
Who told you to kiss again next time!Obviously I want you to apologize, okay?

Hua Ye's face darkened, and he suddenly noticed the sly light flashing from the corner of the black-bellied girl's eyes, and he understood immediately.

"Very well, you continue to hide."

Rafael suddenly panicked: "I, I was wrong..."

It's a pity that Hua Ye blocked her mouth before she could finish her sentence.

It's cool to have a skin every day, but there is a price to pay.

Hua Ye once again proved one thing

Although this black-bellied girl is dirty on weekdays, it's a pity that she is just a veteran driver. When the critical moment comes, she will have stage fright and will be bullied without any power to fight back.

After kissing.

"...A-Are you satisfied with this?" Raphael's eyes were misty, his white teeth bit his red lips lightly, he clenched his fist with his right hand, and beat Hua Ye's chest, "Big pervert!"

Hua Ye pursed his lips and commented: "It tastes good."


"Sweet and sour strawberry flavor... kiss again?"

"No, no more!" Rafael shook his head hastily, "You can actually say such a thing in a serious manner... Cheeky-skinned!"


Fast forward to Friday.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

There are only a few cotton candy-like white clouds dotted in the blue sky.

When Hua Ye walked into the classroom, the melon-eating girls in the class were still chattering about celebrities, cosmetics, and good TV shows, but there was no talk about Onmyoji.

It wasn't until class was about to start that the crippled angel Gabriel came in weakly through the back door.

After entering the door, the useless angel put the schoolbag away, then lay down on the desk in a standard salted fish paralyzed posture, and then let out a weak sigh: "Hey..."

"Xiaojia, you will grow old if you sigh early in the morning." Wei Nai stretched out her fair and slender right hand, "What about homework? Give it to me, you are the only one left."

"Not written."

"Write it now without writing it, what kind of trouble is it to be so righteous!"

Gabriel Salted Fish is not afraid of boiling water: "I asked for leave yesterday and didn't come to class. I didn't know there was such a thing as homework, so it's normal if I don't write it?"

Wei Nai put on a pretty face: "I obviously sent a message yesterday telling you that you have to do your homework."

"Oh, I didn't see that."


After saying a few words, Wei Nai's anger gauge gradually filled up, even a little angel would sometimes get angry: "Xiao Jia, you will be beaten like this!"

The useless angel sat up and stared at Wei Nai:


"You, what are you doing?" Wei Nai touched her face, "Is there something on my face?"

Hua Ye said beside him, "No, it's very clean."

Gabriel didn't speak, but just stood up, moved close to Wei Nai, and raised her little nose: "Sniff, sniff..."

Wei Nai blushed, "Xiaojia, what are you doing!"

"Hmm~~" Gabriel looked up at the sky, "I'm replenishing the elements of Wei Nai."

"So what is the element of Wei Nai!"

Gabriel blinked her eyes, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "Because the smell of Wei Nai is very good, adding it can fill you with energy, and doing homework requires energy points, so I need to supplement the elements of Wei Nai."

"You're so full of energy!" Wei Nai started to complain, "Don't think I won't accept your homework just because of that!"

"Tch, it's so troublesome..."

The useless angel squinted his eyes and moved closer to Wei Nai again.

"What are you doing again?" Wei Nai looked over vigilantly.

Gabriel didn't speak, but just blew softly into Vinai's ear, and then...

Then Wei Nai exploded.

Like a cat blowing fur, Wei Nai retreated to the wall with a 'swish', her pretty face was flushed with red, and her voice stammered: "You you you you you... what are you doing! Idiot little Jia!"

"Tch, it's just that I can't stand it anymore, Wei Nai is very sensitive." Gabriel sat back on her seat, looking as if she didn't care about her.

"Ming, obviously it was you who suddenly attacked me..."

At this moment, someone in the class had already looked at him with subtle eyes. Finally, Wei Nai couldn't take it anymore, stomped her feet, turned and left with a blushing face.

The useless angel propped his chin with one hand, and said in a tone of no sense of accomplishment: "Vina's strategy is complete... Difficulty: zero stars."

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