It’s fine to say that I have athlete’s foot, forbearance, letting myself hold my finger, I can also bear it, but now I’m actually taking off my fat times...

How could it be possible to bear it!

The only thought now is to kill the pervert in front of him, and then destroy this world!

"Cough cough..."

Hua Ye coughed lightly, inexplicably feeling a little guilty, not that he didn't want to see a girl cry, if he was walking on the street and saw a strange girl crying, Wei Nai might step forward to help, but Hua Ye would never Stay for half a step.However, the problem is that the lawful loli dropping beans now has something to do with untiing the bow tie... Since it is my fault, I can't ignore it.

"Actually, I'm just wondering if that bow is just an ornament, and you promised that you can pull it..." Hua Ye picked up the black low-waisted lace fat time, "How about I tie it on for you?"


(It's your sister! Quickly dig out your eyes and apologize!)

(Do you think I will forgive you if you don’t show the face of a pervert? You are not only a pervert, but also the most shameless, perverted and nasty big pervert!)

(I promised to help you take off the skirt, but it turned out to be my fat times... How could I promise you to take off my fat times?

(How dare you do such a heinous thing, kill you, definitely kill you!)

Igarashi still didn't speak, but looked more angry, his thin fragrant shoulders trembled slightly, and the black evil spirit had condensed into substance behind his back.

Hua Ye thought for a while, then said:

"Yes, you still have about I wipe it off for you before wearing it?"

(Wipe, wipe?)

(You actually have the nerve to say such shameless, obscene and shameless words, why don't you just say help to lick them clean!)

Igarashi finally couldn't bear it anymore, almost gritted his silver teeth, and rushed forward with an "ahhhh".

"Baga! Hentai! No road race!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Hua Ye put one hand against the little head of the legitimate loli, and said speechlessly, "Don't go too far."

"I'm going too far?!" Igarashi originally wanted to summon Shikigami, but unfortunately, his spiritual power had been sealed by Hua Ye, so he could only swing his windmill fist with all his teeth and claws. "You, a hentai who has lost other people's fat, is going too far!"

"I obviously asked your opinion..."

"What I promised was to let you help pull the skirt, not to let you lose weight!"


If it were in the past, Hua Ye would naturally not let this legal loli make a fuss, but now that the blame was not blamed by others, but by himself, it is inevitable that he feels a little guilty.

"Didn't you want me to help make biscuits at night?" Hua Ye coughed lightly, "I'll give you all the biscuits I made at night?"


Igarashi didn't answer, and continued to launch a futile attack there.

"I'll give you all the next time, too?"

Igarashi still didn't agree.

Hua Ye frowned and said, "That's enough, if you make trouble again, I'll slap you."


The legal loli stopped immediately, and quickly retreated to the other side of the big bed, grabbed the towel she had prepared earlier, wrapped it around her body, and stared at Hua Ye with gritted teeth.

If eyes could kill, Hua Ye would be riddled with holes...

Chapter 663

"All the biscuits from now on will belong to me, and then I swear that I won't say a word about what happened today, or I won't give it up for the rest of my life." Igarashi sniffled her nose and said fiercely across the bed, "I'll think about it after I swear. Shall I forgive you now!"

Your sister, coming up is the most vicious oath to a male creature, it is much more terrifying than a thunderbolt!

Hua Ye resolutely refused, "Impossible."

Cookies are unimportant, but swearing is out of the question.

"You, do you dare not agree?" Igarashi was taken aback.

Why do you think I will agree to such an unreasonable request!Isn't it just taking off your fat times, a piece of cloth that is no bigger than a palm, you should be a gold medal for avoiding death or an iron coupon for Danshu!

Hua Ye nodded: "That's right, I don't agree."

Igarashi bit her lip and said angrily, "You shameless and obscene pervert! Believe it or not, I'll tell those girls around you?"


After saying this, Igarashi regretted it.

Because Hua Ye's face darkened, he went around the bed and walked towards her.

"You, what are you doing?" A bad premonition welled up in my heart.

Hua Ye said calmly, "Slap you."

"What, what?!" Igarashi was originally hiding in the corner, but now there was no way to hide, but he still refused to beg for mercy, stammering, "I, I am your teacher!"

"I do not mind."

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