Jiaairu reached out to take the shaved ice, took a sip with a spoon, nodded calmly and said, "Not bad."

"Hee hee, this is someone's cultivation achievement. (*^▽^*)"


Except for Rafael who raised his hands to cover his mouth, the joy in his eyes was almost overflowing, the rest of the people were all trembling because of Gabriel's malicious and cuteness.

The results of your sister's practice!

Fruit shaved ice only needs to use a shaving machine to cut the ice cubes into ice chips. There is no technical content at all. Even elementary school students can easily do it!

It can only be said to deceive my sister.At this moment, Gabriel has completely abandoned her sense of shame, and her skin defense is +999.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

"Sister, sit down first, I'll make some shaved ice for everyone." Gabriel, who was shining with holy light, turned and walked back to the kitchen.

Gabriel worked hard.

Diligent and kind-hearted Gabriel.

The whole body is full of Xi Jia Baili.

At this moment, Hua Ye suddenly looked forward to the expression of this useless angel after learning the truth.

The elder sister, Jia Ailu, has been watching the play silently, but Jia Baili doesn't know it, and instead calls herself a "plan master", trying to play with her sister... It's a pity who plays who, it's decided from the beginning. .

"Poke poke-"

A finger poked Hua Ye quietly under the table.

Hua Ye turned to look at Rafael.

"Hey, Hua Ye, would you like some popcorn?"

"Why eat popcorn?"

Rafael reached out and tapped her chin, closed one eye, and smiled happily: "Because my intuition tells me that classmate Hua Ye is in a good mood now... Popcorn goes better with watching a movie."

Chapter 758

How to play a perfect sister?

Gabriel said that she has a lot of experience.

Being able to act like a spoiled child and being cute is of course an essential move, in addition to that, you also need to grab your sister's heart and stomach.

"Sister, it's getting late, shall I go make dinner?"

Gabriel spoke softly.

Jiaairu glanced at Gabriel, eating strawberry shaved ice slowly, with a calm and calm temperament on her body: "Go."

"Got it, sister."

But not long after, the useless angel came over from the kitchen, with a pitiful and aggrieved expression on his face: "I'm sorry, sister... the natural gas stove seems to be broken, and it's too late to fix it now, I'll borrow it from the next door." Kitchen?"

Before Gailu spoke, Gabriel whispered again:

"Sister is the best, teach Alice how to get along with brother?"

Although Alice really wanted to refute "I'm not my sister", but she had promised to help in the kitchen just now, now she could only turn her face away reluctantly, as if she didn't want others to preach.

Gail took another bite of fruit shaved ice, nodded and said:

"I see."

"Thank you sister." Gabriel thanked gently, turned to look at Hua Ye, with a gentle tone, "Then please trouble Hua Ye, can you lend me the use of the kitchen?"

In name, you are borrowing the kitchen to cook, but in fact, you plan to borrow the cook as well!

Hua Ye suppressed the urge to complain, and got up silently: "Come here."

"Thank you Hua Ye."


Walking into Hua Ye's room, the crippled angel breathed a long sigh of relief as if he had escaped from the cave.

"Huh~~ I'm exhausted!"

The gentle and lovely holy light mode disappeared, replaced by salted fish mode.

"Look at what?"

The useless angel raised his brows and looked at Hua Ye ferociously: "You were comfortable watching the show before, right? You should be the one who should be worried, but in the end I was exhausted inside, and you were comfortable outside." The enjoyment of serving... Believe it or not, I will beat you!"

I can't refute it by watching a play, but what am I worried about?

The only one who is afraid of being punished is whether you are good or not.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and instead of telling the information that Jia Ailu had already seen through everything, he said with a straight face: "Your voice is so loud, are you sure your sister can't hear it?"


The crippled angel was like a cat pinched by the back of its neck, and instantly became quiet. She raised her hand to cover her mouth, and looked around like a little hamster. Seeing that her sister didn't come in, she breathed a sigh of relief, " You go and bring me a bottle of drink, and then hurry to cook..."

Hua Ye was speechless: "Then what are you doing?"

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