"No." Wei Nai shook her head, "I'm not hungry at all now."

Hua Ye responded and sat beside Wei Nai's bed.

"You, what are you doing?" Wei Nai was a little nervous, raising her hand to cover her chest, "If you don't go to the kitchen to watch, what if the water splashes out?"

"I know it in my heart." Hua Ye replied, his eyes swept over the dolls on the bed, "Shall we catch a few more next time?"

"No." Wei Nai said angrily, "I almost can't fit on the bed."

As he spoke, he puffed his cheeks: "Why do you want to grab dolls every time you pass by there?"

Hua Ye tilted his head and thought for a while: "Itchy hands?"


When chatting, time always flies very fast, and when Hua Ye turned around to go out, Wei Nai found that the ginger drink had been cooked.

Hua Ye held the bowl in one hand and a chair in the other, and sat in front of Wei Nai.

"Open your mouth."

Probably because the IQ was affected to a certain extent after the fever, Wei Nai opened her mouth subconsciously when she heard the words, and when she came to her senses, the scorching liquid had already poured into her mouth.

"Uh...cough cough!"

Swallowing the ginger soup in her mouth, Wei Nai was ashamed and angry, her pretty face flushed: "You, what are you doing?!"

"Feed you ginger soup."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, "It's not that I don't know how to drink, why should you feed me?"

Hua Ye said solemnly: "Patients need to be taken care of."

"I just have a cold!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "Why do you say that I have a terminal illness!"

Hua Ye looked up at the sky: "I recently saw a piece of news on the Internet, saying that the cough was not good, and it was protracted and died. Later, I went to the hospital for an examination, and it turned out that the cancer was late..."

Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, raised the Snoopy pillow in her hand: "Believe it or not?"

"Don't make trouble." Hua Ye took another spoonful of ginger soup, "Drink it quickly, or it will be cold."


After drinking the ginger soup, Wei Nai recovered a little, and spit out the tip of her pink tongue: "It tastes a bit spicy..."

Nonsense, the unique "gingerol" in ginger can stimulate the stomach and make people sweat, so as to treat colds. The non-spicy ginger must be fake!

However, Hua Ye didn't complain about whether it was spicy or not, but asked with a subtle look in his eyes, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Wei Nai shook her head, "It's not uncomfortable, it's just that my mouth is a bit uncomfortable..."

"I can heal."

"What are you going to do?" Wei Nai blinked her eyes, suddenly feeling something was wrong, "The eyes became obscene again...uh..."

Chapter 708


Because of the ginger soup she had just drank, Wei Nai's lips were soft and hot, like some kind of heated jelly, the taste was amazing.

Looking at each other, you can clearly see the shock, panic and shyness in Wei Nai's eyes, and then...

Then, like a frightened little rabbit, Wei Nai's long eyelashes fell down suddenly, as if she could avoid the dangers of the world.

Big mistake!

When being bullied, silence and forbearance can only fuel the arrogance of others. Fighting back is the only way. If you bury your head in the sand like an ostrich, the only consequence is to become a fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others.

So Hua Ye was not polite at all, and directly started to attack the city.

so weak.

Very weak.

It's obviously not the first time to kiss, but Wei Nai is still flustered, jerky and nervous, she is simply a rookie in the hands of a novice, eating fish fry in the chicken, let alone resisting, she can't even guard the city gate, she has no resistance Hua Ye captured the city and invaded the hinterland.


As the foreign object knocked open her teeth and invaded her mouth, Wei Nai suddenly opened her eyes, exchanged a glance with Hua Ye, and then hurriedly closed them again, but this time she no longer stayed in the same place at a loss like a wooden figure, but She reached out to push Hua Ye, but unfortunately the head of the bed was behind her, and the strength in her hand was too weak to push Hua Ye at all.

In the end, he had no choice but to accept the facts in despair, and tried to hide the tip of his tongue back aggrievedly. Unfortunately, his mouth was so big, so he was caught in the end, and then it was time for the loser to be punished.


After a long time, Hua Ye finally let Wei Nai go.

A shiny silk thread formed by saliva sticks and stretches at the corners of their lips, dyeing the air pink.

"Hu~~ huh~~"

Wei Nai's pretty face was covered with red, and the forest was full of dyes. She was more beautiful than the sunset glow in the sky. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly, half of which was due to lack of oxygen, and the other half was due to shame and anger. She even stammered, "You you you you you……"

Hua Ye wiped the corner of his mouth, and said solemnly:

"This is stimulation therapy..."

Before he finished speaking, a Snoopy pillow was thrown over, and then Wen Nai's extremely embarrassing voice: "You...shameless!"

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