"It's time for you to take a bite..."

Even the rainbow pineapple buns are willing to share. You have become more and more generous recently.


The two walked into the supermarket. It was evening, and there were quite a few customers in the supermarket.

While queuing up, Hua Ye glanced over and suddenly saw an acquaintance.

That bob-haired girl, Kitano Haruka, was holding a red shopping basket at the moment, tiptoeing to reach for a bag of brown sugar on the shelf, but because of her short legs and short legs, she was always a little short.

However, she is introverted, and she belongs to the type who will never trouble others if she can do it without trouble. She can easily solve the problem by asking for help, but she continues to stand on tiptoe because she is too embarrassed to trouble others.

so stay.

I stayed too much.

Do you think that you are a spring, and you can go higher every time you charge up?

If you can't reach it, you can't reach it, and it's useless to stand on tiptoe. It's better to put the shopping basket in your hand as a stepping stone on the ground!

Hua Ye finally couldn't stand it anymore, walked over and took down the bag of brown sugar.

"Thank you, thank you..." A dull thank you sounded.

It's a pity that she was only halfway through her sentence when she saw that it was Hua Ye who was helping, and she was so frightened that the shopping basket in her hand dropped.

Hua Ye grabbed it and couldn't help but say:


"Hua, Hua Ye, are you here to kill me?" The bob-haired girl burst into tears and crouched with her head in her arms.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "Why did you kill you?"

"Also, don't lock me in a small dark room and do such terrible things to me." Kitano Haruka hugged her ears like a bunny, "Mom still needs my care..."


Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Get up and talk."

The bob-haired girl still crouched in defense with her head in her arms.

"If you don't get up again, I'll take you into a small dark room and do such and such things right now!" Hua Ye threatened with a stern face.

Then Kitano Haruka stood up immediately.

Hua Ye discovered that when talking to this girl, he had to use a commanding tone, and it was not enough to speak well.

"Stand up straight." Hua Ye ordered again.

"Yes Yes!"

The bob-haired girl trembled all over, and hurriedly stood up straight.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"Now I ask you to answer, or I will lock you in the basement, do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly..."

"Speak louder."

Kitano Haruka was about to cry, but she didn't dare to resist, so she could only clenched her fists and shouted louder: "Listen, listen clearly!"

It's a pity that the sound was still so small that it didn't even attract the attention of others.

Hua Ye then asked, "Why are you so afraid of me?"

The bobo-haired girl subconsciously wanted to lower her head to avoid Hua Ye's gaze, but Hua Ye shouted again: "Don't hide."

So Haruka Kitano could only blush, and said aggrievedly: "Because, because I discovered the secrets of Hua Ye and Gabriel..."

"Secret?" Hua Ye was startled, "What secret?"

"It was, it was at noon that day..." Haruka Kitano became more and more nervous, stammering, "Student Hua Ye is behind the teaching building, bullying and bullying classmate Gabriel..."

Hua Ye quickly remembered what happened that day, and couldn't help being speechless: "I bullied her? It's obvious that she is bullying me, okay?"

There is no doubt that this bob-haired girl probably didn't see clearly, so there was a misunderstanding.

"She was eating popsicles that day, and the popsicles accidentally stuck to her tongue, and I just helped to melt them away."

"Did you use that kind of dirty thing to help dissolve it..." Haruka Kitano looked sad, "Student Jia Baili's face is covered with white|turbid liquid, and Hua Ye still refuses to admit it... ..."

"The [beep——] liquid?"

Hua Ye suddenly came to his senses.

What the hell!

So you thought I was doing that to that crippled angel?

Stop kidding!

Will be beaten to death by her, okay?

Don't look at that useless angel who looks like a useless meow and a salted fish on weekdays, but if it gets aggressive, it will turn into a tiger!

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