Hua Ye turned to look at Alice.

Didn't you always shout "Master Bai Yu's chastity will be guarded by me" before, why don't you say a word now?

Hurry up and take your Lord Bai Yu away with a coquettish three-in-a-row!

Under Hua Ye's watchful eyes, this short little bean opened its mouth, and then looked away with a guilty expression...

Well, it looks like I can't count on you.

Since watching the movie in the cinema that day, the little bean seems to have become strange.

Hua Ye sighed, then turned to look at the tax-evading girl: "What gift do you want?"

There is no way to refuse a refusal, otherwise you will be bombarded with three consecutive acts of coquettishness. Although it will not break the defense and lose blood, it will be very troublesome.

"Student Hua Ye is the master." Lafayer closed one eye and said with a smile, "As long as it is given by Hua Ye, I like it. (*^▽^*)"

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "Then I'll give you a frog pillow."

"Woo~~Student Hua Ye is too much, knowing that he is afraid of frogs."

"Stimulation therapy, find out."

"Hey, don't bully Master Bai Yu!"


The three of them were wandering around the campus while talking. In addition to eating and drinking stalls, there were also a lot of places selling all kinds of gadgets, and they could always find a gift that suits their wishes.

Walking to a jewelry stand, Raphael's eyes lit up slightly, and he stopped.

"What does this student want?"

The owner of the jewelry booth is a red-haired girl with her hair braided into a ponytail hanging on her chest. She has a melon-seeded face and willow-leaf eyebrows. If you have one piece, you can get a [-]% discount."

Raphael held her hair with one hand, bent slightly, with a headache on her face: "These accessories are all so beautiful, I don't know which one to choose."

The girl smiled slightly: "You can choose whatever, the school girl is beautiful and gentle, no matter what you choose, it will go well with you."


Hey, are you guys bragging about each other like this?

It must be!

Please touch your conscience with your hands when you speak!This tax-dodging girl is beautiful, but she is far from being gentle. She is a good hand at making troubles!

After some business bragging, the black-bellied girl picked up two bracelets polished by Yuhua stone and said, "Student Hua Ye, I want this."

Without Hua Ye asking, Rafael said again: "Alice was frightened just now, why don't you give her a string of bracelets to calm down the fright."

What's so shocking, she laughed a lot in the haunted house before!

Seeing Hua Ye looking at her, Alice immediately puffed up her cheeks, turned her head to one side, and her golden twin ponytails drew two brilliant arcs in the air: "I don't want your gift!"

Hua Ye looked at Rafael: "She didn't want it."

Alice bit her thin lips immediately, like a frightened puffer fish, her cheeks were more bulging, making people want to poke her face.

Hua Ye took out his wallet and was about to pay the bill when a very familiar sight suddenly looked over.


Then a figure ran over like a whirlwind.

"Brother Xiaoye is a big liar!"

Because the speed was so fast that after the person stopped, the two ponytails were still bouncing behind him.

Probably because of the wind blowing from time to time, in this moment, Hinata bought two red ribbons from somewhere, and tied her hair into twin ponytails.

At this moment, he ran over quickly, and stopped in front of Hua Ye with a screeching brake. His small chest heaved up and down. After adjusting his breathing a little, he puffed up his cheeks, widened his eyes and said, "I just begged you not to play with me for a long time. In the blink of an eye, he was hanging out with the lustful and angry auntie, and even gave her gifts...Brother Xiaoye is going too far!"

"Doesn't conscience hurt?"

Sorry, my conscience is impenetrable.

"Hey, Kohinata, who do you think is the lustful old aunt?" Raphael looked down with a smile, her smile was terrifying.

"It's, it's you!" The dirty loli was startled, and hurriedly hid behind Hua Ye.

Hinata is an obedient and cute loli image in front of others, but it is a pity that with Raphael, who is also mischievous and dark-bellied, because of "same-sex repulsion", acting like a baby and being cute doesn't work, but is suppressed everywhere.

"You will be punished for talking nonsense."

"Hmph, brother Xiaoye will protect me!" Lolita poked out half of her face behind Hua Ye, her ponytail tied with a red ribbon was waving in the air, "rua!!"

At this moment, Catwoman finally rushed over belatedly.

Compared with the filthy loli who came to catch the rape, this cat-eared girl is carrying a lot of snacks like marshmallows in her hands, and she is biting a piece of taiyaki (a fish-shaped biscuit, not a real fish) in her mouth. , obviously more interested in snacks than catching rape.

She is neither ladylike nor elegant when she eats, but likes to swallow it in one bite, and then chew slowly, but unfortunately her mouth is too small to swallow it all in one bite, and the result is that the mouth is already round and swollen, and the fish tail of taiyaki It is still exposed outside, looking dumb and cute.

When she came to the Shura field, the little cat girl blinked her round eyes, and quickly chose to stand on the same line with the dirty loli, and threatened Rafael: "Ula!"

With a smile, Rafael stretched out his hand to the top of the little cat girl's head, and rubbed it lightly.

The cat-eared girl immediately rebelled, squinting her eyes comfortably: "Meow~~"

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