When I helped to hold the key just now, the delicate and silky touch came to my heart again.

The jeans look very tight, will it be difficult to take them off by yourself?

How about... go in and help?

Hua Ye quickly shook his head.

Going in is not to help, but to seek death!

Obviously, it’s just a very common washing. On a larger scale, it’s the basic life demands of human beings. Millions of the same behaviors happen every minute and every second. There is nothing special that deserves attention at all... So this weak Where did the impulse come from!

After a while, the sound of "crashing" water flowed.

Just at this time, an episode of the TV series ended and the ending song played. Wei Nai seemed to be familiar with the ending song, so she hummed softly along with the melody.

Although the sound was very small, plus the sound of the shower and the TV, ordinary people basically couldn't hear it clearly, but Hua Ye was not an ordinary person, so he could hear it clearly, and suddenly thought of the siren siren.

In Greek mythology, there is a siren, a siren who lures passing sailors with its charming singing, and then drags and eats the sailors charmed by the singing.

Hua Ye could poke the sirens to death with one finger, and would not be affected by their singing at all, but at this moment, Wei Nai's singing is actually more alluring than the charming voice of the sirens. !

Obviously just humming a song in a very ordinary way, but it gave Hua Ye an urge to open the door and go in.

However, Hua Ye couldn't do the thing of rushing in without permission.

So he coughed lightly and said, "Shall I go in and wipe your back for you?"


Wei Nai in the bathroom was silent for a few seconds.

Then there was an answer full of contempt, enough to make those with bad intentions hide their faces and run away in tears, and cut themselves open: "No, get out."

Hey, free back rubbing service, others want it and don't have it!Don't you know how to cherish it!


Didn't take a bath, just took a shower, Wei Nai still walked out of the bathroom after a long while.

She didn't use a hair dryer in the bathroom. In order to prevent her hair from getting wet on her clothes, Wei Nai wrapped her hair in a white towel.

Seeing Hua Ye looking over, Wei Nai immediately angrily said:

"Watch your TV!"

She covered her chest with her right hand, and pressed her left hand on her lower abdomen. Although the shirt was not too small, it couldn't be worn as a skirt like Gabriel's, so she could vaguely see traces of white fat.Because she had just taken a bath, her skin was rosy and rosy, like a freshly peeled egg, which could be broken by a blow, and extremely smooth and tender. Two slender, well-fitting, curvy legs were exposed to the air.

Probably because of embarrassment, Wei Nai turned her body slightly. Unfortunately, this movement made her legs look as white as jade. The curve from thigh to ankle is beautiful and charming, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

It is a pity that such beauty will soon disappear.

Wei Nai refused to enter the bedroom before because her body was covered with watermelon juice. Now she is clean and refreshed, without any worries from before. After giving Hua Ye a look, she quickly walked into the bedroom and slammed the door open. close with a bang.

When she came out, she was fully armed and dressed, even wearing white knee high socks on her feet.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly:

"Are you planning to go out?"

"Don't go out." Wei Nai said solemnly, "It's specially used to guard against you."

Hey, what do you mean by anti-me!Am I some kind of scourge!If it's true, it's useless no matter how much you wear!

"La Fei said that some people will turn into terrifying animals after absorbing the moonlight."

"It's cloudy outside, and there's no moon at all, okay!" Hua Ye complained with black lines all over his face.


Wei Nai did not continue talking to Hua Ye, but turned around and took the basin, ready to wash the clothes.

"Why don't you use a washing machine?" Hua Ye asked.

"No way." Wei Nai shook her head and said, "I ate watermelon once before, and accidentally dripped a drop of watermelon juice on my clothes. It's not very clean in the washing machine. It's better to wash it by hand."

A gust of cold evening wind blew by, causing Wei Nai to shiver slightly.

Hua Ye proposed:

"Dry your hair before you wash your clothes?"

"Blow it after washing..." Wei Nai pursed her lips, "The watermelon stains have stayed on the clothes for a long time, and the stains have penetrated into the fibers of the clothes, so it's not so easy to wash... just two or three pieces, very easy It will be washed soon..."

It's a pity that the clothes haven't been washed yet, but a sneeze sounded first.

Four eyes facing each other.

"you caught a cold?"

Wei Nai blinked her eyes, and said uncertainly, "No way? It should be because the gust of wind just now was a bit cold..."

As soon as the words fell, there was another sneeze.

Hua Ye confirmed, "You really have a cold."


Chapter 707 Feeding Wei Nai

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