
"Let's go, go back."

Hua Ye sighed, and walked back with the two lolis, covering their mouths with a cotton candy on the way.

Back to the apartment.

"The slippers are in the shoe cabinet. Take which pair you want to wear." Hua Ye said casually, "But there is only one bed in the apartment, the two of you at night..."

Hua Ye wanted to talk about spreading tatami mats on the floor, but Lolita waved her hand generously and said, "It's okay, brother Xiaoye can sleep on the sofa with Linna, and I will sleep on the bed."


He vomited blood!

I vomited blood because of your behavior of selling teammates without hesitation!

In order to keep my mouth shut, you actually sold your best little girlfriend just as soon as she said it!

Although it is said that cat-eared girls will not break the law, but maybe organizations like the cat-eared girl protection association will come to your door!

"It's ok~~" The cat girl didn't have the consciousness of being sold at all, but raised her face and said expectantly, "As long as you feed our little fish, I can let you hug and sleep meow."

Sleeping with others easily for the sake of Xiaoyugan, even the cat-eared lady gave me some pursuits!

"It's fine if you want to lick us, meow."

Do you think that holding you to sleep is just to masturbate you?

Of course it is to do the scary and violent things in the comics!

With your small body, you will definitely not be able to get out of bed the next morning, because it is already broken!

Poor Loli raised her small face, her eyes were bent into two crescent moons: "If the bed is big enough, it's fine to sleep with brother Xiao Ye."

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "Then sleep together."

"Eh eh?"

Although doing so will "lose the qualifications to be a human being", but I am not a human being in the first place, and there is no problem at all with two loli as pillows at night... right?


It was getting late, but Hua Ye didn't plan to cook dinner, because it would be troublesome to have no one to wash the dishes.

"If you want to watch TV, turn it on yourself. There are ice cream and drinks in the refrigerator, and you can get what you want to drink." Hua Ye said casually, "I will take you to dinner later."

"I want to drink Coke!" Louli cheered, and ran to open the refrigerator, and took out a bottle of Coke, "My sister used to not let me drink Coke, saying that it would damage my teeth... I'm not a kid The child is gone, you can't lie to me."

Speak as if you are an adult, no matter your age or body, you are still a child, okay?

"Lina, what do you want to drink?"

Catwoman raised her hand: "We want milk, meow."

The dirty loli asked Hua Ye again: "What would Brother Xiao Ye want to drink?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "I'm not thirsty, drink it yourself."

Facts have proved that the two lolis did not regard themselves as outsiders. After taking drinks and a bag of snacks, they sat down on the sofa and watched TV. Sitting on the sofa in a sitting posture, the two pairs of slender jade legs wrapped in black silk and white silk are quite conspicuous, and the little feet move around from time to time... I always feel that there is another lolicon who wants to become a sofa.

With snacks to eat and TV to watch, Hua Ye's ears finally became quiet.

It's a pity that not long after, the Xiuluo field came again...

Chapter 711 Lolita's War

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Dirty Loli put down the Coke, and ran over with 'Deng Deng Deng'.

As the door opened, a voice mixed with shock and embarrassment suddenly sounded: "Why are you a brat?!"

Dirty Loli blinked her eyes, looked at Igarashi who was slightly taller than herself in front of her, like a proud swan, and recalled, "Are you... the person I met in the hotel that day?"

Little ghost head or something, it sounds very unpleasant, so Lolita rolled her eyes and said, "I remember you... because your breasts are not as big as mine!"


Igarashi was suddenly out of shape with rage, and the black flames blazed behind him, almost turning into substance.

Sensing the danger, Lolita immediately turned around and ran behind Hua Ye, only showing half of her small face to look at Igarashi: "You have such small breasts, you have no chance to be in the position!"

Although the voice came from Hua Ye, but Hua Ye sat on the sofa and didn't move his mouth. It was the dirty loli who imitated Conan's way of solving the case and dubbed the voice behind.

"Don't make trouble." Hua Ye looked back at Xiao Hinata.

Flat chest is already an eternal pain in Igarashi's heart, and it would be wrong to add salt to the wound... Of course, the more important reason is that it will be very annoying to quarrel.

"Understood, brother Xiaoye." Lolita obediently responded, then puffed up her cheeks, and stuck out her tongue at Igarashi.

Seeing Hua Ye defending himself (thinking himself), Igarashi's face looked a little better. For the sake of his majesty, he didn't want to argue with the elementary school students, so he just looked at Hua Ye and asked, "Why is she here?"

Poor Loli raised her hand and said, "I'll come to sleep with brother Xiaoye's house."


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