Candlelight dinner or something, that kind of thing is too fast!

"Because I have to work overtime, I don't have time to go back." Hashimoto Qingyin continued, "As for the candles, I have them in the bedside table. If you want to use them, take them yourself."

"I don't know how to use candles! Hua Ye and I go out to eat!"

"But the ingredients in the refrigerator can't be put anymore."

Machiko pursed her lips, unable to speak.

"If it's okay, I'll hang up first?" Hashimoto Qingyin said lightly, "By the way, pay attention to safety, don't make..."

Machiko's pretty face turned even redder, and she couldn't help shouting:

"It won't make a child!"

"Hey, I'm telling you to be careful when using candles, don't make a fire, it's not children."


"If I become a grandmother now, even I will be very distressed."


Chapter 767

"Mom is really..."

After hanging up the phone, Machiko puffed up her cheeks: "Obviously she asked me to call you over for dinner, but now she suddenly said that she has to work overtime..."

Hua Ye didn't care, he took a bite of the apple and said:

"It's better if your mother isn't here."

Although Machiko's mother looks soft and weak, and her words are as gentle as water, she is actually quite difficult to mess with.

For example, she knew that Machiko was very thin-skinned, but she deliberately brought up the matter of the candlelight dinner. In the end, she just said it casually. Because of embarrassment, of course the two of them would not have any candlelight dinner.

Hearing Hua Ye's answer, Machiko held the apple in her hand and pursed her lips in shame and joy.

(What does Hua Ye mean by this sentence?)

(Why don't you want your mother back? Are you trying to say...the two of you are better off alone?)

(If you are alone, do you want to have a candlelight dinner for two, or do you want to do that, that kind of thing?)

Thinking of this, the girl's cheeks gradually became redder than the apple in her hand.

(If Hua Ye really wants to do that kind of thing, what should I do?)

Afraid of what to come, Machiko was feeling dizzy when he suddenly heard Hua Ye say, "Let's get started."

"Eh?" Machiko was taken aback, subconsciously thinking that Hua Ye wanted to do that kind of thing, and was at a loss, "Now, do you want it now?"

"Well, just in time when your mother is away."

Hua Ye didn't want to greet Hashimoto Qingyin, so he wanted to finish cooking as soon as possible and then leave.

As a result, these words fell into Machiko's ears, making this black, long, straight girl even more sure that Hua Ye wanted to do that kind of thing, otherwise, why would she say this while her mother was away.

Machiko's eyes wandered, and his face was so red that he could almost bleed, making people wonder if he would be burned by the scorching temperature if he got close: "I, I won't..."


After all, you are also a member of the culinary art department, and it's not like you haven't cooperated before, so why don't you suddenly?

Hua Ye didn't think too much, and said casually:

"I teach you."

"Okay, okay..." Machiko pressed one hand on her chest, trying to slow down her rapid heartbeat so as not to faint.

"Hurry up." Hua Ye urged.

Now that you have decided to cook, eat the apple in your hand quickly, and then go to the kitchen. Why didn't you respond for a long time?

Machiko's breathing became more and more rapid, as if even the temperature in the air had risen: "I, I see..."

However, he said he knew it, but his body didn't move. Instead, he was like an ostrich, almost retracting himself into the sofa, even his bangs and eyelashes were trembling uncontrollably.

Hua Ye was a little confused: "Are you feeling unwell today?"

"No, no discomfort..." Machiko bit her lip and pressed her chest with one hand, "It's just a little bit of psychological pressure..."


Why is there psychological pressure to cook a dish?

It's not that you are going to eat Satania's dark dishes, why do you look like you are going to the execution ground?

"If you don't want to do it, next time?" Hua Ye suggested.

"Yes, yes..." Machiko had water steam rising from the top of his head, and he entered the steam girl mode for some reason, resisting the shame of passing out, and said in a trembling voice, "If, if student Hua Ye is very If you want..."

What do I want?

Hua Ye became more and more confused.

It's clear that you are on the way and asked me to teach you cooking skills, okay?

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