But other people's aid and handover is for money, and this dragon lady's aid and handover is for food!

Alma's eyes were slightly distracted, as if following Thor's words, imagining the scene where she opened her legs and waited for Hua Ye to feed... Then she finally came to her senses, her face flushed suddenly, she almost shook her head like a rattle, her eyes were It turned into a wave pattern: "That kind of thing...that kind of thing is impossible! Although the food is super delicious, I will never open my legs!"

"whispering sound……"

Thor's face was full of displeasure, and he wanted to say something more, but Xiao Lin raised his hand and knocked a chestnut: "Eat seriously!"

"It hurts." Thor put his head in his hands, pretending to be tearful, "Little Lin actually hit me for outsiders?"

"Because you talked too much today."


After eating, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. Hua Ye didn't stay long, so he said goodbye and left.

Just after changing shoes at the entrance, Erma, the dragon lady, came over suddenly, put her hands on her chest, blushed slightly, and asked in a low voice with some hesitation: "That... Can you tell me Xiaoye's email address? I?"

In the island country, SMS messages from different telecommunication providers could not communicate with each other, so in Japan, SMS messages are not as popular as emails. However, with the development of the line, the distinction between SMS messages and emails has gradually become blurred.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, Alma hastily explained: "I didn't want to touch you..."

There's nothing wrong with touching porcelain, as long as you can afford it.

"It's not that I want to come to your place to eat and drink, but can Xiaoye make me a meal when I have time occasionally?" Alma raised her hand to cover her chest, bowed and saluted, begging , "I'll pay! Please! Let me do anything as long as, as long as it doesn't spread my legs!"

Hua Ye really wanted to say something, if you don't open your legs, you can do anything, so it's okay to show your chest and buttocks?

If you want to ask for food, show me your breasts and buttocks to show your sincerity!

"Promise her, promise her..."

Thor gestured with his mouth behind Erma's back, obviously not for Erma's sake, but to protect Kobayashi.

"This is the request of my life!"

Alma still maintained her bowing posture, which meant that Hua Ye would not get up if she didn't agree.

"Okay." Hua Ye thought for a while, nodded and agreed, anyway, there are many people who go to his place to grab a meal, and this dragon lady is no exception.

"Thank you, thank you Xiaoye!"

Elma held the phone in her arms and asked expectantly, "Then are you free tomorrow?"

"You...?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Alma raised her hand and asked, "I want to touch porcelain tomorrow... No, it's for dinner, can I?"



at the same time.

Celestial Abnormal Energy Monitoring Center.

An angel with wings on his back and a halo on his head propped his chin with his hands, looking boredly at the colorful instruments in front of him.

In the era when angels were not yet called "birdmen", everyone drank the morning dew and fed on flowers. Later, with the development of the times, more and more souls of the new age ascended to heaven, and the way of life in heaven also rapidly progress.

It is a pity that nowadays, technology is more and more developed, and there are fewer and fewer human beings with pious beliefs, so that the entertainment and lifestyle of the world and heaven have opened up at least an era.

"It's so boring, I really miss the days of playing in the world... Tapu Jiang went to the world to play, and brought back a lot of delicious snacks. Should she be allowed to play in the world again? It's a pity that the application is very slow. It's hard to approve..."

The next moment, a warning red light suddenly flickered, causing the girl to sit up straight.

"A strong power fluctuation was detected...it's the world that Tap-chan went to last time..."

"The energy level is rising... surpassing the upper angel and reaching the master angel level!"

"A master angel-level existence actually came to plane 233?!"

The girl opened her eyes wide and didn't dare to hesitate. She quickly picked up the old-fashioned landline and started making calls.

There are many small planes attached to heaven, but under normal circumstances, angels will only observe and record silently as observers, and will not randomly interfere with the development of a world, even like Gabriel and Laura. Phil's angels who went to the world for further study will be punished according to the situation if they use their power to affect the world line.

There is only one situation where angels will intervene, and that is when powerful creatures invade the plane, because this kind of unscrupulous invasion often brings destruction and destruction, which is absolutely not allowed.

"What's wrong?" A calm voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"Report Lord Hand of God, plane 233 has detected a strong energy reaction of the main angel level, please deal with it as soon as possible."

"Understood, leave it to me."

Chapter 743

Not long after returning to the apartment, there was a feeble knock on the door.

Hua Ye went to open the door, and saw the useless angel next door standing outside the door, wearing a tiger pajamas, with his hands in his pockets, his face was impatience like a bad girl: "I..."

"Bento is in the kitchen, fruit is on the coffee table, drinks are in the refrigerator, take whatever you want."

Gabriel let out a sigh: "You..."

"I met Thor when I was shopping for clothes in the mall, and then I went to Kobayashi's for dinner, and I just came back."


"Illya is using the computer to learn knowledge."

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