Your uncle's magician!

Sure enough, nothing good comes out of your mouth!

"I told you, you will be spanked!" Hua Ye said with a blank expression.

"If it's classmate Hua Ye, then there's nothing I can do..." Rafael replied, "For the sake of world peace, I need to supervise you until the threat of classmate Hua Ye is eliminated."

"Don't say that you are preaching!" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "Angels are high-level existences after all, even if all human beings in this world perish, it won't have much impact on you!"

"Oh, classmate Hua Ye really knows me very well."

Hua Ye: "..."


Hua Ye returned to the apartment, and when he passed by Gabriel's room, he could vaguely hear the sound of keyboard tapping coming from inside, obviously that stupid angel was diligently cultivating immortality.

He entered the house, took a shower first, then had a simple dinner, and browsed the strange news online for a while, and it was completely dark.

At this time, the crisp cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Taking a look at the phone, the caller turned out to be the silly hairy girl whom I just met today, Xiaoniao Youliuhua.

Hua Ye pondered for a while, and chose to connect.

"Brave, brave, come and help me! I was looking for the invisible boundary in the park just now, but I met the chief regulator of the management bureau..." Xiaoniao Youliuhua's depressing voice, panting lightly, sounded from the other end of the phone.

Hua Ye remained expressionless the whole time, and after Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua finished speaking, he calmly uttered three words: "Speak human."

"Student Hua Ye is bullying!" A slightly aggrieved grunt sounded from the other end of the phone, "Anyway, the brave come and save me, or you will lose me!"

Sorry, I never wanted you.

"Then, the final caregiver is here!" Xiao Niaoyou Liuhua's panicked running and panting sounded from the other end of the phone, "If she catches me, I will be broken!"

your sister!No matter how you hear this, it’s too bad, what you met was not a dark creature, but an idiot!

"Ah—" With a mournful cry, there was no more sound from the other end.

"Could it be that the girl with secondary illness is really in danger?" Hua Ye frowned slightly.

Although the possibility of this is very small, after all, I promised Wei Nai, so I should take a look to rest assured.

With this in mind, Hua Ye was ready to go out.

When I opened the door, I realized that it was raining lightly outside.

The time is at the turn of spring and summer, and the rainy season is coming, the sky does not know when fine rain falls, and the ground is already wet.

"She should be talking about the park before..." The rain was not heavy, Hua Ye felt that there was no need to open an umbrella, put his hands in his pockets, and walked out directly.

Soon came to the park where I met Rafael on Saturday, under the dim streetlights, the drizzle was like silk, and the cold wind whimpered.

Many of the amusement facilities in this park are very old, even on weekdays, few people come here, let alone on such a cold and rainy night.

So Hua Ye followed the movement and easily found Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua and the final healer she spoke of.


Among the pavilions.

Little Bird Youliuhua stood at the exit on one side, holding a black umbrella, watching the creatures on the opposite side vigilantly.

It was a tall woman with a pretty face, wine-red eyes and long black hair. The woman was wearing a pair of denim shorts, revealing her snow-white slender legs. On top was a black short-sleeved shirt, which could hardly conceal her A plump bosom that is about to come out.

"Follow me back." The tall slender woman said lightly, her voice was calm, but it seemed that the cold wind from Siberia was blowing, so that the temperature in the park dropped instantly.

"No return!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua shook her head nervously, clenched the black umbrella in her hand, "I still want to find the invisible boundary line with the brave man, and I will definitely be able to find it today!"

The tall slender woman chuckled lightly, as if overlooking a god in the world, and then her voice gradually became deeper.

"In this case... it is necessary to punish you."

The next moment, a cold light flashed, and the tall slender woman grasped it gracefully with her right hand...

a spoon?

And it’s also a common cooking spoon!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him to come here.

Now that you're dueling, take it seriously!What the hell is taking out a cooking spoon!In an instant, it plummeted to the height of a three-story building!

"Ju, did you actually take out the gun of judgment to end the dawn again?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua took a step back and said vigilantly.


The gun of judgment that ended the dawn?

What's wrong with such a domineering name!

No matter how powerful the name is, it is clearly an ordinary stainless steel spoon!

You can buy one at the market price of [-] yen!

"Hmph, it seems that I can only use all my strength..." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua held the automatic umbrella in his hand in a low voice, and opened the umbrella with the sound of 'canopy', "Defend! Black Shield! "

"Attack! The Gun of Eternity!"

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