Hua Ye complained expressionlessly: "Because the two boys who came in before us said they would take Sadako home and become their wives."


Not to mention the original novel of Sadako, but as far as the movie is concerned, all the actors of Sadako in the past are all beauties. As long as the hair is lifted, and a simple grooming is done, all of them can be beautiful and bubbling, and they can also change their body shapes. Lolita, Ke Yujie... Owning a Sadako is equivalent to having a bunch of wives!

"The times are advancing, and now almost no one uses video tapes. Ms. Sadako must be very distressed, right?" Raphael stretched out a slender finger, and suggested, "It would be great if we can hire Ms. Sadako. At that time, we will jointly open a Sadako express company and let Sadako deliver the express through TV, it will be very popular, right?"

Is this the difference between ordinary house and fan cut black?

At most, ordinary houses want Miss Sadako to take home as a wife. This black-bellied girl has already considered hiring Sadako and opening a delivery company for Sadako!

Our slogan is "Sadako express delivery, the darts will arrive", it only takes three minutes, and the delivery will be delivered to your door, and it can also avoid the incident of the courier being beaten and insulted. Whoever dares to bully Sadako, let Sadako Play with him every day!

"I remember a horror movie called "Sadako vs. Kayako" was released some time ago." Alice gradually calmed down and muttered to herself, "I don't know how it looks?"

"It's not good-looking, don't look at it, it will lower your IQ." Hua Ye commented succinctly.

It is full of university professors who know that everyone who has watched the videotape will die, but they want to prove the curse for themselves, and female college students who are not enough to kill themselves, and they have to bring the whole family together, and it is obviously between spirit bodies The battle turned into a fight between two girls for no reason...

Rafael nodded in agreement: "It is estimated that the production team spent all the funds on film promotion, right?"

At this time, the tablecloth under the TV suddenly trembled slightly, and a head with a ponytail protruded from it.

"Miss Sadako crawled out!" Alice screamed in fright.

The one crawling out from under the table is Kayako, okay?Sadako is still slowly learning how to plan a dog on TV!

"Well, I'm not a ghost." The girl whispered in embarrassment, "Three classmates, can you walk faster? The people behind are still waiting to enter..."


Chapter 718

The haunted house built by the class is very small, and it is impossible to open up a separate themed room like an amusement park, so I met the ghost baby Hanako again within two steps.

This is a simple bathroom setting. The door is closed tightly. There are dark red marks on the door, like dried blood after scratching with fingers. The sound of people scratching the door with numbness...

"Yes, it's the ghost baby Hanako!"

Alice was very timid. Even though she knew that some student must be playing a ghost in the toilet, she still shivered nervously.

"Hmm..." Raphael stretched out a slender finger, "It is said that Huazijiang can also be hired to work."

"Eh eh?"

"Look." The black-bellied girl said with a smile, "Hua Zijiang can haunt school toilets all over the country, right?"

"Okay, that seems to be the case..."

"The toilet is the place where school violence occurs most frequently, right?"

Alice blinked, her eyes blank: "And then?"

"Then India has the 'Didi beat people' service, we can also set up a Huazijiang beat people service to send warmth to those students who have been bullied." Rafael put his hands together, "Business will definitely be good, right? "

Alice: "OVO!"

Hey, you are too much!I just planned to let Sadako deliver the courier, and now I plan to let the ghost baby Hanako Didi beat people. If I become a ghost, I will be exploited by you. There is no way to pass this day!

This remark obviously stunned the people pretending to be ghosts in the toilet. The evidence is that the unpleasant sound of scratching the door disappeared and turned into a "plop", which should sound like the sound of kneeling on the ground...

"Okay, let's move on."


The horror of the haunted house is actually lackluster.

After all, it was a set built by non-professional students. Except for Alice’s screams from time to time, Hua Ye was expressionless the whole time, and Rafael smiled happily the whole time. It was a big blow to many seniors and sisters who were pretending to be ghosts. be discouraged.

At this time, two screams of terror came from the front.

"Hey, are they the two boys who said they wanted to take Sadako home and be their wives?"

"It should be, it looks like I was frightened by something." Rafael looked expectantly, "Let's go over quickly and have a look."


Alice nodded like a chick pecking at rice, poked her head behind Rafael, looked around, obviously very scared, but couldn't help the curiosity in her heart, women are indeed contradictory creatures.

Turning around a screen, I soon saw the terrifying existence that frightened the two boys in front and screamed.

This is a hanged ghost who is hanging from the beam, wearing a blood-stained white dress, with long black hair covering his cheeks, and nothing under his feet.

The female ghost's hair was windless and automatic, twisting and drifting in the air like a small snake, revealing a bloody, long, terrifying face with her tongue sticking out, and staring at a pair of blood-colored eyes, she "floats" towards Hua Ye from the air. three people.

The little courage that Alice had just mustered disappeared immediately, and she threw herself into Rafael's arms, screaming: "Wow, what a ghost!"

Raphael's right hand landed on the top of Alice's head, stroking the hair gently like stroking a cat: "Don't be afraid, it's actually played by senior, not a real ghost."

Alice couldn't help trembling, she didn't dare to lift her head: "But, but she has no feet, and she still floats in the air!"

"Well, it's actually very simple." The black-bellied girl turned her head to look at Hua Ye with a happy smile, "Student Hua Ye, please go and verify your identity?"

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised an eyebrow and asked.

How do you verify your integrity?

Why are you smiling so darkly!

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