"I... I won't go down!"

Igarashi snorted softly, and couldn't help raising her chin, revealing a beautiful white and delicate neck.

It's fine when there are no outsiders. Now that there are outsiders, if you tell me to go down, I will go down. Isn't it very embarrassing?

I don't want to be majestic!

Hua Ye turned to look at Kitano Haruka: "You go back first, I'll take care of it here."


The bob-haired girl responded, clutching the love letter to her chest, and ran away in small steps with her head down.She also knew that she was a little dazed, and she couldn't speak, so she couldn't help much if she stayed, and it would probably add to the chaos.After running for a certain distance, he stopped and turned his head carefully to look back.

Then I saw...

"Hey, how did classmate Hua Ye grab Mr. Igarashi's arm?"

"Could it be that Mr. Igarashi wanted to physically punish classmate Hua Ye just now?"

"No, no, teacher Igarashi likes to swear, but she has never had a record of corporal punishment, and boys are not allowed to come within three meters of her..."

"Wait... Why is Teacher Igarashi blushing?!"


Kitano Haruka opened her eyes wide, and an unbelievable thought suddenly flooded into her mind, so that her mouth opened subconsciously.

"Could it be that...Hua Ye doesn't even let the teacher off?!"

"But, but teacher-student romance is not allowed, if it is discovered, it will be terrible!"

Just at this time, a melon-eating girl in the same class passed by Kitano Haruka, and when she saw the love letter that Kitano Haruka held in front of her chest, she suddenly felt gossip, like a sparrow on a telegraph pole, chirping and asking: "Hey , Kitano-san? Someone sent you a love letter? Who, who is it?"

Kitano Haruka hadn't recovered from the 'forbidden teacher-student relationship', and subconsciously replied, "It's Hua Ye..."

"Oh... eh?!" The melon-eating girl suddenly opened her eyes wide, with gossip burning in her eyes, "That boy in our class? He actually wrote a love letter to pursue you?"

"No, no!" Kitano Haruka finally came back to his senses, his little face flushed suddenly, and he shook his head hurriedly, "It's just because, because..."

When the words came to his lips, Kitano Haruka hesitated.

If others knew that Hua Ye was going to throw away other people's love letters because he thought it was troublesome, his reputation would definitely be damaged, right?

This bob-haired girl was naturally dull, not the type to be quick-witted, but now she was ashamed and anxious, and couldn't think of a suitable excuse, so she could only plead pitifully: "Anyway, it's not what you think... ..."

"There's no need to explain." The melon-eating girl who asked the question had already raised her hand and patted her chest, "I'll keep it a secret for you!"



"Damn it! Don't pinch my face!" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, "If someone sees me, will I lose face?"

Hua Ye complained:

"Didn't your maid see it a few days ago?"

"Hmph." Igarashi turned her head and snorted, "You will never see that maid again."

Hey, what's wrong with such a bad answer, did you sink the other party into Tokyo Bay?

"I sent her to feed the dogs."

Fuck, you actually feed the dog with a maid, you are going too far.

Igarashi curled her lips, "When she heard the news, she looked quite happy..."

You can still be happy after being dragged to feed the dogs, what kind of terrible torture did that maid suffer under your hands!

"But that's good too. With her by my side, those dogs aren't lonely anymore..."

It's nothing more than dragging and feeding the dog, at most it's physical torture, and you actually let the dog use the maid to relieve loneliness... Is this even destroying the other party's spirit together!

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "Is it really good for you to treat your subordinates like this?"

In the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yunchang was "arrogant but not bearable, bullying the strong but not the weak", so he became a generation of warriors, and countless soldiers under his command died for him, while Zhang Yide was drunk, beat and scolded his soldiers, and was finally killed The subordinates betrayed and cut off their heads, so even if being a boss won't buy people's hearts, don't go too far.

"What's wrong? She really likes those two corgis." Igarashi looked over and said puzzledly, "When I asked her to be the excrement officer, she was very happy and agreed. ...otherwise what do you think?"

Hua Ye was silent for a moment, then turned around and said:


"Hey, don't go, follow me to the rooftop."

"What are you doing on the rooftop?"

Igarashi snorted softly and said, "Come here if I tell you to. Why are you asking so many questions?"

Seeing that Hua Ye's face was dark, this legal loli subconsciously raised her hand to cover her buttocks, she couldn't help but soften her tone, puffing her cheeks and said, "Please go to the morning tea, and I have something important to tell you... ..."


Come to the rooftop.

Another maid waited respectfully by the door.

"Hey, make two cups of tea."

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