Machiko pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Mom, shall I see classmate Hua Ye?"

"Go." Hashimoto Qingyin waved his hand, "Come back before ten o'clock in the evening, that's fine."

It's only seven o'clock in the evening, and there are still three full hours before ten o'clock. Do you worry about your daughter or me?


Hua Ye and Machiko walked downstairs to the apartment together.

The moonlight is like water, and the silver frost is sprinkled on the ground.

The air is a little cold.

"Student Hua Ye, be careful on the way home..." Machiko stood under the streetlight and said softly.

"Ok, I know."

Hua Ye walked a few steps, looked back, and found that Machiko was still standing under the street lamp and looking at her. The evening wind blew the ends of her hair, like a dynamic plum blossom fluttering gently.

Hua Ye thought for a while, turned around and walked back.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" Machiko asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Forget one thing."

"what's up?"

Hua Ye instructed: "Just stand still and don't move."

"Oh... ehhh?!"

Seeing Hua Ye who reached out to grab her, Machiko opened her eyes wide and stopped breathing.

(What does student Hua Ye want to do?)

(Difficult, is it because my mother was at home tonight, Hua Ye didn't get what she wanted, and now you want to continue, continue to rub it?)

(But this is downstairs in the apartment, people come and go, and you will be seen by others if you do that kind of thing, right?)

(It will die! It will definitely die!)

It's a pity that the words of refusal came to his lips, and he couldn't say it anyway. Machiko could only stand there blankly, waiting for the final judgment to come.


Machiko opened her eyes wide and shrank her neck in a daze, looking super cute.

It wasn't until Hua Ye's right hand landed firmly on top of her head that the black, long, straight girl finally reacted.

(It turns out that Hua Ye didn't want to rub it, but to touch my head?)

(W-why did you suddenly touch my head?)

(So ​​ashamed, so ashamed, so ashamed, so ashamed...)

Although it was sudden and abrupt, and there was no explanation beforehand, she couldn't get angry at all. Even when Hua Ye withdrew her hand, Machiko felt a little disappointed.

"Okay, you can go back." Hua Ye withdrew his hand and said.

It seems that Machiko didn't read the news, but even Lolita and the young girl have touched it, so what's the point of touching Machiko?

"Ah... oh... I, I'm going back!"

Machiko just woke up like a dream, her face was flushed, and she turned around and ran. When she went upstairs, she tripped on the steps and almost fell down.




Although it's a new week, it's a pity that there is really no sense of anticipation, and the school festival is coming soon, and we need to arrange classes and rehearse dramas...

Hua Ye suddenly wanted to turn the words of that useless angel into reality

"School or something, it really is better to blow up to the sky."

In the blink of an eye, it was the fourth biology class. The biology teacher was a middle-aged male teacher. He was tall, thin, and dark-skinned. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. It was summer, but he was close to the thermos. There was still bubbles in the thermos. Drinking goji berries, I would take a sip from time to time between lectures... Obviously I had a mid-life crisis.

The biology teacher drinking wolfberry tea was talking about Mendel's pea hybridization experiment, but the audience below the podium was drowsy, and most people's thoughts had already flown out of the window.

"a ha ha ha--"

A characteristic smirk suddenly broke the tranquility in the class.

The melon-eating girls all turned to look at Satania.

"Student Satania, are you so happy because you saw some funny joke? Do you want to share it with everyone?" The biology teacher pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, took a sip of wolfberry tea from the thermos, and then slowly opened the mouth.

There are thirty or forty people in a class, so it is impossible for the teacher to be familiar with everyone in the class, but here, Satania has successfully been known by all the teachers for her homework and class troubles.

If it was someone else who laughed out loud just now, they would be ashamed to apologize and ask for forgiveness when they heard what the biology teacher said. Unfortunately, Satania never played the cards according to the routine, or she didn't hear the biology teacher at all. With a subtle tone, I thought the biology teacher really asked her to share a joke.

So instead of apologizing, Satania picked up a book, pointed to an illustration on the book and said, "This picture is wrong!"

Hua Ye looked up and saw that the idiot Meow was pointing at an illustration of animals queuing up to board Noah's Ark.

"Student Satania, are you taking a history book?" The biology teacher was speechless.

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