, reached out and tapped her chin: "If it's Hua Ye's classmate, maybe she can also enter the semi-finals."


Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines, and he almost burst the coffee cup in his hand.

"You are seeking your own death!"

"Hey, I think this proposal is good." Gabriel put down the phone in her hand, and looked at Hua Ye with interest, "Now that you are so good at makeup, if you dress this guy up, maybe he can really become a school girl?"

It's not a school belle, but a joke!

Although everyone said that women's clothing bigwigs are super interesting and they like it the most, but if you look at the entertainment industry today, is there any women's clothing bigwig who has made a name for himself?

Not good at all!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and looked at the useless angel, but this was the only one he couldn't bear: "You can try."

"Hey, stingy."

Gabriel curled her lips, knowing that the result of trying would be that the meat bun beat the dog and never returned, and she would definitely be bullied severely.

"Isn't it just women's clothing? After all, it's just a piece of fabric. It's all made of the same material. What's the big deal..."

There are so many problems!

Even if girls' panties and boys' underwear are made of the same material, they have been endowed with different social attributes when they are produced. Whether boys wear girls' panties underneath or on their heads, They will all be regarded as perverts!


Machiko didn't know what scene she thought of, and couldn't help chuckling.

Seeing Hua Ye glaring at him with a dark face, the girl with long black hair quickly shook her head, covered her mouth with her hand and said, "I, I'm not thinking about classmate Hua Ye's appearance in women's clothing!"

But your expression is not convincing at all! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Wei Nai also pursed her lips and smiled lightly, she couldn't help but said:

"Speaking of which, our class has the least number of boys in the school. Besides Hua Ye, there is also Shizhi... If it is Shizhi, it is more likely to win the title of school belle in women's clothing."

Satania blinked her eyes and raised her hand to ask: "If an attendant in women's clothing commits a crime and goes to prison, will he live in a men's prison or a women's prison?"

Have you already decided that I'm wearing women's clothing so quickly?

If you really go to jail for a crime, then the crime must be the crime of lust!The content of the crime is to directly gather seven first-bloods in this club activity room, and then summon the dragon to let you be repaired again, slap again!

"Of course it's a men's prison."

Alice covered her mouth with a book, but her big eyes were clearly bent into crescent moons, "He will definitely bully girls in a women's prison... What kind of skill is bullying girls, if you want to bully, you should bully men, right? Or let him experience the feeling of being bullied by boys, which is only fair."

Seeing Hua Ye staring at her, the girl with two ponytails subconsciously hid from Rafael, and then felt that there were too many people here, and Hua Ye couldn't blame the crowd, so she made a grimace: "Slightly slightly~~ "

Well, it's decided, I'll use you to experiment with the upgraded version of the tortoise shell binding and Edo Forty-eight Styles later.

"By the way, the school festival is coming soon." Seeing Hua Ye's face getting darker and darker, Machiko couldn't help coughing lightly, and changed the subject, "I was on duty at the student union this morning, and I heard a senior talking about holding a school festival. matter……"

Wei Nai blinked: "Hey, is the school festival coming?"

Rafael smiled happily: "A school festival? It sounds very interesting."

Satania: "I heard that there will be a lot of delicious things at that time, there must be rainbow pineapple buns?"

Liuhua: "The brave man amusing the hungry dragon?"

"According to the time, it should be next week's weekend..." Machiko nodded and looked at Hua Ye, "Although the official notice hasn't come down yet, it's almost there, and Hua Ye will definitely take on the heavy responsibility when the time comes." .”

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "Why me again?"

"Because there are only two boys in the class, do you think you can escape?" The useless angel sitting on the sofa hit the nail on the head, telling the heart-wrenching truth mercilessly.

Hua Ye remained expressionless and said:

"School or something, it really is better to blow up to the sky."


After the club activities are over.

Hua Ye was on the way back when his phone suddenly rang from his pocket.

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