at the same time.

Machiko and Kitano Haruka also came to the auditorium. In fact, except for the few students who are on duty in the class, most of the girls who eat melons have already come. After all, there is a class drama performance in the afternoon, so they have to come to support them both emotionally and rationally. .

"Hey, it's classmate Hua Ye!"

Machiko's eyes lit up, and she suddenly remembered that during the home visit that day, Hua Ye appeared as a dark deacon. Although he was wearing a white suit now, he was still super handsome.

Kitano Haruka also thought about what happened that day, but he had no other thoughts. He just glanced at Machiko with some sympathy, and said in his heart: "The monitor is so pitiful, I guess I don't know that I have been greened many times, right? If you change If you have a double ponytail hairstyle, you can change your name to Hatsune-chan..."

The melon-eating girls in the same class also chattered.

"Hey, is that Hua Ye from our class?"

"It's really him. He's usually just handsome. I didn't expect him to say so handsomely after changing his clothes."

"But I remember that there is only one 'Dragon Quest' stage play in our class this afternoon, right? Why is he on it? It seems that he also plays the piano?"



The essence of human beings is a repeater.

Regardless of study, work or life, most of the content is repeated again and again, and the same is true for playing the piano.

Whether it is a genius or an ordinary person, it takes a lot of practice to let the muscles form memory, but Hua Ye has already reached the peak of his body control, he can perfectly control every muscle in the body, and his photographic memory is an inherent skill, so he can Abandon repetitive and mechanical exercises and directly reach the peak of skill.

The same is true of cooking, and the same is true of playing the piano.

As Hua Ye's finger fell, the piano sound like a clear spring was instantly shocking.

Because it sounds so good.

Both the melody and the rhythm are perfect and impeccable, as if a world-class pianist has come to play live, making people's ears pregnant instantly.


The four dancing girls couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Although they had made promises before, they were apprehensive after all. Now they can finally relax and start dancing the Cancan to the rhythm.

Cancan originated in France and is famous for its enthusiasm. Although it is not as famous as ballet, it is not bad at all. Its classic move is "upskirt kick". It is quite eye-catching for a beautiful girl to dance this kind of dance.

The applause broke out quickly, but there were very few discussions about beautiful girls dancing, but most of them were discussing the piano.

"Ear pregnancy series."

"There is someone in our school who can play the piano so well?"

"Many times, you have to admit that it is the same piano, and you and the other party are clearly playing two instruments."


"That hentai plays the piano so nicely?"

Hearing the applause one after another in the auditorium, Gabriel couldn't help but put down the phone and looked up at the stage.

"He was actually wearing a white suit, and he looked like he deserved a beating..."

As he said this, there was a sparkle of light in the eyes of this useless angel.


From the beginning to the end of the performance, the warm applause was almost uninterrupted.

Music knows no borders. Good music can completely break through language barriers and make people intoxicated. Coupled with Hua Ye's master-level performance skills, the result is that people's ears are pregnant and they can't stop.Some people even shouted for Hua Ye to play another song. Unfortunately, Hua Ye had already received the reward, so he naturally had no interest in playing another song. He got up and adjusted his slightly tight neckline, and walked directly to the backstage.

As a result, such a simple action has attracted another wave of fans.

such as……

"I'm going to have a baby for you!"

As soon as he walked backstage, Hua Ye vomited blood with a word from the senior sister.

Shut up!Wei Nai is still standing by the side, you are actually trying to trick me by saying that!Even if it's your turn to have a baby, it's not your turn!

"You have a good idea." Hua Ye expressed disgust in his eyes, and decisively expressed his position.

The senior sister was blushing with excitement. Although she was disgusted by Hua Ye, she didn't take it to heart at all: "The performance just now was really good. As a reward, if you want senior sister to help you do that kind of thing, even Open your mouth..."

"No need at all!"

The girl Tojo Kano, who accidentally broke her wrist before, also had sparkling eyes, holding one hand on her chest, looking at Hua Ye with the eyes of a bronze rookie looking up at the king, and said excitedly: "The younger brother just played so well!"

Fumino Kimura doesn't know how to play the piano, but he just thinks the melody is super nice, and doesn't understand why it sounds so good. Kanou Tojo has practiced piano since he was a child, and he understands how perfect Hua Ye's playing just now is. The realm of intoxication.

"That..." the girl pinched the corner of her clothes, and asked nervously and expectantly, "I wonder if my junior can find time to give me some pointers in the future?"

Hua Ye glanced at Wei Nai who was silent beside him, and replied decisively:

"No, no time, you can find someone else."

Playing the piano is not even a hobby. If it wasn't for Wei Nai's reward, he wouldn't be on stage to save an emergency, let alone teach others.

"Okay then..." The girl froze immediately, the disappointment on her face was beyond words.

Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a blank look. Although she didn't want Hua Ye to agree to the other party's request, such a straightforward refusal would hurt, right?

As a result, Hua Ye turned his head to look at her the next moment, and said with burning eyes:

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