Although she wiped her hands with a tissue, Wei Nai still felt sticky and uncomfortable all over her body.

For Wei Nai, who is a bit of a clean freak, it is really uncomfortable to reach into her pocket to get the keys like this, and after opening the door, she has to open the shoe cabinet and change slippers, and her hands will be sticky Things must be on the shoe cabinet, right?

Sure enough, it was still unacceptable.

Wei Nai lived on the second floor, and the corridor was very quiet. The energy-saving lamps lit up with the sound of the two people's footsteps, emitting a warm orange light.

Quickly walk outside the door of the apartment.

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai: "Is the key in the backpack?"


Wei Nai was silent for a moment.

Because the key is not in the backpack, but in the pocket.

To be precise, it is in the pants pocket of the jeans.

"I, I'll take it myself..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip, and stretched her hands into her pockets, but the sticky feeling on her hands made her unable to do so.

"Is it in the trouser pocket?" Hua Ye walked up behind Wei Nai, stretched out his hand and said, "Let me do it."

"don't want……"

Just as Wei Nai was about to refuse, Hua Ye said, "Don't move around, open the door quickly so that you can enter the house and change clothes earlier?"


So Wei Nai bit her lip and said nothing.

Normally, Wei Nai would definitely not agree to this kind of thing, but the current situation is special after all, and her brain is running half a beat slower than usual.

The key was in the right pocket in front of him. When Hua Ye put his hand into the pocket, he felt that the opening was extremely delicate and smooth, with a comfortable warmth.

it's wired.

It's just a very ordinary pair of jeans, why do they feel much smoother when worn on girls?Can it even be compared to stockings?

Or is it just psychological?

Compared to Hua Ye's relaxation and comfort, Wei Nai was extremely nervous. After all, the front pockets of her trousers were extremely close to the absolute forbidden area for girls, and even her body was already tense. Her voice trembled and said, "You, you faster!"



The apartment that Wei Nai lives in is also the kind of single apartment mainly for office workers and students. When Hua Ye helped get the key, the door next door just opened with a "click". A woman with a ponytail, wearing a vest and sneakers , it seems that the woman who was about to go out for a night run just came out.

The four eyes met, and the air was suddenly silent.

After the woman was stunned, her eyes were strangely mixed with shock, and she silently raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Wei Nai's entire face flushed red, and she quickly explained: "No, it's not what you think!"

"No need to explain, I'm also a young man, I can understand..."

"What do you understand!" Wei Nai was about to cry.

"Go on, I'm going to run now." The woman waved her hand, turned around and left, "But this is not good after all, you should pay attention..."


"Got the key."

Hua Ye raised his hand, but what he got was Wei Nai's shy and angry eyes.

Hey, I didn't say anything, okay, why are you staring at me again!

"Hurry up and open the door!"

Hua Ye opened the door with the key, and walked into the entrance first.

"The slippers are in the shoe cabinet, I want the blue pair..." Walking into the room, Wei Nai finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Hua Ye opened the shoe cabinet, only to find that in addition to women's slippers, there was actually a pair of men's slippers, because they were sandals and slippers worn in summer, so men's and women's styles could be identified.

Taking out the pair of men's slippers, Hua Ye asked casually, "Prepared for me?"

"No." Wei Nai blushed slightly, denying it.

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes: "Who is that helping?"

"You..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip angrily, "What do you think!"


Change into your slippers and walk into the living room.

It's not the first time Hua Ye has come to Wei Nai's apartment. Although the last time he came was a few months ago, the furnishings in the room have not changed much. The floors are clean and spotless, the windows are bright, and the tea table is clean. The plain sofa... and the room of Gabriel's useless angel are completely two extremes.

"Why are you here?" Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye warily.

Hua Ye said seriously, "Drink tea."

Xiaoqian once said that being able to go to a girl's house for tea at night is definitely a milestone breakthrough.

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