Hua Ye looked at the time, it was almost six o'clock in the evening, it was still early, and he was not in a hurry to go out for dinner.

"Brother Xiaoye, eat an apple." Lolita ran over with an apple in her hand to offer her courtesy, "I peeled it myself."

Hua Ye glanced at her and reached out to take it.

"It's weird." Lolita murmured to herself, "When we went to the zoo last time, it seemed that even monkeys didn't eat apple cores?"

Hua Ye replied casually: "Because apples are Rosaceae fruits, common ones include peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, etc. There is cyanide in the core, and eating too much will cause poisoning and even death."

"This, so exaggerated?" Lolita was startled.

On the contrary, Catwoman was not afraid, and said limply on the sofa, "We thought it was because the core of the apple was so bad that no one would eat it."

Hua Ye said solemnly:

"If you eat the core of an apple, you may die from poison if you eat four or five hundred apples in one go."

"What, if you eat four or five apples, you will kill yourself!"

Dirty loli puffed up her cheeks, and was about to get up to attack Hua Ye, but she accidentally kicked the corner of the coffee table, and there was a wailing sound: "It hurts!"

Ten fingers connected to the heart, not only the fingers, but also the toes. The friends who accidentally kicked the corner of the table and chair must have a deep understanding.

"Brother Xiaoye, save me!" Lolita Mou tearfully stretched out her hand to Hua Ye, like a drowning person grabbing at the last straw, "I-I'm going to die of pain!"

Pain, however, does not kill.

As we all know, the human body has an automatic protection mechanism. When the pain exceeds a limit, it will trigger the vagus nerve, thus entering a state of shock, shielding the pain and protecting the body.

You are so happy now, you are still far away from shock!

Hua Ye sighed, walked to Hinata, and said:

"Put your feet out."

"Hmm." Dirty Loli stretched out her right leg tearfully.

Hua Ye sat at one end of the sofa and reached out to grab her jade feet.

Although he walked a long way, there was no peculiar smell on this filthy loli's feet. Of course, the smell was impossible.The feet are so small that they can be held in the palm of one hand. The white silk stockings are delicate and smooth. It feels like some kind of silky milk to the touch, soft, delicate and small.

Under Hua Ye's massage, the pain was quickly relieved.

"Live, I survived..." Poor Loli twitched her little nose and said tearfully, "I don't know if I have scratched my skin, brother Xiaoye can help me take off my stockings and have a look?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Take it off yourself."

"But, but, the pain is so painful that I can't bend down..."

It should be low back pain that makes you unable to bend down, and it has nothing to do with foot pain!

"Let Lingna take it off for you..." Hua Ye turned to look at Catwoman.

The cat-eared girl blinked her eyes, and quickly fell limply on the sofa: "My cat has schizophrenia."


You are not hypochondrosis, you are simply lazy cancer!

Standing has a standing posture, sitting has a sitting posture, sit for me!Don't slump on the couch like a puddle of liquid!


Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines. He put his index finger into the top of the sock and pulled it down. The white sock seemed to have turned into a substance similar to milk, reflecting the hazy light in the afterglow of the setting sun. shine.

In order to cooperate with Hua Ye's movement of taking off her stockings, Dirty Loli leaned back slightly on the sofa, her right leg stretched out straight, and the arc from thigh to toe revealed a bit of youthful grace and seductiveness... If there was no It's even better to show the pink bear fat times.

Chapter 713 Sleeping With You Tonight

Hua Ye followed the smooth and delicate straight leg line of the filthy loli, and pushed the white tube socks to the end very smoothly...

The neat technique done in one go, I believe it will make those obsessive-compulsive disorder patients feel comfortable.

When leaving Kohinata's slender feet, the mid-tube socks made a crisp sound of "snap". From the previous tense and stretched state, they shrank into a ball and snapped into Hua Ye's hand.

"Brother Xiaoye is very good at taking off stockings..."

Your sister is amazing!

Don't call me a pervert who can only take off loli stockings!Not only is it great to take off your stockings, but you can also take off your other clothes without any problem!

After her right leg was freed from the restraint of the stockings, the dirty loli put her legs together and bumped them lightly in the air, her toes moved mischievously, and she asked with a smile: "Brother Xiaoye, my feet Does it look good?"

Hua Ye was so angry that he almost crushed the ball of stockings in his hands.

your sister!

Did you say that your foot is injured?Don't ask me stupid questions!

"Oh, no wonder it hurt so much just now, the skin almost broke..." Lolita Mou rolled her eyes, hugged Yuzu with both hands, and then said to Hua Ye, "My sister said, 'The kindness of dripping water should be repaid by a spring' , Brother Xiaoye saved me just now, so I will give you that silk stocking as a thank you gift..."

Take the stockings as a thank you gift, you are ashamed to say, but I am too embarrassed to ask for it!

Xiao Hinata continued: "Brother Xiaoye can use it for whatever he wants..."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "What do you think I'm going to do with your stockings! Could it be that they are worn on top of your head like a fat bow tie!"

"Ehhh?" Lolita Mou opened her eyes wide, and covered her mouth with her hand, "I thought Brother Xiaoye was going to use the stockings for stuffing or as ropes, but hey, did he want to use them as fat times?" ?”

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