Taking out his phone, he saw that the person who sent the message was actually the legal loli Igarashi.

The content is not long, only a few short words.

"Come to the rooftop!"

Hua Ye's reply was also very short: "No."


Igarashi on the rooftop gritted her silver teeth, and was about to throw down her phone in a fit of anger, when she suddenly remembered the teachings of those love masters, and finally replied angrily: "Come to the rooftop, I will treat you to lunch. Drinking black tea, I have something very important to ask for your help..."

The Seventh Master of Love teaches - Showing weakness and acting like a baby are two magic weapons for girls. Reasonable showing weakness and timely acting like a baby can quickly accumulate a lot of favorability, so that one step ahead, step by step.

Of course, it's impossible to be coquettish, even if I, Igarashi, die, even if I jump off the roof, it's impossible to be coquettish!


In most campus cartoons, the roof of the teaching building is a key place for the development of the plot. Unfortunately, in reality, the roof of most schools will lock the door with a lock, and students are not allowed to enter at all.

When Hua Ye first arrived, he came to the roof of the teaching building to have lunch. Naturally, the lock on the door could be opened whenever he wanted. Unfortunately, after going up to the roof, he found that the place was not only dirty, but also had a lot of scaffolding that hadn't been cleared away. With the paint bucket, I lost interest all of a sudden, and never came again.

At the end of the stairs, Hua Ye found that the lock had been opened, so he pushed the door open and entered.

As far as the eye can see, there is a purple parasol in the center of the roof, a solid wooden round table under it, and two chairs beside it. Igarashi is sitting on a chair with a cup of black tea in his hand. Behind her, there is another maid standing respectfully.

Obviously, this is not only a world based on face, but also a world based on money and power.

The reason why this legal loli was able to turn the school rooftop into her own balcony was obviously due to the transaction of money and power.

"Come here for tea." Igarashi beckoned.

Hua Ye walked over to sit down, and the maid who was standing beside him quietly stepped forward to help Hua Ye fill a cup of black tea without asking.

"This is the top-quality black tea I drink. It's cheap for you today." Igarashi snorted softly, but looked over with a pair of eyes, obviously waiting for Hua Ye's evaluation.

Hua Ye picked up his teacup, took a sip, and said:

"The taste is average."

"Huh?" Igarashi gritted his silver teeth angrily, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Hua Ye shook his head.

This cup of black tea doesn't emit light, nor can it make people burst into clothes. It's a very common thing.

(Damn it! It's your great honor to give you your favorite black tea, how dare you call it mediocre!)

(If it's not that I can't beat you, I'll let you lick my feet now!)

(No, don't be angry... Those love masters said, be graceful and smile at this time...)

Igarashi recited 'be graceful and smile' several times in her heart before resisting the desire to beat Hua Ye up. She took a deep breath and showed a smiling face.

It is the practice that has been practiced secretly several times in private, which can best highlight the cute and playful smile of the girl.

(Humph, seeing my cute smile, I’m sure my IQ will drop to a husky, and if you’re told to go east, you go east, and if you’re told to go west, you go west, right?)

Hua Ye's movement of drinking tea was indeed paused, but unfortunately, there was no love or fascination on his face, but an obvious look of disgust: "You smile so fake."

"You bastard!" Igarashi was so angry that he almost flipped the table.

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes and looked: "Huh?"


Igarashi suddenly wilted again.

Even if she was full of anger, she didn't dare to attack Hua Ye...at least not when other people were around.

Because it is very likely that Hua Ye will grab him and give him a slap if he disagrees. If someone else sees it, the only way to go is to jump off the roof, right?

No matter what, we will never allow those who are majestic to be swept away!

"Hey, it's none of your business here!" Igarashi puffed up her cheeks and glared at the maid standing quietly beside her, "Hurry up and bring the lunch!"

"Yes, Igarashi-sama."

The maid lying innocently on the gun responded with some grievances, turned around and left quickly.

As the maid left, the huge rooftop suddenly fell silent.

"Why did you call me here?" Hua Ye took a sip of the black tea and asked why.

"Of course it's to deal with that monster with big breasts!" Igarashi has made up his mind to kill, "Our goal is to smash her ass and crush her breasts!"

Chapter 693

Regarding Igarashi's unreasonable troubles, Hua Ye had already expected it, so he was naturally calm.

He drank the lipstick tea before asking back:

"Why should I help you bully others?"

The 'big-breasted monster' in your mouth can act like a baby, show cuteness, give gifts, and talk. The impression score is actually not bad, and there is no reason to bully her at all.

"Because she will definitely mock me!" Igarashi clenched her fists tightly, her slender willow eyebrows slightly furrowed, and gave an example, "The kind of mockery that deserves more beating than a screaming chicken!"

"That is to say, she hasn't mocked you so far?"

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