"Why are you wearing this outfit?" Jing Keai looked Hua Ye up and down, and then commented, "You're so handsome."

Hua Ye said calmly, "It's just a try on."

"Would you like to sit down and have a cup of coffee?"

"Need not."

"Sit down first, teacher, I have something to tell you."

Hua Ye did not sit down, but still stood upright. Although he just came back from the outside, his deacon outfit was still spotless. With his upright standing posture, people would definitely believe that he was a male model.

"What's the matter with calling me?" Hua Ye asked.

"Well, it's like this..."

Jing's cute, slender and fair fingers tapped on the table lightly, her tone was a little helpless: "Teacher, I have something, I don't know whether to say it or not..."

Hua Ye said decisively: "Then there is no need to talk about it."

Needless to say, I know it must not be a good thing!At this time, it is good to refuse decisively!

Jing Keai didn't seem to hear Hua Ye's answer, and continued to say in a lazy tone: "Actually, teacher, I came here this time for a blind date..."

Blind date?

I heard that no matter men or women, once they embark on the road of blind date, the hope of talking about themselves is extremely slim.

But Jing Keai in front of her is already twenty-nine years old and dozens of months old, so blind dates are normal.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Congratulations."

"Kick you believe it or not?" Jing Keai made a gesture to kick.

"It was introduced by my family, there is no other way, I have to come and have a look." Jing Keai raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brows, a little tired, "I just met you here, so the teacher wants to ask you something..."

Hey, what's the fuss about this opening speech full of visual sense!

Do you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?

That kind of routine is too bloody!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said decisively:

"Wait a minute, I won't pretend to be your boyfriend, goodbye!"


"What did you say!"

Rao Shijing is cute and well-informed. At this moment, her face is also slightly red, her fists are clenched "click", her eyes are half-closed, and her voice is murderous: "Pretend to be my boyfriend? I'm your teacher." , have you thought too much?"

What's wrong with the teacher?

That legal loli is also a teacher, so it's not wrong to hit it. After the sex, today is obviously much more honest than before.

"I'm not interested in a brat like you."

Hua Ye retorted with a dark face: "I'm not young anywhere."

Jing Keai gave Hua Ye a blank look: "Let's play pornographic jokes with the teacher again, and discount your legs, believe it or not?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "I don't believe it."

Just relying on your force value, if you stand still and let you fight, you won't be able to break through the defense, okay?

"I don't know why so many girls like you..." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, and sighed, "It's impossible to have a boyfriend, even if you really want to find someone to pretend to be a boyfriend, it's not your turn ..."

Jing Keai finally decided to get to the point, and said: "Look at my gestures later, after I compare the gestures, you can call me, and then I will leave with an excuse, is there any problem?"

Is that the purpose?

Hua Ye thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "Yes."


After a while.

A man in a suit and leather shoes and glasses walked up to Jing Keai and sat down, obviously he was the so-called blind date.

Hua Ye stood in the distance, watching silently, and quickly summed up the laws of human blind dates.

To sum it up briefly, men pretend to be gentlemen, women pretend to be ladies... because the quiet and lovely people on weekdays don't sit so upright at all, okay?

Half leaning on the sofa, with her right leg folded on top of her left, and a lady's cigarette in her mouth, this is her true face!

After the two of them said some nonsense nonsense as an opening remark, the man wearing glasses quickly got to the point.

"I heard Miss Hiratsuka is a teacher by profession?"

"Well, that's right."

"I personally don't discriminate against the profession of teachers, but teachers have to spend a lot of energy on students, so I hope you can quit this job after you get married."

"That makes sense..."

"Personally, I'm not a machismo, but after marriage, family chores need to be taken care of, so I hope you can be a full-time wife."

"It's so traditional..."

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