
The girl who fell from the sky stood up, walked respectfully behind Hua Ye, and stood quietly like a maid.

At this time, everyone could see her appearance and attire clearly, as if the three-dimensional facial features of Westerners were extremely exquisite, like the most exquisite porcelain doll, without any flaws, and the long silver hair was scattered on her shoulders, like a surprise under the moon, Exudes a graceful beauty.

The clothes on her body were actually leather armor similar to that of Amazon female warriors. No, it was not leather armor, but a black battle armor made of unknown materials, with a cold luster flowing on the surface, covering the key parts of the body.

It is said that black makes you look thinner, and against the backdrop of the black armor, this mysterious girl looks even thinner, with a cool and independent look all over her body, as if she will go home in the next moment.

"Hua, classmate Hua Ye?" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, subconsciously pointing at the girl standing beside Hua Ye, "She is..."

Ordinary people don't know what those gray feathers were just now, but Wei Nai finally recognized them.

That is basically the existence of the upper angel level, the force field formed after the power is leaked!

Even in hell, the number of upper-level existences is quite rare, there is only one college dean, and now, at the school festival in the world, such a powerful mysterious girl unexpectedly descended?

Not only Wei Nai, but Gabriel below also opened her eyes wide, with the words "Meow Meow Meow" above her head.

"Master Bai Yu?" Alice asked curiously, "What is this acting in? Did you take the wrong script?"

Rafael opened his mouth, but unfortunately, he didn't know what to say, so he could only say: "Probably the script was taken by mistake..."

"You go down and wait for me first." Hua Ye raised his hand and ordered.


The mysterious girl saluted respectfully and walked backstage.

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai: "Continue to perform."

"Ah... oh."

Although the performance continued, it was a pity that everyone's thoughts had already flown away, talking about the incident of the mysterious girl who fell from the sky.

"Which class is that young lady in?"

"It's definitely not from our school, otherwise it's impossible for me not to know such a beautiful young lady!"

"Couldn't it be an Internet celebrity? Internet celebrities nowadays are doing everything they can to build momentum."

"In this era of 'appearance is justice', do you think the girl just now needs to create momentum? As long as you take a random photo, there must be countless people chasing after you, right?"


The show ended in a hurry.

Biting her lower lip, Wei Nai followed Hua Ye off the stage suspiciously and curiously.

As soon as I got backstage, I saw that girl standing quietly behind the stage, letting a group of melon-eating girls surround her and chirp and ask questions, without saying a word.

Only when she saw Hua Ye coming down, did the girl's eyes light up: "My king..."

"Don't call me that now." Hua Ye shook his head. Although the facts are true, he will definitely be treated as a secondary illness by others.

"Brave, brave!" Liuhua hugged Hua Ye's arm, the hair on the top of his head swayed from side to side, and his eyes sparkled, "Is this the familiar you summoned from another world?"

The girl looked at Liuhua. To be precise, it was Hua Ye who let Liuhua hold her arm. Her eyes fluctuated slightly, and then she turned her head and asked, "Princess?"


Even Liuhua, who has always been a sophomore, blushes a little when she hears the title "Wangfei", and hastily let go of Hua Ye's arm.

"No." Hua Ye replied with a dark face.

"Hey, are you guys playing cosplay?" Some naturally dumb seniors reached out and patted Hua Ye's arm, puffed up their cheeks and said, "Liuhua and Satania could act according to the script, but in the end it was Are you adding drama without authorization? Let me tell you, this is wrong..."

Before she finished speaking, the senior sister felt a chill, as if someone poured a bucket of ice water on her head in the dog days of summer, and couldn't help shivering.

Hua Ye frowned and said, "You should disarm the battle first."


The mysterious girl respectfully responded, the gray wings on her back and the black armor on her body disintegrated in an instant, turning into pieces of feathers and dissipating into the air.

A flawless carcass was immediately exposed to the air, and its white skin was even whiter than the snow on the tip of the Layue Mei.


Wei Nai hurriedly took off her witch's cloak and put it on the girl's shoulders.

Fortunately, there was a group of girls around just now, which objectively acted as a screen for the human body, and they never disappeared. However, after seeing the other person's figure, many of them showed shocked expressions and squatted in the corner to draw circles. .

The senior couldn't help but muttered to herself: "I heard that Peking Opera can change faces instantly. At that time, I thought it was amazing. Is there such a thing as changing clothes instantly?"

You're enough, that's Sichuan Opera Changing Face, not all opera singers are from Peking Opera!Moreover, face-changing in Sichuan opera is the only state secret in the theater world, which is much more difficult than instant clothing explosion!

After entering the locker room, Wei Nai bit her lip, and finally couldn't help asking: "Student Hua Ye, is she..."

Hua Ye replied, "She was my former secretary."

"The secretary who has something to do, the secretary who has nothing to do as a secretary?" A rant suddenly sounded from the side.


All the people present were suddenly covered in black lines.

"I, I won't talk anymore!" Seeing Hua Ye looking over with a dark face, the senior quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

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