In Japan, the fox is regarded as the god of Inari, the messenger between humans and gods, and has traditional customs for divination. Wearing a fox mask is to hope to have such power... However, the most indispensable thing in the shrine is Fox mask, what are you buying this for?

If you buy something on impulse, one day you will have to pay for your own impulse. This is the lesson of blood and tears of countless shopkeepers.

Lolita blinked her eyes, hugged Hua Ye's palm, and shook it: "I like Brother Xiaoye the most!"

"It's useless, just give up." Hua Ye remained unmoved.

One of the girl's innate abilities, the 'act like a spoiled child', is a mental attack that ignores physical defense, and the IQ of the victim will drop by dozens of percentage points, but unfortunately it is useless to Hua Ye.

The owner of the fox mask was a male student he didn’t know. At this moment, he was very enthusiastic and said: “A mask only costs [-] yen, and you can take it if you vomit blood! I can only pretend to be indifferent and reject my lovely sister's request, I must be crying silently in my heart, right?"

Let go of your sister!

Who's cash-strapped?

I just don't want to pay for this meaningless impulsive consumption!

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "Because there are many fox masks at home..."

"You don't need to explain, I understand!" The boy pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, picked up two fox masks and handed them to Hua Ye, his eyes frantically said, "I'll give you these two can see The happy smile my sister showed when she received the gift, the Sa family will have no regrets in this life!"

"It's great to have a sister!"

"I also want two such cute and cute sisters!"


After a brief silence.

"Brother Xiaoye, I don't want a mask anymore..." Poor Lolita pulled Huaye's hand and whispered with disgust in her eyes, "Let's go quickly, or he will be turned into a nasty sister-in-law."


A thunderbolt struck down suddenly.

The boy with fanatical eyes suddenly turned into a gray and white sculpture.


I bought two freshly made strawberry parfaits at a mobile cold drink shop, and Hua Ye walked to Class A of the first grade with the two lolis.

The content of the class activities is a very ordinary maid coffee shop, because almost all the girls in the class, naturally there will be no shortage of manpower, Hua Ye didn't need to help in the past, but he can go around to see Wei Nai and the others.

When I came to the classroom, I saw that the classroom has been completely new. All the desks have been moved to the activity room, replaced with comfortable rented tables and chairs, and cute stickers have been pasted on the walls, full of the atmosphere of celebration.

Because it was morning, most of the tourists were walking around the campus energetically, not many people came to drink coffee, but those melon-eating girls in black and white maid outfits were eye-catching.

Seeing Hua Ye coming with two lolitas, a bold melon-eating girl giggled and greeted immediately: "Master sama, welcome!"

A girl who was close to Machiko smiled and gave Machiko a nudge: "Squad leader, hurry up and greet classmate Hua Ye."

"Ah...oh." Machiko blushed slightly, walked to Hua Ye, pulled down the skirt of the maid outfit with some discomfort, and whispered with a blushing face, "Student Hua Ye, come in first?"

Machiko is also wearing a black and white maid outfit, with a white lace skirt hanging down to her knees, white stockings and black leather shoes on her legs, and white cat ears on her head. With a slight tremor, the cuteness has been raised several notches in an instant.

Hua Ye walked into the classroom, sat down at a round table by the window, and asked curiously, "Why did you change into a maid outfit?"

"Because, because there are a lot of rented clothes..." Machiko replied in a low voice with a blushing face.

In fact, the real reason is that she is not good at rejecting others. When she came to organize activities in the class before, some girls yelled and said, "The class leader is the head of the class, so naturally he should be everyone's head maid." Machiko hesitated for a while, I couldn't find a reason to refute, so I had no choice but to change into a maid outfit in the end.

Fortunately, the class is full of maid girls in maid outfits, and everyone is chattering, so the sense of shame is naturally not so strong.

"What do you want to drink? Coffee, black tea or juice?" Machiko quickly got into the mood, "There are also chocolate biscuits and cookies..."

"I want a cup of black tea." Hua Ye said casually.

"Okay." Machiko nodded, then looked at Dirty Lolita and Catwoman, and asked, "Are they your cousins? What do you want to drink?"

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "Don't worry about them, they haven't stopped talking since morning, if they eat any more, they will turn into piglets."

"Brother Xiaoye is too much!" Hinata immediately puffed up his cheeks and protested.

Kitty Catwoman also nodded: "We are not orange cats, no matter how much we eat, we won't get fat."

What happened to the orange cat?

Although nine of the ten orange cats are fat, and there is one racing elephant, they are still honored as "Orange Seat". A cat-eared girl like you has a much lower status than the orange cat!

Machiko pursed her lips and smiled lightly, then turned to serve Hua Ye the black tea.

After a while, Wei Nai walked in from outside the classroom, probably because she had been working in a coffee shop for a long time, she was not as shy as Machiko, she walked up to Hua Ye, and first said hello to Lori : "Hinata, good morning, are you here for the school festival today?"

"Sister Wei Nai, good morning." Xiao Hinata nodded obediently, and replied softly, "I heard it was fun, so I begged Brother Xiaoye to bring us to play."

If you don't know her true face, it's really easy to be deceived by her cute and cute image.

"There are many interesting places in the school. My sister will take you to play later."

Lolita shook her head resolutely and said, "No need, Sister Wei Nai is so busy, it would be great if Brother Xiaoye would take us to play!"


Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye: "Where's Xiao Jia?"

"Sleeping." Hua Ye answered concisely.

Wei Nai sighed: "Really, I sent a message last night to tell her to go to bed early, and I came here to help this morning..."

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