Elijah asked:

"As a maid or as a secretary?"


Of course as a secretary!

Let the secretary wear a maid outfit to negotiate with others, I don't want to lose face, if it spreads out, I will be regarded as a perverted devil king!

"Secretary status." Hua Ye answered with vacant eyes.

"Yes, my king."

The light on Ilya's body flashed, and she changed her clothes instantly.

"What's the matter with your clothes?" Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

After changing clothes, Ilya's maid outfit disappeared, replaced by a small black suit and hip skirt, flesh-colored stockings and a pair of high-heeled shoes on her legs, a pair of pink glasses on her face, and a pair of pink glasses in her hands. Still holding a folder...

"As a maid, you must always think of your master." Illya replied in a calm tone, "I joined a maid forum on the Internet, and the master usually plays various dress-ups on the maid, so I Many sets of uniforms have been prepared to meet the various demands of the owner.”

Hey, you're going too far, who wants to play uniforms... Although this uniform looks pretty good.

Hua Ye's face was dark: "I always feel that you have prepared something terrible..."


"Huh???" Three question marks appeared above Hua Ye's head.

Ilya replied calmly: "People often say that the husky is hot, so..."

So you prepared a husky uniform, let me play husky play!

Sure enough, she is a perfect maid who puts her master first. Would you like to give you a certificate of perfection as a maid? (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

The corners of Jiaailu's eyes twitched, and his three views were shocked again.

"You don't need to go to the German orthopedics department, so it's an office romance?"

"Master, I'm leaving." Ilya bowed and saluted.


The two armies are at war, and they are not beheaded. Now it is a "rule of law society". There may be fighting and killing, but the high-level leaders of the big forces will never meet and die, because no one can bear the seriousness of lightly fighting. as a result of.

The light of the magic circle flickered, and Illya and Gael disappeared from the rooftop.

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze and stepped down from the rooftop.

"Hey, where's sister?" Gabriel asked curiously.

Hua Ye said:

"She's in a hurry, so she's going back first."

"Hey, Sister Jiaailu went back so soon?" Raphael showed a 'very disappointed' expression on his face, "I still want to see Xiaojia's explosive acting skills for a while."

"What?" Satania put her right hand on her face, and put on a special shameful posture, "You guys didn't let me talk, so I don't have a chance to compete with Gabriel's sister now, right?"

The useless angel raised her slender eyebrows: "Sister has really gone back?"


Gabriel, who received an affirmative answer, immediately smiled, turned around and walked towards Satania with a smile on her face.

"You, what are you doing?"

"Don't do it."

"Then when you talk, put down the utility knife in your hand!"

"Sorry, I got it wrong."

"Since you are sincerely apologizing, I'll... you actually went to the kitchen and changed it into a kitchen knife, that's even more extreme, okay?"

Chapter 764 Cao Cao's True Preference


There was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

In any case, Gabriel finally put down the knife, and with a holy angel's sanction, knocked down the idiot Meow.

"Huh~~ It's comfortable." The useless angel clapped his hands, his face was still full of murderous intent, "Every day you say that you are wise and foolish, so you should know how to write the word dead, right?"

He actually said that he and Wei Nai came out of the closet, which made him lose face in front of his sister, absolutely unbearable.

"Hey, how about using a rope to tie Her Highness Satania to the chair?" Rafael took out a rope with a smile.

"Why do you carry this kind of thing with you!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining.

"Actually, you can also have a leather whip."

"That kind of thing is too obscene!"

"Eh?" The black-bellied girl looked up at the sky, "I heard that when we used to educate the poor children, we would hang them up and beat them with a whip... What does Wei Naijiang think the whip is for?"


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