Calmly analyze, think carefully, find problems, fool around reasonably...

"Why don't you answer?"

There was already a hint of coldness in Jiaairu's voice.

"Because... because of embarrassment." Shengguang Gabriel blushed slightly, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and said in a compassionate tone, "He is actually treating me as a younger sister for practice."

Hua Ye: "..."

younger sister?

Because I remembered the complaints of the pair of gay friends before, and now I am in a hurry to go to the doctor and pretend to be my sister?

Stop kidding!

If someone kissed and hugged his sister in reality, his leg would have been broken long ago, and he would have been sent to a German orthopedic department!

"I do not have……"

Just as Hua Ye was about to speak, Gabriel suddenly cast a sideways glance.

Although the smile on the crippled angel's face was still sweet, Hua Ye clearly captured the strong desire to survive and the panic of 'we will die if you talk', and even a plea of ​​'don't talk, leave it to me'.

So Hua Ye silently swallowed the words back.

"Sister?" Jiaairu slightly raised her eyebrows, waiting for Gabriel's next words.

"That's right, it's my younger sister!" Shengguang Gabriel clasped his hands together, and said in the tone of God saving people, "He has a younger sister named Alice. Because his mother died in a car accident and his father remarried, so there is an extra sister. My step-sister, but the relationship between my sister and him is not good, so he moved out of the house in a fit of anger, and just lived next door to me..."

Hey, what is going on with such a bad bloody plot!

Why does it sound like a plot from a galgame you played recently! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Actually, he's a good guy..."

What kind of trouble is it to issue a good person card?

"And it's a facial paralysis..."

Hey, you are going too far, the way to save yourself is to slander me!

"So although he wants to get along well with his sister, he doesn't know how to resolve the misunderstanding..." Shengguang Gabriel looked at Jiaailu with adoring eyes, as if looking for a fishing boat in the direction of the lighthouse. Do you reach out to someone in need? So I am helping him learn how to get along with his sister."


I'm sorry, even if Alice is really a younger sister, binding her sister with a tortoise shell seems to be the cause of the German orthopedic disease.

"I see."

Jia Ailu glanced at Hua Ye, the coldness in her gaze dissipated slightly.

She used clairvoyance to see her younger sister's recent situation in the heavens, and knew how her sister had fallen in the world, but she didn't know what Hua Ye had done to Gabriel.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even say a word of nonsense, and just raised his sword and killed him.

the reason is simple.

Because Hua Ye discovered very early on that someone was spying on Gabriel with clairvoyance.

Of course, Jiaailu didn't keep watching her sister's every move in the dark like the perverted sister control, but only checked occasionally.

But just like Hua Ye would not punish Raphael in the movie theater, Hua Ye would naturally not do anything against Gabriel whenever Jiaairu was peeping, because if someone saw it, Hua Ye would not punish her. will feel bad.

"Sister, it's very hot now, may I treat you to a cold drink?" In order to avoid Jiaailu's entanglement, Gabriel changed the subject without a trace, "I'm so happy that my sister can come to see me, you can eat whatever you want .”

This crippled angel was indeed a natural talent for acting, and his unaffected expression almost made Hua Ye believe it.

"Yeah." Gail nodded slightly.

"Sister, let's go there to line up?" Gabriel took Gail's hand in a coquettish tone, "I haven't seen my sister for a long time, I want to add the elements of my sister. (*^▽^*)"


"It's something that makes people happy."


There is a cold drink shop not far from the surrounding stores, probably due to the implementation of discount activities, the popularity is unexpectedly hot.

Hua Ye took a look and found that most of the people queuing in front of the ice cream shop were girls, and there was a frame for measuring their figures beside it. The discount method was very simple, it was to see if the girls who bought ice cream could pass the frame sideways, and passed the frame The narrower it is, the higher the discount, up to [-]% off, and a special name called "Goddess is Coming"...

There is no doubt that this is a good opportunity for girls to show off their figure.

Therefore, although this method is similar to the previous "cup discount", it has not been strongly protested and condemned by feminists, but unexpectedly popular. Basically, everyone can enjoy discounts... because those Girls who know that they are not in good shape will never come here to try.

"Sister, should we try this too?" Shengguang Gabriel tilted her head slightly, "Diligence and thrift are virtues."

Shut up!

You have hundreds of games on Steam, and you still have a plausible saying that "you can earn money if you buy it, and you have already spent money to buy it, so why spend time playing it", you are not qualified to say such a thing at all!

Jiaailu also came to the human world to study. Although she looks serious and rigid, she is not out of touch with the times. Hearing this, she nodded and said calmly: "Okay, you come first."

"Got it, sister."

Gabriel easily passed the body test sideways and successfully obtained the lowest discount of [-]%.

(Heh heh, the cuteness battle was a success!)

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