The crippled angel slapped the armrest of the chair and made a crisp sound of "slap" as he spoke: "Lolicon must die, so the death penalty!"


Hua Ye has a dark face, when you talk, don't look at me with "lolicon must die", I'm not a lolicon, okay!

Wei Nai couldn't help complaining:

"Although what you said seems to be correct, but the great drama is interpreted in this way by you, the Chinese teacher's coffin will not be able to hold it down, right?"

Hey, our Chinese teacher is quiet and cute. Although it is true that she is an older young woman waiting to be married, the coffin has not been covered yet!

"If Romeo and Juliet are in a platonic relationship." Wei Nai pursed her lips, tilted her head and said, "There should be no problem, right?"

Gabriel put her hand on her chin, and muttered to herself, "I remember reading it somewhere. The real platonic love doesn't seem so beautiful..."

Hua Ye said beside him:

"Platonic love is a concept proposed in the fifteenth century, referring to the admiration relationship between Socrates and his students. However, the idea of ​​male superiority and inferiority in ancient Greece was very serious. They felt that they had nothing to say to women, so homosexuality prevailed. Few Good friends are ashamed to say that they are ancient Greeks..."

"Don't, stop talking!" Wei Nai raised her hands to cover her ears and shook her head quickly, "I don't want to hear such things!"

Yet it is so.

Platonic love is actually not only forbidden teacher-student love, but also forbidden same-sex love. The ancients knew how to play it!

As for the most common meanings of "spiritual love" and "ideal love", people have misunderstood what others say. Unfortunately, in this world, many misunderstandings have been heard a lot, and they gradually become the truth.

For example, "The more national, the more global", "My coffin is about to be overwhelmed", in fact Lu Xun did not say these words, but more people spread them, and they became Lu Xun's famous sayings.

"Also, after Romeo killed someone, he climbed over the wall and entered Juliet's room that night, and the two of them spent their wedding night..." Gabriel raised her hand and slapped on the chair again, "How could that be? Even the [-]-year-old loli is not spared, what else can it be if it is not a dead lolicon? Sure enough, you should call the gendarmerie and let them arrest people, right?"


Wei Nai looked blankly at Romeo and Juliet on the stage, and suddenly began to doubt life.

It's clearly a great love of life and death, why, why did it become Lorio and Lolita when I came to you!

Chapter 733 Advent

"Okay, it hurts..."

Aggrieved sobs suddenly sounded.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Wei Nai had already put on a pretty face, ready to play with Hua Ye and Gabriel, but she couldn't help but turn her head to look.

"Hand hurts just now..."

The crippled angel raised his hand to his mouth and couldn't help breathing out, probably because he accidentally knocked on the corner of the handrail, and there were tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Stupid Xiaojia." Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead, but finally couldn't bear to just sit back and ignore her, and sighed, "Let me rub it for you."


Vinai grabbed Gabriel's little hand, placed it in her palm and rubbed it carefully.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It's better, but it still hurts."

"Then knead it for a while." Wei Nai raised Gabriel's hand in front of her, let out a sigh of relief, and then continued to knead, "Be careful next time, don't slap the chair at every turn, the wooden splinter I didn't forget last time Bar……"

Hua Ye was sitting next to him, watching Wei Nai rubbing Gabriel's hands, the word "orange in orange" suddenly appeared in his mind... I always feel that I have become a superfluous background!


"You, what are you looking at?" Sensing Hua Ye's subtle eyes, Wei Nai blushed, and finally let go of Gabriel's hand.

Hua Ye looked up at the sky: "You two Platos..."

"Shut up!" Gabriel raised her small fist and threatened fiercely, "I'll blow your head off with one punch!"


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the drama performance of Class A of the first grade finally started.

Dragon Quest.

Because the script was written by myself, there are a lot of reversal plots in it, such as the prince who was captured by the dragon, and the heroine who rescued the prince, etc... Anyway, it is a brain-opening work, which makes people wonder What happens next second.

Although Hua Ye felt that the script was terrible, he didn't appear in many scenes. After all, only the boss appeared at the end. After using the inherent skill "Expressionless", he could handle it completely, but because he played a song before The popularity of the piano music has not gone down yet, so after the prince was taken away in the first scene, a large group of girls shouted loudly below, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Together! Together!"

"Hurry up and cook the raw rice into rice!"

"Let the prince give birth to you!"


So how can two men have children? Do you think it’s those danmei novels about sons inheriting their father’s blood and boys and girls!You are so rotten, hurry up and take a bath with a strong cleansing powder!

What made Hua Ye vomit blood even more was that under the stage, the black-bellied girl Lafayer was smiling and waving her hands happily. Although she didn't speak, the meaning in her eyes was quite obvious: "Hua Ye, come on, let's have a baby as soon as possible!" , otherwise it will be snatched away by the ruthless brave."


I'll let you take ten months of maternity leave when you go back! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


After Hua Ye kidnapped the prince, he left the stage very quickly, and the rest of the time was full of Liuhua and Satania's home time. From time to time, a few melon-eating girls would come up to play cameo roles.

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